Zhao Fang’s brow wrinkled slightly, but between the waves, it was a faint Immortal Force that kept the poisonous fog out.

“This misty mountain is really interesting. It is full of poisonous fog. Even this Demonic beast attack is like this! Fortunately, I have the devil’s reincarnation, but I don’t have to be afraid of these poisonous fog!”

Zhao Fang ignored the attacks launched by these snakes, but continued to move towards the front.

This kind of poisonous fog attack is really not worthy of Zhao Fang’s care.

However, what Zhao Fang didn’t know was that his every move was seen by the little demon who activated the spiritual wisdom. At this time, seeing Zhao Fang was not affected at all, the little demon eyes Doubt.

After a while, there was a cry in his mouth.

It seems that the order was issued.


At this time, Zhao Fang, just walked to the end of the corridor. Suddenly, there was a fierce murderous aura that locked Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate to hesitate. When the silhouette moved, it was the move towards the back.


A fierce attack came directly at the position of Zhao Fang at the same time that Zhao Fang retired. The meanwhile, a giant snake with three heads, descended from the sky!

Zhao Fang’s brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn’t think that there was a group of snakes in front of him, but now he came with a big snake.

However, looking at the Strangle of this three-headed snake, but only the mysterious eight nothing more, actually dare to call himself?

Zhao Fang waved his hand, but in the middle of the air, it was a condensed palm!

Between the crashes, it is a 100 Palm Crush Downwards.

Almost no hesitation, the big snake, was directly killed by a palm!

Zhao Fang didn’t look at the big snake, but he continued to move towards the front.


“This human powerful, it seems that I need to start the special means that the demon Zu will leave to surrender him!”

In the dark, I observed Zhao Fang’s little demon thought, and then, with the action, walked directly into the inner hall of the Palace.

If Zhao Fang is here, it will be recognized at a glance, this turned out to be an artificial puppet!

Puppet Technique has only divide strong and weak, but there is no size.

After all, the manufactured puppet generally has the function of zooming in and out.

However, there are some puppets that will be listed, for example, the puppet that appears in front of the little demon!

This is a special puppet that looks like a wolf-shaped Demonic beast. However, just by building the materials he uses, it is not difficult to see that this puppet is not a leisure!

This wolf-shaped puppet, the whole body is covered with a sword like a sword, and the height is about ten meters!

But this is not the key. The most important thing is that this wolf-shaped puppet is actually made of Demonic beast. Even if you don’t look carefully, it will really be because he is a giant wolf, not a puppet.

And that little Demonic beast, at this time, even transformational became a young girl, directly into the head of the wolf-shaped Demonic beast!

When the little Demonic beast entered, the wolf-shaped Demonic beast puppet opened his eyes in an instant, as if he had survived.

Among the eyes, there is a ray of light!

“kā kā kā !”

Some sounds like mechanical sounds.

But after a while, it disappeared.

This wolf-shaped puppet has not been used for a long time, so when it is just started, it will inevitably be a little jerky.

However, at the same time he started, the surroundings are a path of rays of light, but it is like injecting energy. After a while, let the puppet wolf vitality!

Moreover, the Realm has even soared, even seems to be as likely to break through the mysterious peak!

“Oh, unfortunately, my cultivation base is still too low, otherwise, this puppet wolf, will be able to reach Jinxian Realm!”

Puppet wolf start to talk, but this start to talk is the voice of the little demon!

At this time, Zhao Fang did not know that the only Demonic beast of the spiritual wisdom activate in the Demonic beast mountain range turned out to be his target.

Zhao Fang is still exploring, and he is trying to find the real secret of this big demon Palace.

Suddenly, just as Zhao Fang passed through a Main Hall, suddenly it felt like a killing intent locked him.

Zhao Fang turned around and saw a giant wolf. At this time, she was watching Zhao Fang.

However, the seemingly gaze is full of killing intent!

“Little Human Race, I dare to be in my Demonic beast mountain impudent, Human Race, this Sir. It is not easy to miss your cultivation base, surrender quickly or you can spare your life!”

The faint voice spit out from the mouth of the giant wolf, but it was quite dignity.

Zhao Fang’s eyes are slightly cold, and the look at the Demonic beast is the first Demonic beast that Zhao Fang has encountered since entering the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

“Hey, arrogant!”

Zhao Fang’s thoughts move, but the head is a moment of a long sword!

In the blink of an eye, long sword directly moves towards the Demonic beast to kill the past!

Giant wolf slightly a pause, it is ready to dodge, but Zhao Fang feels that his reaction seems to be a bit slow!

From the first sight of the giant wolf, Zhao Fang saw the existing wolf, fearing that it was also a mysterious peak cultivation base, but why, in the face of his own attack, it would appear stupid ?

Of course, there is some doubt in the exercise, but Zhao Fang did not dare to hesitate, and the idea was moved, and then there was a thousand Immortal Force swords.

In a flash, this originally seemingly magnificent Palace, was completely occupied by this gas sword!

“sōu! ”

When the first gas sword move towards the front attack, followed by countless, the gas sword did not hesitate, no move to giant wolf!

Giant wolf The meaning of cruel in the eyes is not seen at all, and even the blood light in those eyes is more crazy, but his movements seem to be a bit stupid.


What Zhao Fang didn’t know was that at this time, in the head of the puppet wolf, the little demon who controlled the puppet wolf was quite anxious.

“How can it like this, I obviously have practiced this puppet seriously, but why is it still so difficult to manipulate! Is it because my cultivation base is not enough?”

“No, ah, according to the record, as long as the cultivation of this puppet is completed, you can control the puppet wolf with your mind, and this puppet wolf has its own powerful power, and does not need me much Immortal Force to support Ah!”

“No, then Human Race is attacking again!”

The little demon is very anxious at this time. In the face of Zhao Fang’s attack, she can’t even make effective defenses at all, even once in trouble!

However, Zhao Fang will not let him out because of her performance, and then, in Zhao Fang’s in the eyes, this puppet wolf is the existence of Xuan Xianpeak!

Is it enough to compete with Zhao Fang’s opponent, then Zhao Fang where dare to release water? “Hey, Defense Power is good, but I have to look at it, you can catch me several times!”

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