Old man seems to be highly respected for this Corpse Puppet 棺extremely, when it comes to talking, it turns out to be a longing.

Of course, even Zhao Fang couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

This Corpse Puppet, is it so powerful?

A hundred years of Time, is it possible to cultivate a Corpse Puppet with a body equivalent to a cultivation base? That old man said that this Corpse Puppet is equivalent to Puppet Technique! That is, it will be absolutely loyal to the Master.

Take the hundreds of Corpse Puppet 这 found this time.

If the Vice City Lord succeeded, wouldn’t he wait for a hundred years, and he would be able to have a hundred puppets absolutely loyal to him?

If you save an 1000-year, it is a fairy!

This Corpse Puppet, is it so powerful? Even this Corpse Puppet is just physically powerful! After all, it is a fairyland!

No, if it is so simple, I am afraid that the Continent on the Yuan Dynasty has already become popular.

But before, regardless of the Loose Cultivator that Zhao Fang contacts, or the broken cloud, there is no such thing as listening to the book.

I am afraid, it should not be just a hundred years of simple!

“Say, cultivate Corpse Puppet, in addition to this Corpse Puppet, what conditions do you need?”

Zhao Fang suddenly asked.

And the old man heard Zhao Fang ask, obviously a face with a trace of panic expression.

But he still honestly said: “That, when it is stored, in addition to the constant infusion of Immortal Force, the most important thing is to give a living person to Corpse Puppet in Corpse Puppet every month… …”

“If it doesn’t, Corpse Puppet can’t be cultivated, and if the living person who feeds has a cultivation base, then the Corpse Puppet will grow stronger and more powerful.”

Damned !

Zhao Fang Brows and wrinkles, and sure enough, the sorcerer is always a sorcerer!

One month Feeding a living person.

Then, in a hundred years, you don’t need to feed 1,200 people!

Plus the people who need Refining Corpse Puppet, and who is the Corpse Puppet itself!

The cultivation of each of the Corpse Puppet, simply is to take the life to fill!

This corpse palace is so vicious!

And such a vicious Sect, actually able to existence in this Yuan Xuan Continent!

Perhaps it is Zhao Fang’s poor expression, the old man is sighing.

“Senior, maybe you should be a Disc of Great Sect, but how do you understand the suffering of our Loose Cultivator.”

“Continent, there are so many resources, most of which are already occupied by Great Sect, leaving us with more of these Loose Cultivators.”

“When you want to become stronger, you naturally need to pay for it. The technique of Corpse Puppet is nothing more than one of the things that are very ordinary.”

“There are a lot of Magical Treasures in the Temple of the Dead, similar to this Corpse Puppet.”

“The Temple of the Dead is extremely evil, but how can they be evil, can we manage these Loose Cultivators? Loose Cultivator, in the eyes of Sect disciple, perhaps, is just the equivalent of consumables. Let’s go.”

The old man is full of helplessness.

But these words are to let Zhao Fang have an intuitive understanding of this Yuantin Continent, first time.

Before, Broken Cloud and other Six Great Influences arbitrarily bombed Loose Cultivator, it turned out that there is no reason.

The failure of the ruins of Yunzong is only because their Strength is a little weaker, and there are too many Loose Cultivators that have been provoked.

However, like the corpse temple…

Who dares to provoke?


Suddenly, at this time, the sound of System is ringing.

“Hey, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, trigger the hidden Task, annihilate the corpse.”

“Hey, Player, please note that this Task is a System level up premise Task. If the Player is able to complete, System will perform a special level up reward.”

“Hey, Player, please note that this Task determines the danger level is extremely difficult, and the Player can choose whether to accept it.”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang Please note that this Task Time Limit is not available for one month, one month, and the Task is invalid.”


A series of tips made Zhao Fang feel awkward.

One month!

Only one month’s Time is to annihilate the Temple of the Dead?

Is this possible?

The corpse palace now Zhao Fang although I don’t know anything, but just look at the terrifying of the Corpse Puppet, and you will know that this corpse is not easy to provoke.

However, is it just to give up?

Hide the Task, there is no punishment, why should Zhao Fang give up!

Big deal is failure, and there is no loss. What is Zhao Fang worried about?

After thinking about it, Zhao Fang finally picked up the Task.

However, for that reform, Zhao Fang is a little surprised, System’s special level up?

What exactly is this representative?

However, the more special, the more powerful it is to be able to be.

Zhao Fang looked at the old man, but it didn’t mean killed, but said: “Today, I have spared you, rest assured, it is not a poison that you just ate. Instead, it is a good tonic, you are refined. Naturally, the cultivation base can be refined.”

“But next, you have to follow my arrangements. As long as you follow my instructions, I will naturally give you some rewards, but if you dare to swear by the yin, you will blame me for ruthlessness.”

Old man heard that Zhao Fang did not poison him, but gave him a fairy, where there is a little bit of disobedience, and even nod said yes.

Even the face was a little bit of smile.

He doesn’t have to doubt Zhao Fang, because Zhao Fang really wants to kill him, but he just wants to crush a mole cricket and ants.

“I also ask you, the Vice City Lord of the Nine Yao City has a connection with the Temple of the Dead, where is the Temple of the Dead?”

Old man thought about it and said: “As far as I know, this Vice City Lord should have something to do with the Temple of the Dead, but it is certainly not the discipline of the Temple of the Dead, and since he asked me for this Corpse Puppet, it is obviously back. The corpse palace was done privately.”

“But where the Temple of the Dead is, I don’t know. In fact, the Temple of the Kings has always been extremely secretive. It is not so simple to know where they are.”

Zhao Fang ordered nod, but there was an idea in her heart.

Since this corpse palace is so mysterious, and the Vice City Lord obviously knows the corpse temple, and is carrying the corpse to do these things.

So maybe this is the opportunity of Zhao Fang!

Want to complete this Task in a month, Zhao Fang must use all means.

Even if it is an adventure, I will not hesitate.

After thinking a little, Zhao Fang said to the old man: “This way, you take I’ll go to see the Vice City Lord, maybe he can know where the corpse is.”

Old man First nod promised, then, but some doubts asked: “Senior, I don’t know what you are looking for in the Temple of the Dead?”

Zhao Fang didn’t look at him, just said in a very plain tone of one kind: “Find them, then destroy them.”


The old man is discolored!

He even wondered if he was wrong.

However, look at Zhao Fang doesn’t care, just like saying that the weather is really good today.

But he did not dare to question.

Find them!

Kill them!

Really so simple?

That corpse palace, really so good?

The corpse palace existence in the Yuan Dynasty Huitinent hundreds of thousands of years, if it is so good, they can still existexence?

But Zhao Fang didn’t care so much. At this time, he is only one step away from the upgrade to the real wonderland. I don’t know what the cultivation city base of the nine city is, and can let Zhao Fang break through.

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