However, this small world has many Restrictions that are far more powerful than the Spring of Life!

Moreover, Zhao Fang finally discovered the secret of this animal and the fountain of life!

It turned out that the small world is the stage of the ready to enter the silence, everything is dying, and the sky is falling apart!

Everything is dissipating quickly!

So, naturally there is the death of the earth!

The master of Kna Luoxu Palace, even using the means of the sky, to construct a complete set of perfect Array, the dead Destiny of this small world, through the conversion, replaced by Life force to re-inject the small world!

Zhao Fang can be seen by the Spirit Talisman puppet.

At the core of the animal shadow, in fact, just a star!

Moreover, the star above is inhabited by some people, but those people do not know, they are facing the threat of Death all the time!

More is impossible to know that their World is falling apart!

In the star’s surroundings, the collapse and the new constant blend, with the powerful Array of Luo Xugong, maintain a certain balance and stability.

It is also because of this stability.

Caused by the Planet, almost no extensence any power conversion!


If you are talking about the image a little.

The stars of the above have actually lived on the last day of their World destruction…

Just like, is living in a dream!

Luo Xu Xianjun, with his own Supreme, for the residents of that star, retained the last day of the destruction.

Let them be silent forever in countless times.

Repeated life, that last day!

Even Zhao Fang is skeptical that the people above World are afraid that memory will stay on the last day.

Repeatedly, continue for thousands of years!

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

Look at the stars in front of you, thinking about the strangeness of Luo Xugong.

However, I really understood the intention of the Luo Xu Xianjun!

Supreme Powerhouse, in fact, the only wish, just want to keep the last day of the World.

Let it not be completely ruined!


At this time, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but think that if one day, the cave dwelling world also faced the final silence.

So, will he do this?

The answer is almost certain!

If there is such a day, as long as Zhao Fang has the Ability, he will certainly do it.

Even if you keep the last day, it will not let the cave dwelling community completely ruin!

After all, retaining the last day is tantamount to leaving the seeds of hope!

As for why not take the star of the above person away.

Zhao Fang also found the reason.

That World is an abnormal silence, perhaps an attack, or perhaps another cause.

However, for whatever reason, it can be said that the silence of World is actually just split second, and then it spreads infinitely.

Wait until the people who want to transfer the stars above, and everything is already too late.

Because, in the early surrounds, the early law is broken, and it is possible to pick up one of the two people, but once the person is more, it will only be dragged into the endless Void.

Therefore, he can only retain the last day and look for other hopes!

After seeing this through.

Zhao Fang couldn’t help but pay a trace of respect to Nao Luo Xianjun.

After all, anyone can see that, in order to complete this scene, the price paid by Luo Xuanjun can be imagined!


Suddenly when Zhao Fang was immersed in thinking, the eye in the sky suddenly projected a Dao Guang mang.

And the rays of light at the moment of landing, but turned into a figure!

That person, standing next to Zhao Fang, looks at Zhao Fang.

It’s only a moment to start to talk: “little friend, I finally waited for you…”

A faint sentence, but full of endless sadness!

“little friend, my name Luo Xu, that is, Luo Xu Xianjun, hehe, Xianjun in your mouth, seems to listen well, but in fact, I am just a poor person!”

“You also saw that the star is actually the place where I was born, my clansman, my family, all in that star above!”

“A million years ago, I was murdered by an enemy, but I didn’t even have the power to resist. I can only rely on the last strength to leave everything now!”

“I have been waiting, waiting for the arrival of a Fated person, waiting for millions of years, my hope is only one, let this dream wake up, even if it makes this dream completely shattered…”

“They should have fallen down a million years ago. It is me. With a few strengths, I stayed on the last day of Time and let them repeat the last day of life for millions of years… ”

The voice sounded loudly and told Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang was able to hear the unwillingness of his words, and he could hear the disappointment in his words!

This Luo Xu Xianjun, did not die! Did not leave.

But it has been attached to this Luoxu Palace, waiting silently for millions of years!

His persistence and conviction made Zhao Fang unable to move.

“Senior, what do you want me to do?”

Zhao Fang has no nonsense, but sincerely said to the phantom of Luo Xu Xianjun.

Luo Xu Xianjun smiled and said: “My hope I have already said, I hope you will end everything for me, almost, I want to change this, and even save them all.”

“But for millions of years, I have done all the means.”

“Also let me fully understand that everything that happened is no longer recoverable. It is my selfishness that has made them live for millions of years. Even in their eyes, it is still only one day…”

“I have no strength to continue to maintain. I came here 100,000 years ago. I selfishly tricked the countless practitioners into here, affecting their minds and letting them slaughter themselves, just to capture their life force and thus maintain me. Practical hope.”

“My hands are full of blood, sometimes I think about it. In fact, for millions of years, the people who were trapped by me, how innocent they are…”

Zhao Fang was a little surprised. He didn’t think that this Luo Xu Xianjun had such an idea.

However, the next words of Luo Xu Xianjun, even more shocked Zhao Fang.

Because I only listened to Luo Xuxianjun and continued: “But even if I am ready to regret it, I can’t stop it from happening!”

“At the beginning, I used my own body as a sacrifice. The soul was a sacrifice. I changed my Mansion and left it all! Even leaving all the treasures, Taoism, etc. that I once owned here, just to find one. Fated person, fulfill my wish for me!”

“But for millions of years, you are not the first person to discover this secret, nor the first person to talk to me, but the hundreds of people before, the final result, but only the death, my Selfish desire is a crime!”

“Even if it is someone who helps me, there is only a dead end…”

Naluo Xianjun is indifferently said. But somehow, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for him.

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