One step, two steps…

They are careful, each step simply should be called moving.

Before that person’s tragic appearance, they have to be scared, have to be cautious!

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is not the case at all.

Because outsiders in the eyes, their cautious and be careful are clearly visible.

But the changes in their body are not changed at all!

Even if they are moving every one step, even if they are as careful.

Life force is still disappearing, and they are getting old quickly!

“They, they actually don’t know their changes!”

Someone said in horror.

Everyone understands the subtext of this statement, that is to say, the two people start from the first step of the step, perhaps the immediate is controlled by the power of one kind!

This can explain why they don’t know their own changes, even if they occasionally look at each other, even if they look back at behind from time to time…

Become old, dry, and then unconsciously become a walking dead…

Those people were frightened and couldn’t help but retire.

At this time, even Zhao Fang and Nezha did not dare to make any difference.

Even subconscious is farther away from the Fountain of Life.

Another Death of two companions.

Let the true fairy double fall also began to hesitate.

Then look at the horror of everyone around him at him, even if the three real ones are a heavy fellow, it is also a look of alert.

This person knows that if he is forcing others to temper, it will provoke these people to collectively resist.

I looked at Zhao Fang two people and looked at the Spring of Life.

In the end, the man made up his mind: “Go, it’s too weird here, let’s go somewhere else!”

The companions around him were relieved, and they dared to hesitate, and they moved away.

As for Zhao Fang two people, who will pay attention!


When the group of people walked away, Nezha only looked at Zhao Fang and asked, “Zhao Big Brother, what do we do?”

Zhao Fang looks at the Fountain of Life in the distance, but is lost in thought.

That thing is really strange, but since it is so strange, I am afraid it also explains its out of the ordinary.

In addition, Zhao Fang before has speculation, perhaps this life spring and the animal shadow, is the most critical existence of this Luoxu Palace.

Even the entire Lox Palace is just a Great Array, the Great Array that serves these two things!

So, just leave, Zhao Fang is really not willingly.

But he did not dare to rush forward, before the end of the three people, is the best warning for Zhao Fang.

If you rush, you must have only a dead end.

“System, can you analyze what it is?”

Zhao Fang asked.

However, System’s answer is destined to disappoint Zhao Fang.

“Hey, System Prompt, detecting the specified target failed, please Player Zhao Fang Upgrade level!”

With his current Realm, is there even a qualification for investigating that thing?

Is there no way to crack in System?

Zhao Fang slightly frowned ,worthy is the land of Xianjun Inheritance, really not simple!

Helpless, Zhao Fang gathered his eyes on the System store. Maybe there is something useful in the System store.

As Zhao Fang flipped through, very soon, an item appeared in Zhao Fang’s in the eyes.

“Magic Mirror, a one-time Special Item, constructing a Spirit Talisman puppet with Five Elements, you can use a Divine Sense to control this puppet to do everything, lasting Time, an hour!”

Spirit Talisman puppet ?

This seems to be the exclusive presence of Clone.

But he is different from Clone. After all, Clone is created, then the ontology will be backlash.

But the Spirit Talisman puppet is different.

Even if the Spirit Talisman puppet is completely burst, it will have no effect on the ontology.

However, he is able to have almost the same function as Clone.

It can be said that this thing, simply is too suitable for use now.

After all, the strange life spring, swallow’s life!

Even if you use Clone in the past, then it will definitely involve the ontology!

Zhao Fang is hesitant, he has a decision, he has to try it!

Perhaps close to the Fountain of Life, there is no gain at all, but don’t try to know.

Mirage fairy, five hundred and one!

This is paid, Zhao Fang is still worth it!

Without hesitation, Zhao Fang directly exchanged a fantasy Spirit Talisman, which was then used directly.

In an instant, the Spirit Talisman puppet, which is almost identical to the body, appears.

Zhao Fang separated a Divine Sense and quickly controlled the Spirit Talisman puppet, even without any adaptation.

Another benefit of this Spirit Talisman puppet is the ability to complete fusion control in a very short time.

It’s a pity that this Spirit Talisman puppet has almost no fighting power, because he can’t cultivate himself like Clone, nor can he mobilize the power of the body.

Only with the power of Spirit Talisman itself, once it is exhausted, the Spirit Talisman puppet will automatically disappear.

Of course, at least for now, it’s definitely enough.

Zhao Fang controls the Spirit Talisman puppet, one step step move towards the front.

After a short time, he felt a mysterious force hit.

That force seems to be observing the Spirit Talisman puppet.

But after seeing that Spirit Talisman puppet has no vitality, it is no longer taken care of.

However, in this observation process, Zhao Fang was still amazed.

Because of that power, I was able to detect Zhao Fang that a trace Divine Sense.

If it is not Zhao Fang’s Divine Sense is very weak after all.

Saying that it will not provoke the attack of that force.

Dangerous to avoid the first observation, Zhao Fang continues to control the Spirit Talisman puppet forward.

One step, not long after, he came to the life spring.

Carefully observed it.

Spirit Talisman puppet has limited energy, but fortunately, when it has energy, Zhao Fang can use it to use any of its own power.

Even System!

After the observation of the short time, Zhao Fang finally saw the clue.

This Life Spring is indeed using dead air as a nutrient, transforming the power of Life to form a perfect cycle.

But even if you observe this result, it seems that it is not very useful.

Looking at the dry bodies of the surroundings, Zhao Fang was lost in thought.


“No! It seems that the focus of your attention is wrong!”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang seems to think of something.

Then, leaving the Spirit Talisman puppet in the same place, he said to Nezha: “Go, Nezha, let’s go to the Beast Shadow!”

Nezha trusts Zhao Fang extremely. Since Zhao Fang said this, Nezha is naturally nod.

Two people came to the beast shadow, with the experience of the Life Spring, Zhao Fang did not dare to use the ontology to try, so, is again a Exchange Spirit Talisman puppet, one step step moves towards the animal shadow.

As he explored, Zhao Fang became more and more stunned.

Where is the beast!

That turned out to be a projection of a Void…

Just like cave dwelling World! The surface looks like an animal’s existence, but it is a small world!

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