The twenty-ninth chapter of the instant kill!

“what are you doing!”

There was a roar and it echoed in the Main Hall.

It’s not someone else who made this roar, it’s Li Yuanyi.

He saw that the Seventh Imperial Prince expression was not good, and he felt the cultivation of the Seventh Imperial Prince. He wanted to repay the Seventh Imperial Prince and stood up with the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Fang didn’t even look at Li Yuan’s eyes. He stared at the front, this Zhong Tian’s Spiritual Qi, but an unusually familiar face.

“Hey, long time no see !”

Unfamiliar face, familiar tone, familiar aura, like tide, a ** impact Yu Xi’s heart.

Her beautiful eyes, a golden light flashing from it, her complexion flashed a trace of surprise, incredible: “You, you…”

But when she saw Seventh Imperial Prince and others of complexion gloomy, her surprise was quickly replaced by fear of fear.

“Yu Xi, I am here to save you!” Zhao Fang took her hand and gently said with a laugh.

“I do not know you!”

Yu Xi broke free, face cold, said coldly: “Come on me, I don’t want to see you!”

Zhao Fang complexion does not move.

Yu Xi’s acting skills are too bad, let alone Yanth Imperial Prince, even him, all at first glance.

“Yu Xi, who is this person?” Seventh Imperial Prince asked indifferently.

The words are calm, but the icy baleful qi contained in it is like Yin Wind, which is boasted throughout the Main Hall.

“do not know!”

“Don’t know? If so, is that representative, this Prince can arbitrarily dispose of the person who destroyed this Prince’s wedding.”

“No!” Yu Xi charming face slightly changed, blocking in front of Zhao Fang.

Her move made the chill of Seventh Imperial Prince in the eyes more and more intense.

“I will ask you again, who is he?”

“This Young Master, Ni Day!”

“Ni Daye?” Li Yuanyi savored the name, and suddenly noticed the weird, “fuck you?!”

“Yes, that’s fuck you!”

It was confirmed by Zhao Fang that Li Yuan was almost depressed and cough up blood, and immediately, it was even more gloomy.

“Seventh Imperial Prince…”

He was interrupted by Seventh Imperial Prince after he had finished.

“Yu Xi, tell me who he is!” Seventh Imperial Prince looked at the eyes at Yu Xi.

Yu Xi was silent, for a long time, looked up. “He is my former Senior Brother, you let him go, I agree to marry you!”

“You used to find that person is him?”

Yu Xi has a slight lip and nod.

Zhao Fang noticed that Seventh Imperial Prince looked at his eyes at the moment, extremely poor, full of killing intent.

But his face is still calm and waveless.

Shows a very deep city.

“Yes.” Seventh Imperial Prince nod, “However, since he is your mother’s family, how can you leave at such a happy moment, or sit still, and then Prince will have to toast him.”

Yu Xi Zhang mouth, just want to talk.

Zhao Fang said a word, so that the people present, all complexion drastic changes.

“Mother family? You are my mother or my person. Speaking of it, your skin is white and beautiful, the skills are all-passed, and it is very intimate to serve me. Now think about it…” Zhao Fang is intoxicated. color.

The other people’s expressions were stiff, and they looked at Seventh Imperial Prince’s gaze.

“court death!”

The Seventh Imperial Prince was cold and his mouth sprinkled with a cold word.

“No matter who you are! Today, I want to get out of this Main Hall!”

“damn, you shameless scum to find someone to force marriage Yu Xi, actually dare to kill in public, i your father to see, kill i your father, how can you tell your mother.

Zhao Fang laughs, no fear!

“impudent !”

“Dog’s Courage !”

“court death!”

In the anger of the road, five Prince at the same time got up, eyes coldly at at Zhao Fang.

It is not how they are united with Seventh Imperial Prince.

Zhao Fang is not only insulting the Seventh Imperial Prince, but also the face of the entire Snow Territory Empire. They can’t bear Ah!

“Li Yuan First Elder, still don’t take this madman who disturbs the wedding?”

There is now Prince shouted.

Li Yuanyi frowned. To be honest, he did not like to be instructed by these grass bags.

But after seeing Seventh Imperial Prince no response.

He stepped out one step, and the 3-Star Martial Emperor imposing manner was fully opened. When the hand was turned over, the ball was printed on the Void, and the imposing manner was overwhelming.

It is Li Yuan’s famous stunt, topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm.

“brat, the next time you reincarnate, you’d better become dumb, otherwise, you will bring you to death!”

Li Yuan’s eyes are stunned, and the sneer, the figure has already rushed.

“Quickly open!”

Yu Xi is in a hurry, pushing Zhao Fang away, it is necessary to block in front of Zhao Fang.

But there are two palms, not generous, but contain a gentle force, placed on her shoulders above, to stop her reaction.

“pass it to me.”

Zhao Fang looks at Yu Xi , expression No panic, “It will be fine.”

Yu Xi looked at Zhao Fang, in the eyes flashed a trace confused.

She didn’t know, Zhao Fang came from this confidence.

To know.

At the time of entering Five Elements Ruins World, Zhao Fang had not broken through to Martial Venerable.

Now, I can face an 4-Star Martial Emperor without being alive.

Is it his cultivation base, in this month, Time, immediate breakthrough to Martial Emperor level?

This can can be be !

This speculation, even Yu Xi himself was shocked.

But it is on the occasion of this god.

Opposite Li Yuanyi, whose heavy palm prints merged and compressed, turned into a huge palm, and 狠狠move towards Zhao Fang slammed.

“topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm?”

Zhao Fang eye reveals Weird, in the eyes shows a trace.

This situation reminds him of the banquet of the Imperial City in Nangong, his three moves with Li Yuanyi.

The last hand displayed by the other side is the topple the mountains and overturn the seas Palm.

The might at the time was not enough for today’s 10%.

This is so.

Zhao Fang was also alive and dead, and ultimately relied on Baxia Armour to resist.

“Li Yuanyi, you can’t kill me at the time, let alone now!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes’s recollection, instantly dissipated, replaced by the ultimate Sen cold, “The cause of the day, today’s fruit, let us be today, completely but cause and effect!”

While speaking, the long sword in his hand squirts 10,000 Sword Qi, the sword shadow interlaced, with a screaming sword light, heading to Li Yuanyi.

A sword and a scorpion!

The golden light is extremely fast, and most people have not yet reacted.

“pū chī !”

Li Yuanyi’s silhouette, stopped in place, its cold and indifferent expression, some stiff.


He struggled to bow his head and saw the wound. The body exploded and turned into a countless block of flesh and blood, spurting to four directions.

The originally celebrated wedding banquet suddenly showed a trace of the strong smell of blood.

Some of the Clan Elder Sect Masters here are also shocked by this scene, and the eyes are round and round, in the eyes.

A few more people, suddenly standing up, looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes filled with thick wariness.

Before here.

They are not optimistic about Zhao Fang.

I think that Zhao Fang will probably die under Li Yuanyi.

after all.

Compared to the 4-Star Martial Emperor, a long-established and new breakthrough.

Zhao Fang really has no place for them to look and value.

Even if he hurts 9-Star Martial Venerable with Sword Qi, he can only make a little mesmerizing, and he doesn’t think he threatens the 4-Star Martial Emperor’s Strength.

But now the scene, let them see trembling in fear, stunned.

Move instant kill 4-Star Martial Emperor !

This kind of skill, among them, can be done by few people.

And the youth in front of you is swaying and easy to obliterate.

So powerful strength, so very ruthless heart, really is the offering of Flower Sword Sect?


Yu Xi lightly red. Lips, eyes reveal a trace of horror.

Despite guessing, Zhao Fang may break through to the Martial Emperor level.

However, he did not expect that he turned out to be so strong, even 4-Star Martial Emperor, both waved to kill.

“This Time, what have you experienced?”

Yu Xi looks at Zhao Fang, and her heart is full of curiosity.


The clear slap in the face, in this shocked and silent atmosphere, appears extremely harsh.

“It is indeed a small slap! You still have this kind of sword skills. However, these seven kings are not the place where you can act unruly, three fierce! Come out!”

Seventh Imperial Prince thin smile start to talk, but its in the eyes of Sen cold, but it makes many people shudder.

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