Chapter 287 Butterfly Emperor

“I, I am willing to surrender!”

Just as Zhao Fang looked at the silkworm, a weak voice rang in Zhao Fang mind. Latest fastest update

Zhao Fang was shocked, but his expression was quiet, looking at the silkworm baby. “Is it what you said?”

I saw that the huge cocoon that Zhao Fang stared at, slowly nod.

“I’ll go !”

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang suddenly is not calm.

In his impression.

Spirit beast can only start to talk when it reaches Tier-9.

For example, before the Golden Divine Ox.

But what is the cocoon in the eyes?

Obviously just Tier-8 Initial Stage, it has the power of secret voice transmission!

Zhao Fang suddenly came to curiosity.

“Let’s be happy, don’t resist, otherwise…”

Zhao Fang squinted at the iron cage where Akasaka was located, and its meaning was not clear.

Silkworm baby once again solemn nod.

Zhao Fang vision flickered , Beast Taming Technique transformed into the aperture, falling on the head of the silkworm.

The silkworm baby seems to be aware of it and looks up.

But there is no resistance.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, successfully conquered Tier-8 Initial Stage Spirit beast ‘Butterfly Emperor ‘.”


Zhao Fang was surprised, apparently did not expect that the process would be so simple and simple.

“Butterfly Emperor ?obviously is a cocoon, where is it like a butterfly?”

Zhao Fang is speechless.

Click on the Butterfly Emperor property.

Spirit beast : Butterfly Emperor (young period)

Rank :Tier-8 Initial Stage

Introduction: With Divine Beast ‘Spirit Sovereign Divine Butterfly ‘bloodline, from Butterfly Emperor Evolution to playing butterfly, it takes a lot of resources. Once it becomes a butterfly, Strength is overwhelming and has terrifying Strength to kill Martial God Powerhouse.

“Hey! I’ll go!”

Zhao Fang takes a deep breath, the incredible looks at the front, the constant squirming, looks not very good-looking, and even looks disgusting silkworms.

“Will this goods grow up, can you kill Martial God?”

Zhao Fang is deeply suspicious of this.

“Master, Master, save me!”

The Butterfly Emperor sounds very young and sturdy, like a child who just learned to talk.

Zhao Fang frowns.

He is thinking about whether to kill the Butterfly Emperor or save it.

The pros and cons are obvious.

Butterfly Emperor is King King Level Boss, killing it will make some good things, it is suitable for today’s Zhao Fang.

The downside is that the Butterfly Emperor is in its infancy, and if it is raised, it will inevitably consume a lot of resources.

Zhao Fang lacks this kind of treasure, but now there is one more piece of mouth.

Can you afford it? This is a big problem.

“How long does it take to break the butterfly, how much resources do you need?”

Zhao Fang looks at Butterfly Emperor.

“Master, Master, my appetite is very small, as long as Evolution goes to Tier-9, it can break into a butterfly and leave the childhood. For regular Evolution, 1000-year is needed, but with Divine Grade Spirit Medicine, I am sure In one year, promotes to Tier-9 !”

The silkworm baby is more and more smooth, and at the end, the sound is even more revealing a trace. “Master, save me!”

Zhao Fang indulged in a moment and finally broke the Rune cage with God Slayer Spear and released the silkworm.

“In advance, I have no skills to raise you, need treasures of Heaven and Earth, you can find it yourself. In addition, if I find that you are useless to me, I will kill you!”

Zhao Fang indifferently spoke.

In the end, he still chose to raise it.

after all.

Butterfly Emperor has great potential, and this Spirit beast is extremely scarce.

Saying, regardless of the face of the silkworm baby’s grievances, Zhao Fang grabbed it and put it into the beast taming Space.

At the same time disappeared, and Fog Beast.

“Seventh Imperial Prince ?”

Zhao Fang looks at the Snow Territory Empire, the corner of the mouth reveals a gloomy smile, “get me, count you bad luck!”


Snow Territory Empire, Five Elements Ruins World Headquarters.

Today’s Snow Territory Empire is a lively event.

Countless men and women, singing and dancing, gathered together.

More guests, with a variety of gifts, go to the Seven Kings House in Imperial City.

In the palace.

It’s even more lively to blow and beat.

Especially in the main hall of the palace, people are moving, there are many Great Influences, they all sent Elder or Sect Master, to congratulate.

The gifts they bring are all extremely precious.


In order to please the Seventh Imperial Prince, each Sect is a bloody one.

The backyard of the palace is a bamboo forest.

Covering an area of ​​about tens of acres, there are thousands of houses, but inside, only one person lives.

Yu Xi.


In front of a quiet room, respectfully staring at hundreds of maidservants.

Beside them, there is a place to wash things.

In addition, there is the Phoenix crown, and the newlywed women’s attire.

At the forefront of many maidservants, standing an old

The old man is a wrinkled old face, leaving traces of too many years.

However, his eyes are not as turbid as other old people, but they flash from time to time.

And there is a Martial Dao True Force, which sprang from its with the body.

This is old. It was actually a Martial Emperor level Powerhouse.

“Yu Xi Young Lady, maidservant are waiting outside for a long time. When are you going to open the door, let us dress up for you?”

Daddy (10) 9. Body, directed at the confined door.

There is no response in the room.

Old: As usual, as if you already like it.

Continued: “Yu Xi Young Lady, another half hour is the day when you are married to Seventh Imperial Prince Your Majesty. If you delay it, Seventh Imperial Prince Your Majesty will be angry. When… ”

There is still no response in the room.

The old spring, the sound is a bit more flamboyant, “Yu Xi Young Lady, if you don’t open it again, don’t blame the scorpion’s unruly rules and break into the door.”

In the room, there is still no response.

The old man was hesitant to hesitate, in the eyes flashed a touch of cool color, one step forward, is about to break into the door.


The door opened, and a white dress won the snow, and the temperament was dusted, like the women who came out of the painting.

That women’s complexion is dull, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that her brow, like the distant moon, is slightly wrinkled at the moment, showing her heart’s sorrow.

“Yu Xi Young Lady.”

Seeing the emergence of women, the hundreds of maidservants squatting, along with the old. At the same time.

Yu Xi expressionless, just looking up slightly, glanced at all around, brows slightly wrinkle.

Especially looking at the old man, his brows wrinkled more and more.

This old man is said to be the nurse of Seventh Imperial Prince. He is trusted by Seventh Imperial Prince and is one of the best in the entire seven kings.

Other than that.

Her Martial Dao cultivation base is terrifying.

The level of 6-Star Martial Emperor has been reached.

If this person has been guarding himself, he has left the trapped cage with the Yu Xi cultivation base.


Yu Xi looks at Ma. Said plainly.

After that, I ignored the latter and went straight out.

“Yu Xi Young Lady, you haven’t dressed yet, it’s not good for you to go out.” Ma X was busy in front of Yu Xi.

“Don’t you say that Time is not enough? I am saving Time for you. If it is late, Seventh Imperial Prince blames it, but I have nothing to do with me.”

Yu Xi looks like a smile at the horse

The horse does not move, indifferently said: “Seventh Imperial Prince is the prince of the Snow Territory Empire, representing the face of the entire Snow Territory Empire. If his wife is irrational, it is the biggest sin. Please also Yuxi Young Lady, don’t be hard for Old Servant.”

Yu Xi looked at her eyes deeply. But there is no more to say.

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