There are a lot of good things in the System store, but that’s all about the need to go to Exchange.

Moreover, this System store does not claim excusence at all.

Although, with the upgrade of Zhao Fang Strength, it is true that the price of things in this System store will be adjusted.

But after all, Zhao Fang at this time, go to Exchange Jinxian ranked Magical Treasure, is still a small expense!

Zhao Fang looked at it, Exchange, a soul-shifting puppet, five to Soul Pill, but it is a full need for 100,000 soul points!

It can be said that if the system has not completed this level up before, there is no retain recycling function before, this price, Zhao Fang simply is only a red eye.

However, even if there is some fairy point in the hands of Zhao Fang, it is not such a usage Ah!

100,000 soul points!

Zhao Fang couldn’t help but the corner of the mouth.

This price is indeed a bit expensive.


Sighing, in the end, Zhao Fang chose Exchange.

For Zhao Fang, perhaps, you can only hope that the Task of this ancient Vulcan legacy can bring enough gains for yourself.

“You, trouble, let me, then I need to apply the secret technique, and I need to leave enough space for them.”

The movement of the spirits will also be affected by the Outer World. In particular, Zhao Fang still needs to convert the position of the five Guardian Souls. It can be said that it is slightly inadvertent and even causes Soul of these people. damage.

This is not enough for Zhao Fang Strength, just because, after all, Zhao Fang uses the Jinxian ranked soul-changing puppet.

The purple fire family happens to be one kind of Spirit Body Life.

When I heard Zhao Fang’s words, the people of the Purple Fire family did not hesitate and they retreated.

This is the purple fire family. When they accept you, they will trust you completely, even if they have doubts in their hearts, but if you insist, they will still choose to believe in you, even if this is big!

This is because, in their minds, you will feel that you are as worried as they are, and that if you ask for it, you must be sure!

Zhao Fang released the soul puppet, this puppet does not seem to have anything special, even a bit like a puppet, of course, if someone really thinks of it as a puppet, then it is really stupid.

The internal structure of this thing is actually extremely exquisite.

Of course, now is not the time to get caught up in this.

Zhao Fang puts the ghosting puppet next to a Guardian, and then uses Secret Art.

Immortal Technique works, a Dao Guang mang emerges from the hands of Zhao Fang…

How can the people of the Purple Fire family not know about the Spiritual Surgery? They saw that Zhao Fang’s exhibition was actually a spirit-shifting technique. Finally, some people couldn’t help it. I saw everyone smashing the flames!

It’s a pity that he’s a bunch of flame nothing more, no matter how to tumbling, he can’t see what they are.

But they still resisted and did not stop Zhao Fang’s action.

However, from the flame of the constant surge, it can be seen that perhaps they are always trying to suppress their hearts.

A moment later, the first Guardian Soul was ready to move completely on the puppet, and Zhao Fang did not hesitate and immediately took Soul Pill for this Guardian take.

Zhao Fang used a special technique to force the person’s Soul out of the body, and before he was caught in the Restriction seal, so if the long Time leaves the body, it will have some impact.

Besides, there are still four people waiting for Zhao Fang to save. Zhao Fang has a time delay!

After letting the person take Soul Pill, Zhao Fang’s Immortal Force suddenly skyrocketed, but not Soul in the summon puppet, but with the powerful Immortal Force, forcing the person with the body’s Restriction The seal is scattered.

Another feature of the Restriction seal is that if they don’t determine the target, that is, in the state of being started, they will not be active like other Arrays, singers, etc., but in a one kind standby state.

In this state, even if the method is not lifted, it can be forced to break with the powerful Immortal Force.

Zhao Fang’s brows slightly wrinkle, this crazy Immortal Force output for him, is actually a one kind burden.

But fortunately, he succeeded.

And the next Soul is classified as much simple.

Because of the effect of Soul Pill, it can be said that Soul in the soul-puppet actually returns to the body by instinct.



Suddenly, the shouting loudly came, but the Guardian suddenly opened his eyes, and then with the slightest hesitation, the move towards Zhao Fang strike down.

Zhao Fang has no defense at all. He is saving people now. Where do you think that this person will suddenly start to do it yourself?

“Zhao Fang, be careful !”

Purple night loudly shouted, silhouette came to Zhao Fang in an instant.

Zhao Fang can see that the purple night turned out to be an instant change into a body, and then completely wrapped him.

At this time, Zhao Fang, in the eyes of outsiders, is like burning!


Suddenly a palm!

That’s the mysterious Immortal Grade Powerhouse!

However, Zhao Fang has no feeling at all.

However, the purple night that wrapped him up was directly shaken by this palm!

The flaming flame quickly went down.

“Eldest Young Lady !”

Several people from the Purple Fire family immediately rushed over.

Zhao Fang can see, from them, a trace silk flame constantly input the purple night within the body, perhaps, This is their healing method.


Zhao Fang was furious, and the Heavenly Dragon sword was instantly sacrificed, and the sword was struck down.

But at this time, the Patriarch of the purple fire glass Clan shouted loudly:

“Stop, Zhao Fang, no, he just fell into a fantasy!”

Zhao Fang silhouette slightly stiff, the look at the person in front of him still maintains the attitude of taking action, Zhao Fang hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to give up.

“how is she?”

The purple fire family has no name, and it is a trouble to call it. However, obviously everyone knows who Zhao Fang is talking about.

“It doesn’t matter, any attack by Guardian is ineffective for us, just to protect you, she has been shocked a little, just a little recovery.”

Purple fire patriarch said.

Zhao Fang ordered nod.

And as they spoke, the first Guardian, who was rescued, finally woke up.

“You…I am…this is what’s going on?”

The man’s eyes were confused, and obviously there was some reaction.

“I obviously remember, I am fighting with those who plucked Xianzong, what’s going on, who plucked Xianzong?”

The man continued.

Zhao Fang looked at him and started to talk: “If you are fine, please let me go, I will save others!”

Zhao Fang’s voice is a bit cold. After all, even if he is unintentional, he can also go to the purple night after all.

But who knows, after Zhao Fang start to talk, the Guardian is a watchful look at Zhao Fang. “Human Race? How come there is Human Race here, how do you get along with Human Race? Forgot the command of Vulcan Sir, stay away from Human Race and never reveal the body in front of Human Race!”

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