“The Fountain of Life! This turns out to be the Fountain of Life!”

Whether it is Zhao Fang or Nezha, it is a bit shocking at this time!

The Fountain of Life, Zhao Fang has heard of it, but it is limited to hearing.

It is said that the spring of Life Spring, even if it is just a drop, can also extend 1000-year!

And, regardless of the cultivation base, regardless of physique!

Even if you are a mortal mortal, you can drink a thousand more lifespan!

This Rank Qibao, it can be said that only the existence is in the legendary.

Unexpectedly, today, they are able to meet a life fountain!



Suddenly, Zhao Fang frowned.

This may not be the true fountain of life.

Because Zhao Fang found that the dead bodies also appeared not far from the spring.

The corpse will be poured into the Array next to it.

After Array transfer, and after a series of refinements, like Alchemist or the system, the death will go through the a path of processing, and then enter the life fountain.

The Fountain of Life is slowly filling up because of these deadly injections.

When it reaches a certain level, it will emits a life of anger, rushing to the beast!

Can you say that this palace…

No, it should be said that the whole Luoxu Palace is actually a Great Array!

And the core of this Great Array is the Beast and the Fountain of Life?

Zhao Fang’s doubts are getting heavier and he is not afraid to guess, because it seems that every guess is possible, but there is an existence vulnerability!

Suddenly, Zhao Fang seemed to think of something and suddenly looked up!

Sure enough, the strange eyes in the sky are still there, and still look at at Zhao Fang two people!

This eye seems to have some kind of power, and people will forget it unconsciously!

Even if he is so conspicuous, but still will be forgotten!

What is this power?


“They are there! Hey, damned fellow, see where you are going this time!”

Just when Zhao Fang was immersed in thinking.

In the distance, it is the sound of someone coming.

Zhao Fang looked up, but it was the people who entered the underground palace together with them.

Unexpectedly, these people actually caught up here!

Zhao Fang waved, the Heavenly Dragon sword appeared in his hands, and Nezha also offered the red dragonfly to prepare the battle.

“what is that?”

Suddenly, someone discovered the Fountain of Life around Zhao Fang.

After all, that rich Life Aura, no one can ignore his existence!

“The Fountain of Life turns out to be the Fountain of Life! This Lost Palace, actually the existence at a glance at the Fountain of Life!”

“ha ha, developed, this is developed! What Xianjun Inheritance, compared to this life fountain, Xianjun Inheritance what counted!”

Someone shouted.

Indeed, this is a spring of life.

According to the 1000-year calculation of a drop of spring water, then the whole spring of Life Spring, if taken by people, is almost equal to eternal life!

With an endless life, isn’t it still impossible to cultivate to a better level?

Those people’s eyes reveal a fanatical expression.

Even already, someone threatened to say: “brat, get out of the way, I can spare you a life!”

At the moment of seeing the Fountain of Life, these people are left with greed, and they will care about Zhao Fang!

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, it seems that these people have not found the difference in the Spring of Life.

However, since some people want to try this Surprise of Life.

Then Zhao Fang is also happy to see.

And Nezha signaled.

Two people are fast back.

No one is chasing Zhao Fang two people.

At this time, in their in the eyes, there is only one eye of Life!

“You, let’s go and see if the Fountain of Life is really fake!”

Among the group of people, the only true fairy, the two Powerhouse, said to a person of the Sixth Heaven.

It seems that he is quite cautious even if he is not aware of the surprise.

However, the six-hearted fellow can not hesitate.

That is the spring of life, even if it can be more than a drop is also a big profit, plus this surroundings seem to be no danger at all, then what is he hesitating?

However, the person is cautious, or one step step carefully.

However, what everyone expected was that even the person was as careful.

The strange danger is still coming!

No one even knows what happened!

Everyone just saw that the one step walked towards the spring of life, but then, every step of the step was a bit sluggish, and when it came to the back, it felt like it was just like walking dead and losing consciousness!

This is not counting!

Even more strange people, everyone clearly sees that the person is rapidly aging, as if his life force is being extracted by some kind of mysterious power!

“damned! There is Restriction next to this Life Spring!”

The true fairy doublefellow whispered.

At the same time, the eyes turned to Zhao Fang two people!

It seems that he wants to let Zhao Fang two people go to experiment!

However, Zhao Fang and Nezha are just a faint look at them.

In particular, Zhao Fang, offering more than a dozen fairy charms, is swimming around!

That is obvious, but dare to come, it is directly immortal!

How is the real fairy double, facing the more than a dozen miraculous charms, but also have wariness!

Even if they are still skeptical, Zhao Fang this time is not a fake fairy!

Can it be true?

Even if only one of them is true, it will definitely kill most of this group of people!

Suddenly, Zhao Fang looked up, but saw that in the eyes, it flashed a trace wisdom of rays of light!

This strange scene allowed Zhao Fang to be shocked.

He even feels that it seems that these people are just prey of someone!

It seems that there is a mysterious Powerhouse that has been monitoring their every move!

It’s like, all this, but the hunting grounds set by someone nothing more!

And that eye is the monitoring means of that person!

High in the sky, overlooking everything!

Of course, this is just the feeling of Zhao Fang. After all, there is no way to prove it.


Those people were hesitant at this time, and when they saw one of their companions, they lost their life power completely in a few steps, turning them into corpses, and how they were not afraid.

“You, try it in the past!”

Suddenly, the two-hearted fellow is a two-person fellow.

The two people are obviously unwilling, if the first person is still somewhat excited.

Then this time, even if it is not a fool, I understand that the past is almost dead!

However, when the True Power Dual Powerhouse showed Magical Treasure, threatening the full look at them, they had no choice.

Do not go, maybe will be killed to immediately!

Go, maybe there is still a chance to live!

Two people sacrificed almost all of their cards, be careful!

Even one of them will have a Detoxifying Pill in his mouth. Perhaps, such behavior can make them feel better in their hearts.

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