Chapter 286 Exploding Flames Talisman

“This is ?”

Zhao Fang looks at the scene in front of me, not by startstart.

The black cloth shattered, revealing two large iron cages made of pure black Metal with a Rune imprint flashing above.

Inside the cage, two Spirit beasts were held.

The two heads are emits 璀璨golden light’s Boss Level Spirit beast.

On the left side, like a silkworm baby, it is like a snow, emits cold and chill.

On the right, there is a Red Flood Dragon. Unlike the python, This is a real Flood Dragon.

The first two horns, with claws under the belly, with a cold face.

Both Spirit beasts have Tier-8 Initial Stage Strength.

Comparable to human Martial Saint ranked existence !

Two 8th Rank Influence, can catch this level of Spirit beast, have to say that they must have spent a lot of manpower and resources, and even sacrificed a number of discipline.

The facts are true!

In order to grasp these two extraordinary Spirit beasts, two cases died and countless, even Supreme Elder, there are two fallen, the rest are heavy injury.

Even Sect Master is no exception.


The gift of the gift will not fall on the two Vice Sect Masters.

However, they did not expect it.

The Spirit beast, who had almost smashed the whole Sect, had not yet been offered to their beloved Seventh Imperial Prince, and he was holding this thick and big Jinda. The legs were halfway. , was intercepted by Zhao Fang.

If two Sect Masters, as well as Supreme Elder, who is still secluded cultivation, know about it, I don’t know if it will die on the spot!

The two high-level officials will not be mad, and Zhao Fang does not know.

He only knows that his own way is coming!

“tch tch, two Tier-8 Spirit beasts, are also Variation Spirit beast, saying that Body Lock has Divine Beast bloodline.”

Zhao Fang vision flickered, looking at two Spirit beasts, the eyes of the ice Leng Wuqing, the two beasts, the complexion greatly changed.



Akasaka struggled and roared, and wanted to get up, but when it was just moving, it was suppressed by the Restriction Rune on the iron cage. There was a minus to the lightning current, which slammed on it and made it burst into pain.

Compared to the recklessness of Akasaka.

Next to the silkworm baby, it is calm terrifying.

Just blinking at at at Fang Fang.

“Give you a chance to surrender to me, I will let you out, otherwise, let me be the soul of the gun.”

While speaking , Clear-Breeze Ring rays of light flashed into the shape of God Slayer Spear and appeared in the hands of Zhao Fang.

God Slayer Spear is in the hand, Zhao Fang’s aura, suddenly a bit more ruthless killing.

The aura came out, even if it was the red screaming in the roar, the heart was inexplicably trembled, in the eyes flashed a panic.


On the occasion of the imposing manner, it is clear to Sense, which has spread out from Zhao Fang within the body and can tear itself into the killing intent of the countless block!

But even so, Akasaka did not lower its self-proclaimed head. Latest fastest update

It is coldly at at Zhao Fang, in the eyes, and it is faintly ridiculed with a bit of ridicule. It seems to be laughing at Zhao Fang’s overestimate one’s capabilities.

“court death!”

Zhao Fang expression A little cold, sneer, God Slayer Spear suddenly rushed out, ‘pū chī ‘, God Slayer Spear nailed into the red between the eyebrows.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-8 King King Level Boss ‘Red Blood Spirit’,obtain 2000000000 Point Experience Value, 200000000True Force Value Points, 200000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-8 King King Level Boss ‘Red Blood Spirit’, contains Divine Beast ‘Blood Spirit Dragon ‘blood essence (thin).”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-8 King King Level Boss ‘Red Blood Spirit’, obtain Tier-8 ‘Fire Element Beast Core ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-8 King King Level Boss ‘Red Blood Ling’, assured Exploding Flames Talisman *3.”


The thing that broke out in the red blood coffin made Zhao Fang look wrong.

Immediately, there was a strong ecstasy on his face.

He thought that the red blood coffin was just an ordinary boss, but he did not expect that it was King King Boss.

Although can’t compare with Golden Barbarian Bull, this kind of Lord Level Boss, but the good things that broke out are quite a lot.

“It’s no wonder that Flower Sword Sect captures the red blood scorpion, which has Divine Beast ‘Blood Spirit Dragon ‘blood essence, which has the same bloodline Inheritance as the Seventh Imperial Prince of Rush. But it’s cheaper now, there is This blood essence, the broken Baxia Armour, will surely rejoin!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes is shining.

He with the slightest hesitation, swallowed the ‘Blood Spirit Dragon ‘blood essence, and then blended with the Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline refining.

With a path of dragon roar in Zhao Fang within the body.

A slightly reddish Armour slowly condenses in the front and back of Zhao Fang.

This Armour looks like it is not much different from the previous Baxia Armour.

The only difference is the color.

Red as blood!

Scarlet Blood Armour’s all of a sudden, the Baleful Blood Qi, the imposing manner, is the containment of Blood Spirit Dragon’s killer and Berserk.

I have been staring at Zhao Fang’s silkworm, and in this imposing manner, the in the eyes reveal a trace.

It can feel the human within the body, with an existence that makes it extremely fearful.

啪 Bang!

Armour is still condensing.

Red rays of light enveloped his arms and then covered his legs.

After a while.

Zhao Fang whole body, except for the head, the rest of the body, all covered in the Scarlet Blood Armour.

“From 1st layer Great Perfection, it’s a little worse!”

Zhao Fang touched his head.

Determining a layer of Great Perfection is very simple.

Baxia Armour covers the whole body, which is 1st layer Great Perfection.

Zhao Fang although there is no 1st layer Great Perfection, but it is not far away.

“hēi hēi, absorb the bloodline of Blood Spirit Dragon, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline, and the change, now Scarlet Blood Armour can not only defend, it seems, it also affects the function of the mind.”

On the Scarlet Blood Armour, there is a faint red mist.

Red mist contains infinite baleful qi. Anyone who comes into contact with this red mist will inevitably be invaded by baleful qi. Those who are not strong in mind will even be affected by the baleful qi and lose their sanity.

This Rank means that even if the cultivation base is higher than the exclusiveence of Zhao Fang, it will certainly have some wariness.

Zhao Fang is excited, I didn’t expect Blood Spirit Dragon bloodline, it will bring him this change.

He then looks at the next treasure.

Beast Core He doesn’t need to be thrown directly by him to look at his Fog Beast.


Zhao Fang has three more Talisman papers filled with flame aura.

Item: Exploding Flames Talisman

Rank :Tier-8

Introduction: Attack Spirit Talisman, after the detonation, produce a powerful flame attack, the attack enveloped the circumference, under the Martial Emperor 3-Star, all the instant kill!


Zhao Fang’s eyes are shining. “This is the killing trick.”

Just now, he still regrets that Ren Wokuang did not break out of Spirit Talisman.

I did not expect it.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has three, more terrifying Spirit Talisman than the Flame Blade Talisman.

“hēi hēi, King King Level Boss, is extraordinary, don’t know, what can you break out?”

Zhao Fang, who has the sweetness, can’t help but fall on the huge cocoon above.

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