However, this big demon is not the kind of spiritual magic that is half-open or even not activated, but a real spiritual open demon race, so how can he unwilling to sink.

In the age of his existence, he even smashed the Demonic beast of the Demonic Beast Mountain several times to attack the Qingzhuo Xianguo, trying to change the fate of this Continent above Demon Race.

Although, all ended in failure, but after all, a large number of treasures were plundered from Human Race.

This treasure is stored in this big demon Palace inside.

In addition, this big demon is still dead, but also wants to save the Demonic beast of the Demonic beast mountain range.

So, it is to be self after death.

All the power, insights, etc. condense into a ball!

This ball is hidden somewhere inside the Grand Demon Palace.

And this ball is not what the special Culture Technique of Inheritance gives Demonic beast.

After all, for these spiritual wisdom unopened Demonic beast, give them the Cultural Technique and they can’t understand it.

In fact, the only role of the ball is the Demonic beast activate spiritual wisdom for this Demonic beast mountain!

As for the mysterious substance that these Demonic beasts felt by Zhao Fang before, in fact, it is the bead emits.

It can be said that this big demon is used to the same family in the Demonic beast mountain range.

Then at the same time, among the big demon Palace, the most valuable, naturally this is the ball.

The accumulation of countless years, the Demonic beast in the Demonic beast mountain range, has been affected by the power of the ball.

Then how can it be has never been born with Demonic beast with spiritual wisdom.

In fact, including the eagle lion, the triangle bull, the reason for the pursuit Earth Dragon beast, is not without reason.

What Zhao Fang didn’t know at all was that the Demonic beast in the Demonic beast mountain range had an activated spiritual wisdom, but he was not one of the Five Great Demonic beast kings, but a Strength was able to reach the mysterious fairy. Little Demonic beast.

The peek of Zhao Fang’s Sense is exactly what the little Demonic beast did.

After the little Demonic beast activates the spiritual wisdom, I learned a lot in this big demon Palace, and the big demon Inheritance!

And, let it know about the situation of the current Qingzhuo Xianguo through the investigation of the Demonic beasts.

He condensed the fundamental purpose of the Five Great Demonic beast king, that is, to condense all the power of the Demonic beast mountain range, to counterattack the Qingzhuo Xianguo, not to mention the other, at least, is to hope that Demonic beast will rule this Qingzhuo Continent.

Only the Earth Dragon beast is not driven by him at all, and there will be two scenes of the Demonic Beast King Pursuit Earth Dragon Beast.

And Zhao Fang’s inadvertent intrusion makes the little demon fearful.

He secretly observed Zhao Fang while he was already ready to make arrangements.

After all, he started from the birth of spiritual wisdom, and he has always lived in the Grand Demon Palace, and he is very familiar with the environment here.

But because of this, in fact, it is all about rumors about the image of Human Race.

Therefore, he has been hiding in the dark and watching Zhao Fang’s every move.

After this little demon spirit is activated, it is at the looks at something about Human Race.

Unfortunately, he never left here, and how can it be too much.

However, as stated in the big demon Inheritance, Human Race is the natural enemy of Demonic beast!

Demonic beast wants to survive, then you have to beat Human Race.

No, not defeat, but completely eliminate all Human Race!

It can be said that this little Demonic beast is from the bottom of the heart is full of curiosity at the same time, it is hostile.

However, Zhao Fang is the first Human Race he encountered.

Therefore, he wants to kill Zhao Fang This is inevitable, but he did not immediately start, but he wanted to observe Zhao Fang carefully. Check out this Human Race. What is special about it?

At the same time, also test what kind of Strength Zhao Fang has.

In this way, how is the overall combat power of Human Race?

Zhao Fang didn’t know that there was a small Demonic beast with a spiritual wisdom that had been watching him. Even one step was arranged with traps and tests, waiting for Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang at this time is still in the case of constantly viewing the surroundings, he wants to find the treasure hidden in the big demon Palace.

It must not be such a simple thing. Zhao Fang himself is very clear about this.


Suddenly, Zhao Fang eyes shined, but I saw a corridor in front, obviously different from other corridors.

Although the same is broken, but this out of the corridor, it seems that people or beasts often move, because there are still some special messages in the air here.

“Don’t there be Life here?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkled.

Judging from what you see outside, it seems that the Demonic beast of the Demonic Beast Mountain does not dare to enter the Grand Demon Palace, but from his personal observations, this is obviously not the case.

So what is it’s going on?

With doubts, Zhao Fang move towards the corridor.

This was just halfway through. Suddenly, Zhao Fang’s heart was raised, and he did not hesitate to directly transport Immortal Force, and at the same time, silhouette quickly evaded!

At the same time at Zhao Fang, a black light is suddenly moving towards him!

Zhao Fang condensed into a sword, an Immortal Force suddenly condensed, with the slightest hesitation of the move towards that black light smashed the past.


A soft bang.

Immortal Force Sword Qi instantly broke the black light.

At this time, Zhao Fang only saw clearly, but it was a little dark tiger with a whole body!

The body of the snake was twisted constantly on the ground, leaving Zhao Fang with a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be this little fellow.

It seems that there is not much cultivation base, but it is extremely toxic.

“It seems that I will be careful a little later.”

“If you are not careful, you will be bitten by this little thing. I am afraid that even if it is me, it is not good for Ah!”

Zhao Fang thought so, he didn’t close the Immortal Force shield, but he didn’t care too much, but continued to move forward.

However, he only took a few steps away.

It’s a path of rays of light.

And this time, it is the five colors, all kinds of rays of light constantly shine!

“No, here, is it a snake nest?”

Zhao Fang was shocked, but there was nothing to panic. After all, relying on the strength of these snakes, I am afraid that Zhao Fang could not be threatened.

Unfortunately, Zhao Fang still underestimated these snakes.

These little snakes don’t seem to have any powerful strength, but in fact, they are extremely toxic.

Moreover, it is not the toxicity of the ordinary, but one kind of mixed poison!

Each of the snakes here has its own special toxicity.

Or can paralyze enemy, or can erode enemy, or, can cause enemy to lose Immortal Force!

In short, a variety of toxicities are endless.

Originally, this kind of toxicity is also impossible to Zhao Fang.

But the key point is that the way these little snakes attack is the volley move towards Zhao Fang.

Moreover, this is obviously a liquid venom. After meeting in the air, it will turn into a gas! However, in the blink of an eye, nothing more than that, Zhao Fang was completely shrouded in this poison.

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