That group of people is a bit stunned.

Since they are looking for Zhao Fang and Nezha, they naturally have a choice. In their eyes, Zhao Fang and Nezha, they are only the cultivation base.

And among them, there are three cultivation bases, one true cumivation base! And dozens of Tianxian six to the excellence of the peak cultivation base.

It can be said that they have never doubted that they can win Zhao Fang and Nezha.

After all, they saw Zhao Fang and Nezha, only the fairy 3-Layer and the five cultivation base.

Just like the cultivation base, how can they be afraid.

But who would have thought that the two people actually hide the cultivation base, and the Strength is so powerful!

At this point, one of the team’s never-speaking maskers, coldly snorted, is loud: “court death! Take action together, don’t think that hiding the cultivation base can escape, don’t waste Time!”

Then, it is move towards Zhao Fang.

I saw him slamming a long blade, and the long blade at the same time, it was a bang!

In a flash, terrifying’s Pressure’s Might swept through.

Zhao Fang expression slightly changed, with the slightest hesitation’s move towards the side to dodge past!

With a bang, Blade Qi squatted directly at the place where Zhao Fang was standing!

It is also strange to say that this Luoxu Palace seems to be made of special materials!

The person who took the action is a cultivation base. It is such a powerful knife. If it is in Outer World, it is not impossible to move the mountain.

In this Luoxu Palace, it just left a shallow pit on the ground!

The most strange thing is that at this time, the power of mysterious emerged in the Luoxu Palace.

The five people who had just been killed by Zhao Fang and Nezha were directly absorbed by the ground.

Regardless of Fleshy Body or Remnant Spirit, it seems that even if there is no resistance to the Ability, it is absorbed by the ground.

And after a while, the ground is already, and you can’t see the slightest trace.

If the traces of the fight have not disappeared, it will even make people feel that there is no fighting at all.

Moreover, Zhao Fang seems to find out that even if the traces left by them during the battle, they are slowly and automatically repaired.

This Luoxu Palace is really amazing.

Of course, at this time, Zhao Fang is not the time to observe this.

Among the group of people, the only true fairy double master and another one of the true masters, the excellent take action and Nezha.

Nezha struggled hard and maintained.

But in front of Zhao Fang, I have to face two masters who are really important!

As for the surroundings, it is a constant glimpse of dozens of cultivation bases.

If you want to beat them, you can be so simple.

Of course, these people did not expect it, Zhao Fang and Nezha actually had such a strong Strength.

Especially Zhao Fang, they are ready to see that before they think that Zhao Fang only has XENCEX-Layer Strength, simply can say that any one of them can easily take Zhao Fang.

Who would have thought that this Zhao Fang was in the moment of the outbreak, but it was able to instantly kill two heavenly six ex-existence!

“You, turned out to be a fairy peak?”

“Very good, very good, I didn’t expect that your two people were not so stupid, hiding the cultivation base is completely hidden!”

“I am waiting for the idea. If you come to this Luoxu Palace, you can’t wait to make yourself look more powerful, so that you can avoid being used as a layman by your peers!”

“No one has hidden the cultivation base in the Luoxu Palace. I am waiting for it!”

Zhao Fang whispered across the face of the real fairy.

This also explains to Zhao Fang why the hiding between him and Nezha is not too subtle, but why these people have no doubt at all.

They dare not have the slightest doubt at all.

Because in this Luoxu Palace, only you are strong enough to be sacrificed by your companions when necessary.

Of course, Zhao Fang at this time will not talk nonsense with them.

There are many enemies, and the time of Lox Palace is limited, so Zhao Fang is not keeping a hand.

In an instant, Zhao Fang directly exported dozens of tokens from the System, and then with the slightest hesitation move towards these people throwing them out…

“Symbol! Damned, which factor is which inflation! Actually carry so many powerful charms!”

“Fast, defense!”

Zhao Fang was so suddenly taking a take action, but these people were shocked.

Because of the fairy charm thrown by Zhao Fang, each one is the strong 悍 符 拥有 拥有 in cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult

Even the few fellows of the cultivation foundation existence did not dare to care.

They have offered Magical Treasure and are ready to resist.

However, Zhao Fang is loudly shouted: “Nezha, go!”

It turned out that Zhao Fang already felt that there was a small door between the hills, which may be the entrance to the underground palace that these people said.

And there are many enemy, Zhao Fang does not want to delay Time here.

So, it is to call Nezha to leave!

Nezha knows, immediately merges with Zhao Fang, two people without the slightest hesitation’s move towards the small door rushed over, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

As for the outsiders, when they are ready to meet the powerful charms that Zhao Fang has thrown out.

However, I suddenly found out that these are actually fake charms!

While take the action at the time of the might.

After the real detonation, it was just a small thunder.

Don’t say they kill them instantly, even if they don’t do the slightest defense, I’m afraid they can’t hurt them!

“damned, got cheated!”

The masked man angrily said.

Then there was a subsequent wave: “Catch me!”

This group of people did not hesitate, but also the rapid move towards the entrance to the underground palace.

Just after everyone disappeared, in the hills surroundings, again filled with strange aura, as for the traces of the battle, completely disappeared.

It seems as if no one has ever been here…

Zhao Fang Of course, impossible really uses dozens of matches to delay those people!

Because these people are not worth tens of fairy charms!

This group of fellow, only the four true fairy cultivation base’s fellow can still enter Zhao Fang’s eyes.

As for the other people, in the eyes of Zhao Fang, even the kind of junk nothing more than killing.

Coupled with the time limit of the exploration of Lox Palace, he will not waste Time on those people!

On the other hand, Zhao Fang is also considered, since it is said that this Luoxu Palace may use the founder everywhere, that is, the blood sacrifice sacrifice.

Then keep these people, maybe there will be usefulness in the future.

Two people rushed through the door.

But just after they entered the underground palace, it was a bit stunned. I didn’t expect it to look like a hill inside, but it was a different hole.

At this time, in front of Zhao Fang, they are indeed a palace.

However, it is a stretch of buildings.

Among the buildings, the biggest aura is dead! The whole underground palace is very dead, as if it seems that even the air is dead!

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