When I said this, the Guardian was flashed a trace killing intent.

It seems that if there is a big difference, it will mean to Zhao Fang take action.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, could not help but hold the Heavenly Dragon sword in his hand, want to fight? Zhao Fang can not be afraid of him, even if he is Xuanxian!

“Stop, Zhao Fang is a friend, don’t hurt him!”

The purple fire patriarch flashed in front of Zhao Fang and the Guardian.

“Friends? Human Race is enemy, not a friend! Don’t you forget, how did they kill you and me? Do you forget, who made you and my family almost extinct! Do you forget, why do we? “The Guardian seems to have a lot of opinions on Human Race, and it is different from the accompaniment of the purple fire. It seems that this Guardian is full of killing intent, and it is quite violent. I am afraid, if it is not the purple fire family here, he is early Just don’t ask so much, take action directly 斩

Kill Zhao Fang.

“Human Race is not a friend, but Zhao Fang is a friend, he saved you.”

Purple fire patriarch said, at the same time, but a fire moves towards the Guardian drifting away.

Guardian grabbed it and grabbed it. Then he saw him move towards his forehead.

In a flash, the flame is integrated into his forehead, and a flame totem pattern flashes.

For a moment, the Guardian’s eyes changed slightly, but it was bent over to Zhao Fang.

“Sorry, Zhao Fang, I apologize for my recklessness, you, our friend.” “Just for hundreds of millions of years, our two races have been regarded as prey by Human Race, and our family has only five of us, the purple fire family. There are still more than 10,000 survivors. In order to protect the purple fire seeds, we have flown to the Continent of the Yuan Dynasty.


“In short, sorry, I shouldn’t take action on you, as compensation, this blood essence is for you.”

After that, the Guardian even waved at any time to extract a drop of blood essence from himself with the body.


This, I have seen all kinds of gifts, but when I meet someone else’s own blood essence, Zhao Fang is still seeing first time.

Naturally, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but slightly frowned. It seems to be the confusion of Zhao Fang, but Guardian is laughed loudly: “ha ha, see my family blood essence, unmoving human, you are the first! You know, my family blood essence, is the achievement of Divine One of Spark’s shortcuts? I have a drop of blood essence, you

It is an opportunity to have the inevitable achievement of Divine Spark. Of course, it is to use 10,000 years or hundreds of millions of years to see your own creation! ”

Divine Spark ?

This drop of essence, actually has such a great use?

This Guardian, what exactly is Race!

Zhao Fang is the only one who can be sure. He is Demon Race, but what is it? Zhao Fang doesn’t know.

You know, Demon Race is just a one-of-a-kind, billions of Demon Races, weak ones like mole cricket and ants, but Powerhouse is hard to imagine.

“You give me this drop of essence, you should also have damage, I see, it is free.”

Zhao Fang refused to say.

What Divine Spark is, Zhao Fang still can’t fully understand, after all, he hasn’t cultivated to that extent.

But with System in hand, Zhao Fang doesn’t think there is anything he can’t get.

However, this Guardian, the entire ethnic group is left with five people in front of him, and Zhao Fang will inevitably have a trace of pity.

I know, Guardian ha ha smiles, and waves, the drop of blood essence is turned into a mysterious Rune, directly move towards Zhao Fang.


In an instant, Zhao Fang felt that his Sea of ​​Consciousness, soul, and even the flesh had an influx of Unknown’s mysterious power.

The meanwhile, System prompt, is crazy!

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang obtain the blood of the gods, the Sea of ​​Consciousness expands ten thousand times!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang obtain the blood of God, the soul of the soul automatically has special attributes, God grace!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang obtain the blood of the gods, the Golden body automatically has a trace Divine Body bloodline !”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang obtain the blood of the gods, within the body, pure gold, has a trace Divine Strength!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang, killing intent, Pressure’s Might, etc. imposing manner automatically has a trace Divine Might !”


Crazy tips, constantly refreshed, Zhao Fang’s ear, life and death already completely left with these crazy System Prompt!

Not to mention the other, just this crazy reminder, you can let Zhao Fang know that this time, I am afraid that the opportunity is very great.

Don’t look at just a trace a trace, but this is actually a seed. With seeds, you can naturally sprout, and the result…

However, Zhao Fang is inevitably raised doubts again, that is, in front of this Guardian, what is who, what?

“You, are you really who?”

Zhao Fang finally couldn’t help but ask questions.

That Guardian continues to laughed loudly: “I am who?ha ha, telling you it’s fine, but unfortunately, I am afraid that you are such a Human Race junior, but you will never know our name!”

“If you use your Human Race, we are the true God of the previous generation!”

“Primal Chaos was first opened, and when Myriad Worlds was not born, only our presence, we are the only rays of light among Primal Chaos!”

“When heaven and earth condense, we are the first Life, and you Human Race, like to call us ancient gods!”

“Our ancestors, the journey of heaven and earth, the appearance of the look at Myriad Worlds, the birth of the life at the sights…”

“Fire clan, aquarium, winds… they are the first to be born, and then, with Demon, with an ancient witch!”

“As for your Human Race, it is nothing but an ancient witch.”

“We taught me all the secret techniques of all creatures, but I didn’t want to, but in exchange, it was endless greed. Ancient World was destroyed because of the battle, and even the Primal Chaos came back!”

“Look at the destruction coming, our ancestors, United Fire clan, Wind, Aqua, Demon, Great Witch, etc., countless creatures, joint sacrifices, turned into Heavenly Dao, turned into Law… to live under Primal Chaos… ”

“To the pure tribes, to abandon the ontology, to condense the elements, to construct the original Immortal World at the beginning, Supreme has abandoned Life, turned into a canopy, and blocked Primal Chaos…” “countless Race self-sacrifice, finally let Primal Chaos Going back, World is proud of new life, but maybe our ancestors knew what was desperate and what was angry when they were doing all this, so they also spread these seeds in the new world.

Among them! ”

“hehe, of course, these things, you are even the vast majority of people, I am afraid I don’t know at all. At the beginning of the history you are familiar with, should it be the first Immortal World?”

“Immortal World at the beginning, bred the Great Expert, and each other conquered, eventually leading to the collapse of Immortal World in the beginning, and turned into Myriad Worlds, but you know, what is the source of their initial strength?” “Yes, that’s ours. A generation of true God!”

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