Zhao Fang turned and looked at the last Demonic beast!

Earth Dragon Beast!

At this time, the Earth Dragon beast, the ready is about to break the control of the fairy.

Only, everything is too late to come!

Zhao Fang is early and will expect everything, even Time!

The suppression of the fairy symbol is just enough for Zhao Fang to kill the other two Demonic beast kings!

As soon as you throw it, the light sword in your hand is a ray of light that turns into a sky.

However, Zhao Fang is just a thought, and the thousands of rays of light are turned into a path of light to move the Earth Dragon beast!

Dealing with this huge Earth Dragon beast is actually the most simple.

Because, this Earth Dragon beast is the Demonic beast king at the bottom of the earth. On the surface, it is not enough to just let the killing existence absence more!

Between the light moments is the body surroundings of the Earth Dragon beast, and then it is quickly entangled.

A ray of light without the slightest hesitation will completely entangle the Earth Dragon beast!

Then it is the constant tightening contraction!

Earth Dragon The beast roars silently, and the whole ground seems to be boiling!

Under his constant struggle, it was like a crack in Collapsing Mountain, and even Zhao Fang had to vacate.

However, this struggle is futile.

Earth Dragon The beast itself is the already known heavy injury of the eagle lion, with the countless to the wound, and the green blood has even been flowing.

At this moment, it is squeezed by the light, even the wound that is constantly cracked and enlarged is enough for his life.

In fact, this green blood is indeed extremely powerful and corrosive to Zhao Fang’s Immortal Force light, and even light breaks from time to time.

However, in the hands of Zhao Fang, it is constantly there to have new light emits to go out and fill the loopholes!


A loud explosion, the huge Earth Dragon beast, was actually strangled alive!


Zhao Fang corner of the mouth slightly upturned.

In my heart, I can say that ecstasy is incomparable, anyone can think of it, this time, he made a big profit!

Continuously killed three Demonic beast kings!

Zhao Fang has enough reason to believe that this time, I am afraid that System will definitely give him a big surprise!

At this point, in this circumference, there is no one or Demonic beast dare to approach.

After all, the three great Demonic beast’s terrifying deterrence is not something that the Demonic beast can withstand.

Therefore, Zhao Fang did not mean to leave immediately.

Zhao Fang is too lazy to manage the surroundings, but rather excited to the System.

“System, here, you can talk about what I have been obtained!”

At this moment, the System prompt is activated again.

Crazy System Prompt is like a flood of water, even as many as hundreds!

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang killed Super BOSS-level triangle bull head Demonic beast king, obstacle Xuan Xian point five million! The soul of the soul point 50,000!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang killed Super BOSS level Earth Dragon King, obstacle Xuan Xian point seven million! The soul of the soul point 70,000!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang killed Super BOSS level eagle lion beast, obstacle Xuan Xian point four million, fairy soul point 40,000!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player continuously killed Super BOSSobtain double reward!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player kills Super BOSSobtain x4 reward three times!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang Complete the System Hide Task, the challenge of the impossible, spanning more than five levels of its own, one musk killed three super BOSS level enemy,obtain System Special Reward !”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang Complete System Special Hidden Task, Slaughter Heart, with a strong means, killed Super BOSSranked enemy!”

“Hey, System Prompt…”

A lot of System Prompt, listening to Zhao Fang simply is full of excitement, of course, Zhao Fang has not forgotten, the most important thing.

That is, see what you are holding.

Therefore, Zhao Fang directly interrupted System.

“System, this System Prompt should not continue to say, directly say what I have kept!”

In Zhao Fang, I hope a little.

The sound of the System sounds again.

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, Level Promotion to Xuan Xianpeak!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, accumulate obtain all kinds of rewards, a total of one million points!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, obtain special map class Magical Treasure, Demon House Secret Realm!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, obtain special defense class Magical Treasure, nine days of mysterious fan!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, obtain special attack class Magical Treasure, a lonely boat!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, obtain special class Pill Medicine, God Soul Pill!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, obtain special class Culture Technique, Soul Refining 诀!”


A bunch of rewards made Zhao Fang dazzled, and among them, there was nothing better than good things.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this large pile of good things, Level Promotion and the obsolation of the fairy point can only be regarded as the middleward reward!

Why do you say that?

Let’s take a look at these nine days of mysterious fans!

This is a folding fan that looks like an ordinary. If you look at it, it looks like a fan that is used by a scholar to force it.

However, when he saw his attributes, he had to surprise Zhao Fang.

Nine-day Xuan Demon Fan: According to legend, it is a special Magical Treasure for the Demon Race. In order to control the special Magical Treasure forged by the fairy kingdom, it is used for the forging of the fairy kingdom.

This fan can be used as a World, Player killed any Demonic beast Soul, can be directly absorbed, or Player can also accommodate the tame Demonic beast.

Of course, if the target Demonic beast Strength is lower than the Player, you can even directly income into the fan, forcibly brainwashing for your own use!

And the power of these Demonic beasts can be used as a guardian to guard the Player when the Player needs it.


The nine-day Xuan Xian fan is clearly a natural killer Ah of Demon Race!

A Demon Race is the Country Lord created by the country?

Zhao Fang doesn’t know if it’s true or not, but Zhao Fang knows that, in fact, on the nine days of Xuan Xian, the reason is equal to let Zhao Fang control a fairy country!

However, this fairy country is a fairy country without subjects.

As for the origin of the subjects, it is necessary to use Zhao Fang to kill or to accept Demonic beast!

But in any case, once it is included in the Demonic beast in the nine-day Xuantian fan, it is completely surrendered to Zhao Fang, and directly contributes to Zhao Fang, such a good thing, how can Zhao Fang be dissatisfied?

Although, this power seems to be used only for defense, but even so, Zhao Fang is also very satisfied!

After reading the nine-day Xuanxian fan, look at the other things.

A lonely boat, the name does not seem to sound.

And there is only one attribute. However, it is such an attribute, but it makes Zhao Fang amazed.

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