The most bizarre thing is that there is a Restriction of the existence flying restriction here, that is, if you want to go to the other side, you can only pass the chain!

Zhao Fang brows slightly, really, if you really walked from the chain, no one can guarantee that it can be safe.

After all, the material used in the chain is only made of black iron, so I am afraid that it may break with a single blow.

Moreover, what exactly is the end of the chain is completely Unknown.

Zhao Fang Through Divine Sense, you can’t find the end!

However, Zhao Fang just hesitated, or went straight to the chain.

As for the little demon, it seems that there is no idea what is fear, but also followed by Zhao Fang’s behind!

Two people speed is extremely fast, after all, Zhao Fang does not know if there is any danger.

However, it is quite surprising for Zhao Fang that this road did not encounter any danger at all.

Until, completely through the chain…

“what is this?”

Look at the big thing in front of you, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but ask!

At this time, in front of Zhao Fang, it is a giant great war ship up to 10,000 meters!

That’s right, it’s Battleship!

Battleship This thing Zhao Fang also owns, big, small, Zhao Fang has seen a lot, but the Battleship in front of it still makes Zhao Fang quite shocked.

“Huifengmu, Coiling Dragon column… This Battleship is actually made of cherished materials! Even the floor that is laid is a rare and incomparable material!”

Zhao Fang was a little surprised. I didn’t expect that in the underground of this big demon Palace, there was a Battleship hidden!

Could it be said that this Battleship was driven by the big demon?

From the words of Yi Yu, Zhao Fang can be heard, I am afraid, the so-called demon ancestor is not Qingzhuo Continent, even the Demon Race of Qingzhuo Xianguo, but from Outer World.

After all, the Demonic beast of Qing Zhuo Continent was suppressed, and it was almost impossible for Demon Race to activate spiritual wisdom.

And even if it is occasionally Demon Race can activate spiritual wisdom, I am afraid, it will soon be found to be killed!

Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they will absolutely make this Battleship!

The big demon seems to be deliberately guiding the Demonic beast Evolution of the Demonic beast mountain range. Even his desire to stay is the Demonic beast that wants to integrate the Demonic beast mountain range, thus countering the Qingzhuo Xianguo!


and many more!

Zhao Fang seems to think of something, the brow can’t help but wrinkle.

What is the relationship between the big demon, whetherher and the Black Dragon Palace?

You know, the Palace Lord of the Black Dragon Palace seems to be a demon dragon!

Moreover, the Black Dragon Palace controls the great territory, and there is a tendency to compete with the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

Whether it is possible that the Palace Lord of the Black Dragon Palace is the demon ancestor of the Demonic beast mountain legend?

It was only after Qingzhuo Continent was suppressed that he would leave, and then the Black Dragon Palace was established.

Zhao Fang doesn’t know, but it’s not without this possibility.

Of course, it is not like Steward, and Zhao Fang has no mood to manage this.

Zhao Fang move towards the interior of this Battleship, he wants to see, this Battleship whether or not can be repaired.

If you can, then you can naturally find the map inside, maybe you can solve the mystery!

However, just as Zhao Fang was just about to enter, suddenly, hundreds of Blade Qi suddenly moved towards him!

“be careful !”

Zhao Fang will grab the shackle and the silhouette will suddenly retire!

boom! boom! boom!

a path of Blade Qi Directly hit Battleship, so that all Battleships are constructed of special materials, so no damage is caused.

Zhao Fang puts down the squat, looks at the front, and the brow is slightly wrinkled.

He just looked at it with Divine Sense. This Battleship doesn’t have any Life aura at all. So what is it that attacks them?

But soon, there is an answer, because at this time, from the Battleship, a lot of humanoid puppet rushed out!

Each of these puppets is a uniform dress, just like an army!

And when I saw these puppets, Zhao Fang also reacted.

I am afraid that these puppets are the crew of this Battleship and Guardian!

Be aware that Battleship is divided into several types, most of which can be controlled by a single person with Divine Sense.

This kind of may be called a single Battleship.

And this is also the most common presence.

However, there is another type of one kind, that is the giant Battleship!

The giant Battleship doesn’t necessarily say that it is a body type, but one thing is certain, that is, if you want to control, you will need a lot of people!

In fact, the more people you need, the more powerful this Battleship’s Strength is.

This kind of giant Battleship is generally used by some large Fluids.

All of the above are strategic attack or defense Magical Treasure!

However, there are times when someone uses puppet instead of the operator, so that one person can control the giant Battleship.

Puppet although said that can’t compare with real people, but as long as the control is right, then the combat power will not be too weak!


It seems that the attack on Zhao Fang is the puppet on the Battleship.

Unexpectedly, they still have the energy to keep running.

For these puppets, Zhao Fang is an intruder, then they naturally do not hesitate, even without the Master’s order, will also attack the Zhao Fang with the take action of the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth A slight tilt, with a wave of hand, a famous Dragon Blood warrior suddenly appeared.

“Give me this Battleship, all puppet, one does not stay!”

Since this Battleship is seen by Zhao Fang, there is no suspense, it is Zhao Fang, trivial hundreds of puppet also want to block Zhao Fang, how can it be?

The Dragon Blood warrior ordered, without hesitation, rushed out quickly and quickly!

The battle didn’t last long, but in just a short time, the Dragon Blood warrior is ready to clean all the puppet.

Until this time, Zhao Fang began to carefully explore the Battleship.

As a primary goal, map was quickly found by Zhao Fang.

Sure enough, Zhao Fang expected that the map recorded on the Battleship is a fairy country named Yao Xing! As for the record of Qingzhuo Xianguo, there is only one channel nothing more.

Even this channel is not perfect.

Obviously, this Battleship should be due to accidents, through the Void turbulence, into the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

As for where the Yaoxing Xianguo is, at least Zhao Fang does not know at all, no, the entire Qingzhuo Xianguo is unknown.

In addition to this map, Zhao Fang did not find anything on the Battleship. It seems that everything above is completely freed!

However, the only thing Zhao Fang couldn’t think of was that the energy that he saw was all shipped to it, that is, Battleship above! It seems that the energy used by this Battleship is a special kind of energy, not the simple Immortal Force, so it will have the complicated arrangement seen by before Zhao Fang!

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