Chapter 219, Blood Spirit Dragon

As the Seventh Imperial Prince voice fell.

In the Main Hall, there was a hurricane.

next moment.

Rays of light, a flash of light, silver light, now turned into a deadly poison hook, straight to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang complexion calm, in the moment of silver light, it is necessary to take a sword out.

It is at this moment.

The chill of Sen Han was suddenly filled in the back.


There is another powerful aura that rushes from its side.

Three-pronged approach.

Powerful attacks in three directions hit in an instant.

Even if Zhao Fang blocks two of them, it is bound to be hit by another.

With the rich baleful qi theory in the aura, if Zhao Fang is hit, it will inevitably cost a lot.


Zhao Fang eyes cold, raised hands, Ten Veins Divine Sword has no reservations, at the same time, shot, bombardment forward and backward.

And his figure is a side-shift, kicking a fierce kick on the opposite person.

But immediately, his complexion is slightly changed.

At the time of his take action, the three aura with fierce killing intent suddenly disappeared!

It’s not awkward.

It disappeared out of thin air.

It feels like they have never seen it before.

But then.

Zhao Fang coldly looks at Seventh Imperial Prince, exactly to look at Seventh Imperial Prince behind.

In his behind, I don’t know when, three more silhouettes.

It is a black robed cover and can’t see the silhouette.

Only the powerful aura fluctuation and the rich baleful qi from the body outside the emits can be felt.

“5-Star Martial Emperor !”

Zhao Fang gaze shimmers.

This three people, not the ordinary 5-Star Martial Emperor.

In particular, the three people’s tactics of merging, I am afraid that some 6-Star Martial Emperor can’t be caught, and they have to be seriously injured.


Seventh Imperial Prince Surprised look at Zhao Fang, “You can block the combination of the three fierce, just really make this Prince more and more interested!”

“Three fierce!”

Hearing this word, those Clan Elder Sect Masters, eyelids jumped, could not help but see more than three people behind the Seventh Imperial Prince.

The more you look, the more they are scared!

Baleful qi on three people, too rich!

Almost the essence!

Then there is the feeling that the three people within the body are very surprised.

There aren’t many living auras that give people the feeling that it looks like three wild beasts.

“This is the Seventh Imperial Prince, the cruelest of the three cruel?”

“It is said that these three murderers have hunted the 6-Star Martial Emperor’s record!”

“I didn’t expect Seventh Imperial Prince to even take them out!”

Everyone blinked, in the eyes stunned by a trace.

The three fierce Fearful Might, even if they are, have only heard the name for a long time and have never seen it.

This is the time to meet.

Let them be scared at the same time, and become more wariness for Seventh Imperial Prince!

“Three heads of animals nothing more, raise your hand to kill!”

Zhao Fang glanced at the three fierce, deep eyes, like wearing everything, indifferent. Latest fastest update

I heard this.

The three fierce aura fluctuations intensified, and the terrifying Tyrannical Aura, as they embraced the body, seemed to fill the entire Main Hall.

In an instant.

Most people in Main Hall feel that they are not breathing well, with the body True Force being suppressed by a chilly aura, the most dangerous feeling, permeated in their hearts!

“If you are not convinced, then roll over, i your father kills you like a dog!”

Zhao Fang grinned, but the smile was full of cold killing intent.




On the occasion of the ripples, three shadows disappeared silently in the Seventh Imperial Prince behind.

Zhao Fang expressionless, quietly at seventh Imperial Prince, that calm attitude, revealing a confidence.

“damn, hurry up, Young Master catches Time!” Zhao Fang waited impatiently, scolded.

Everyone listens to the speechless, the heart, where is this wonderful miracle.


Ripple ripples start again.

A black shadow flashed in it.

Zhao Fang felt the all of a sudden, with the slightest hesitation.


But it is in the empty space, the shadow disappeared without a trace.


Zhao Fang smiles more, but the expression looks like a cruel flavor.

“Since you want to play, the Young Master will play with you!”

Said, he called Fog Beast, “protect her.”

Today’s Fog Beast, after successive swallow Golden Barbarian Bull and Akasaka’s Beast Core, has reached the Tier-7 Late Stage.

The strength of its strength is the 9-Star Martial Emperor, which is not expected to be provoked.

“én? pug, what is he meant by this?”

“Is it difficult to count on this stuff against the Martial Emperor?”

Everyone was tempted by Zhao Fang.

They really can’t see it, a pug, what is the Ability, can protect Yu Xi.

After explaining Fog Beast, Zhao Fang silhouette suddenly disappeared in place.

Seventh Imperial Prince’s face of the original smile, when I saw this scene, it was twitching.

“This… Is this child also proficient in Profound Truth of Space?”

He is a murderer, the reason why you can’t guard against it, because the three murders have accidentally realized one ancient ancient secret technique, and this secret technique is related to Space!

It is also because they can’t guard against the speed of the three, the three fierce in the Seventh Imperial Prince’s order, repeatedly completed Task.

It can be said.

This ancient secret technique is one of the important reasons why the three fierce names have long been fierce.

However, I did not expect that there were people who could display them, not inferior to the ancient secret technique.

Pēng pēng pēng !

In the air of the surroundings, there was a rush of fighting.

That is to say, when there is a strong enthusiasm, it is terrible to ruin the Main Hall.

The people did not dare to stay for a long time and rushed out of Main Hall.

Yu Xi also left the Main Hall under the protection of Fog Beast.

As for the Seventh Imperial Prince, eyes staring at Void, in the eyes flashing, and finally, leaving the Main Hall.

Bang bang bang !

When he just left Main Hall, 凛凛Sword Qi, suddenly raged in the Main Hall.

The Main Hall, built with special materials, is fragile like tofu under this Sword Qi and is easily torn into pieces.

In the sound of Rumble, collapse!

On the occasion of the collapse of the Main Hall, three blood-colored lights and shadows emerged from the ruins and went straight to Seventh Imperial Prince.

Seventh Imperial Prince vision flickered, with a big hand, but see three blood and light, turned into three beasts, stopped a few feet in front of him.

At the time of seeing the beast, Seventh Imperial Prince looked cold, but quickly returned to normal.

As for the rest of the population, it is greatly affected by vibration and expression.

“Seventh Imperial Prince, your group of people, really is not a tool.”

The harsh sneer, coming from the ruins.

In the smog of smoke, a blurred figure, in the distorted smoke, faintly discernible, and finally, with a shocking baleful qi, walked out of it.

“If you are so vulnerable, Young Master, I will be very disappointed!” Zhao Fang expression is cold, especially after killing three fierce, his fierce imposing manner, even more 飙promotes to the extreme.


At first glance, no one dared to look at it.

“Your already succeeded in angering Prince, and this Prince vowed to make you a war slave!”

After that, Seventh Imperial Prince within the body True Force transpires, and instantly rushes to Qi Sea, and a scream of thunder is heard in his mouth: “Blood Spirit Dragon, now!”

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