Therefore, Zhao Fang chose to attack the triangle bullhead with only the True Dragon sword, but he himself, but the position of the move towards the eagle lion and the Earth Dragon beasted.

With a wave of hand, a path of fairy is turned into a line. Generally towards the Earth Dragon beast.

Not many of these fairy charms are attacking fairy charms, but all are restricted level fairy charms.

Zhao Fang knows very well that with his strength, even the Demonic beast king who is seriously injured in these situations, he can only compete at most one time. Once it is a war, then the remaining two, Zhao Fang can’t help.

Therefore, Zhao Fang will release the True Dragon sword to limit the Demonic beast, and release the fairy to limit the Earth Dragon beast!

And he, the goal that really wants to be killed this time is the eagle lion beast known for speed!

Because Zhao Fang is very clear in his heart, if he can’t win this lion and lion in the for a moment, I am afraid that there will be no chance!

“Destroy the world of magic, hegemony!”

Between the bangs, Zhao Fang directly launched the reincarnation of the magical powers, centered on him, from his under the foot, a path of rays of light as a fan-shaped general shot!

However, that a path of rays of light, but when it arrived at the lion lion beastings, it suddenly vacated!

Like a prison of light pillar construction, the lion and lion beast is directly imprisoned!

Then, for a moment, all the light pillars were squeezed in the middle of the move towards!


A loud bang came, and the eagle lion and the beast had been seriously injured. At this time, they were hit again, and it was even worse!

The eagle lion’s mouth is constantly screaming harshly, but Zhao Fang is ready to be around him, surrounded by five fairy charms.

The role of these five fairy symbols is to isolate these sounds!

If you really want to ask the Cultural Technique, what is special about it?

Then, the biggest special thing is perhaps whatever you want!

This destructive reincarnation records many means, but most of the moves are attacks without fixed forms!

It can be said that this magical reincarnation is a true free-spiritual Cultural Technique. All the moves can be launched according to Zhao Fang’s own wishes!

Of course, the Immortal Force that is consumed by this different launch is different.

For example, at this moment, Zhao Fang’s mind is moving, behind him, but there is a phantom of a giant knife!

That phantom, turned out to be Zhao Fang himself!

However, the hand is holding an epee!


Zhao Fang shouting loudly.

And his behind’s phantom is a slam!


The general sound of the landslides came, and in front of Zhao Fang, it turned out to be a valley between the moments!

It can be seen how powerful this is!

The eagle lion beast is still screaming, but at this time, one of his wings is ready to be cut off!

“Oh, sure enough, Worthy is mysterious peak Realm’s Demon King, it is let me attack, and I can’t get it quickly!”

Zhao Fang secretly sighed in her heart.

At this time, the lion and lion beast has no power to fight back. It can be said that it is then there to let Zhao Fang attack.

However, Zhao Fang has not attacked him in two consecutive attacks!

However, not twice, then three times!

Not three times, then five times!

Today, Zhao Fang is absolutely impossible to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


Suddenly, Zhao Fang shouted another word.

In a flash, Zhao Fang behind’s phantom disappeared!

Or, it is a sharp light sword!

“Give I’ll go to die!”

Zhao Fang screamed, and the thousands of light swords were with the slightest hesitation’s move towards the lion and lion beast!

Destroy the world of magic, unrestrained, from the heart, Zhao Fang wants to control, how can control!

At this time, the thousands of light swords, like a wave, one after another, one by one, it is directly with the powerful impact of the eagle lion beast to the air!

A light sword constantly penetrates the body of this eagle lion.

When the last light sword penetrated the body of the lion and lion.

Finally, the System prompts.

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, killed BOSS monster, lion lion Demonic beast king, obstacle…”

“Okay, System, don’t prompt for it, the harvest is not over yet!”

Zhao Fang directly interrupted the System prompt, this time, it is a big gain, no big deal.

Without the prompt of System, Zhao Fang is also very clear in his heart.

Of course, Zhao Fang is more aware that if System Prompt starts, it will last for a long time.

But now, Zhao Fang has no Time distraction!

There are also two Demonic beasts waiting for his harvest!

Zhao Fang turned and waved, but in the sky, it was a hammer of gold yellow!

Of course, that is the power of the world’s reincarnation.

I have to say that this freewheeling of the magical reincarnation is the most suitable means for Zhao Fang!

What kind of attack you want, as long as Immortal Force is enough, you can transform it out!

And Zhao Fang, the most important thing, maybe Immortal Force!

The giant hammer descended from the sky, however, the scorpion is the triangle bull-headed beast!

On the surface, this triangular bullhead seems to be injured eventually.

But the feedback from the True Dragon sword just told Zhao Fang that this triangle bull, perhaps, is the lightest injury.

Although it looks like this, the half body of this triangle bull is swallowed and seems to be very serious.

But obviously, the triangle bull-head animal absolutely has a special means, or a special natural talent, it is the owner’s extremely quick recovery Ability!

If it is only to restore the Ability, but he is still rough and thick, attack sharp.

After getting the feedback from the True Dragon sword, Zhao Fang knows clearly, if so, he really solved the Earth Dragon beast first, I am afraid that this triangle bulldog has the power of the battle!

Do not!

You don’t need the power of the battle, even if it only has one blow, one can’t do it well, Zhao Fang may have turned the boat in the gutter, and he doesn’t know how to die!

This is Demonic beast, the Demonic beast of Xuan Xianpeak!

With Zhao Fang’s current Strength, how dare to provoke?

If it is not such a big chance, Zhao Fang met any of them, I am afraid that only the part of the road.

How can it be able to stand here and kill them?

Therefore, Zhao Fang, absolutely impossible to give this triangle bullhead any chance!

The giant hammer suddenly moved toward the triangle bullhead.

Sure enough, as Zhao Fang guessed, this triangular bull-headed beast really sent out a Dao Guang mang, blocking the attack of the heavy hammer!

“Hey, can you block me? Then, can you block my second shot!”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang took a take action.

A Dao Guang Mang emerged from the hands of Zhao Fang, but it is getting bigger and bigger!

Between just one breath, it turned into a ridiculous long sword!

It is ridiculous because its hilt can be held by Zhao Fang, but the tip of the sword is already ready to be tens of meters wide!

And the most terrifying is that this long sword has a total length of up to the Kilometer!

Is such a weird scene a bit ridiculous?

However, this long sword’s might is simply not to be questioned!

Because, This is a long sword made entirely of Immortal Force!

Have a might that makes the triangle bull-head be scared!


Under the sword, the triangle bull-headed beast has no resistance, and it is directly split into two! System’s prompt did not sound, of course, this is not to say that Zhao Fang did not kill the triangular bullhead, but Zhao Fang closed the System Prompt nothing more!

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