At the same time, Zhao Fang gave a shot, and a Pill Medicine fell directly into the old man’s mouth.

“You, what did you give me?”

Old man complexion Daxie, in fact, the reason has been guessed, but he is not willing to believe.

Zhao Fang smiled slightly, indifferently said: “Reassured, as long as you obediently cooperate, I will give you the antidote.”

When I heard this, I immediately said, “Okay, okay, what do you want to know, I can tell you, just ask you not to kill me!”

Think so soon?

Zhao Fang has some doubts.

However, he still asked: “I ask you, those squares are what’s going on?”

I know, this old man is really not hidden.

“The coffin is for the nine city of Vice City Lord. The Vice City Lord wants to set up a Corpse Puppet Legion, and those are just the first ones. If I qualified, I will let us Refining more!”


“You answered so simply, isn’t it hidden?”

Zhao Fang asked faintly.

The old man was shocked and quickly said: “Senior, senior, I am afraid to hide, I am just a trivial Loose Cultivator nothing more, chances are coincident under the corpse of the Temple Corpse Puppet refining method… …”

“The sale of these Corpse Puppet 棺 is just a smuggling of the corpse of the corpse, and it is a meal.”

“Senior, the ancient Corpse Puppet 棺 is my Refining, but the blood of the people, and the material of the Corpse Puppet 都是 are provided by the Vice City Lord, I have never hurt.”

“Senior, I also know that doing this is detrimental to the virtues, but you also know that in this Yuanxu Continent, Loose Cultivator wants to survive very difficult, we are also forced to help.”

The old man said a lot in one breath.

However, Zhao Fang is not too concerned.

Yuan Hui Continent?

In fact, it is not very familiar to the current Zhao Fang.

But one thing he knows, no matter where it is, the days of Loose Cultivator are not too good.

Zhao Fang was quiet and asked: “What is this corpse palace? And is the Vice City Lord not the corpse temple? As for you, if you are not the corpse, why would you make this? Corpse Puppet?”

“Senior, senior Don’t misunderstand, we are really not the corpse of the corpse, this Corpse Puppet’s Refining method is indeed what we got by chance.”

“I am waiting for three people. This is just an extreme ordinary Refining Master. I am going to refining some small things to change some cultivation materials.”

“This time we took the risk and it was for my little apprentice.”

“He is out of the ordinary, but he is a master like me. I just don’t want him to have no future like me!”

“Actually, this Corpse Puppet 棺Refining law enforcement, I got it ten years ago, but even if I have a hard time, I have not used it. This is also the first time…”

The old man said tears, as if it was true or false, Zhao Fang is not good judgment, looks at old man’s attitude, it seems that he did not tell lies.

What can Zhao Fang do, and can he be hidden from him?

“System, check out that brat, I have to see, he has something special.”

Want to confirm the true and false, in fact, you can see if the brat really has something special bloodline and the like.

If there is, then the old man said that there is a three-point credibility.

“Hey, System physique, the target is a special natural talent, six soul eyes!”

Six soul eyes? what is that? Special bloodline?

Zhao Fang is confused, but System will give an explanation soon.

“Hey, System Prompt, the Six Soul Eyes is a defective product of the one kind of special semi-bloodline that Acquired has cultivated, because it only cultivates one eye, so it is not complete.”

“Six soul eyes, in fact, is a six Soul Blood vein one kind of embodiment, these six Soul Blood veins, is the semi-bloodline technique that can only be cultivated through Acquired.”

“Simple’s explanation is that in a person’s body, at the same time, there are six Souls with extremely powerful Sense Ability!”

“Generally speaking, only six births have a chance to succeed!”

Six children!

Zhao Fang, he really didn’t hear about the six births.

Twin is common, there are many triplets, and even the quadruplet Zhao Fang can understand.

Six-child, this is definitely a million years!

The six souls, in fact, are to be accommodated in a body with the Soul at the same time of the six-child, the imagination is terrifying.

However, this kind of technique, I am afraid, is definitely a sorcerer.


“Hey, six soul eyes? You really have a lot of skill Ah on your discipline!”

Zhao Fang’s voice fainted.

But when he said this, he was scared that the old man was discolored.

What is natural talent out of the ordinary, these are fake, his discipline, in fact, was adopted by him from a young age, and then nothing more cultivated with various magical techniques.

In order to satisfy his desires.

This person pursues the ultimate Tool Refiner technique in his life, but he has limited qualifications, but he has no teacher Inheritance. However, he is ambitious.

So, there was such an evil idea long before the severe hundred years.

When he has no intention to know that the Six Soul Eyes can see through all the illusions, it is one of the special physiques that are most suitable for becoming the Refining Master.

He has this idea.

In fact, in this discipline before, he does not know how many times failed!

Of course, every failure means a young child’s commandment.

After all, he can’t find any six births!

Naturally, after this success, he will not hesitate to gamble on his own, but also cultivate his own discipline.

So that, to complete the ambition he can not complete.


These things, Zhao Fang is too lazy to manage, some people do make things that are unimaginable for ordinary people.

But whether it is right or wrong, regardless of evil or justice, it has nothing to do with Zhao Fang.

So at this time, Zhao Fang continued to ask: “So, what is this Corpse Puppet 用来 used for?”

Old man did not hesitate, and immediately replied: “Corpse Puppet is one of the special Magical Treasure of the Temple of the Dead, and can even be said to be unique to the Temple of the Dead.”

“As long as you can refining out the Corpse Puppet Hall, and even if you seal an average person without a cultivation base, just inject enough Immortal Force and seal enough Time to get the absolute loyal Corpse Puppet.”

“This Corpse Puppet, which is one of Puppet Technique’s one kind, is only a living refining, so ordinary people don’t know, and because Corpse Puppet is the only thing that is unique to the corpse, the corpse is also relying on this development. Strong.”

“If it is sealed for hundreds of years, basically, the Corpse Puppet released from Corpse Puppet 便 is a Corpse Puppet that can get a body equivalent to a cultivation base!”

“If you store 1000-year, you can even get the powerful Corpse Puppet with the flesh equivalent of the peak cultivation base.” “However, the Corpse Puppet of the ordinary can only breed the Corpse Puppet of the fairy peak, but I heard that the corpse There seems to be a Corpse Puppet in the temple that can cultivate the true fairyland Corpse Puppet, but I don’t know if it is true or not.”

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