However, just as Zhao Fang was searching this Battleship, an unexpected discovery made Zhao Fang feel uncomfortable!

It was discovered that a Dragon Blood warrior inadvertently touched the Battleship.

It was a small box with no Immortal Force fluctuation on the box. From the surface, it seemed to be just a useless thing.

The Dragon Blood warrior thought so at first, and even prepared to be thrown away as ordinary garbage.

However, just as he poked E to the box, he felt a bit of coolness!

Although the feeling disappeared in a flash, it still caused doubts about the Dragon Blood warrior, so he took the box directly to Zhao Fang.

“Master, I just picked up the box when I was cleaning up the debris. It seems that the box is a bit weird!”

The Dragon Blood warrior said to Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang took it over and observed it, but did not notice any abnormalities.

However, Zhao Fang believes that the Dragon Blood warrior is absolutely impossible to say this for no reason.

Therefore, Zhao Fang said directly to System: “System, detect this box, I have to look at it, what is special about him!”

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Please note that this box has a special seal. If you need to crack it, you need to spend a thousand soul points!”

Yep? Need to consume the fairy point?

Zhao Fang expression A slight change, it can be said that this is simply already sitting on the box is not ordinary!

Be aware that most of the things, System is directly identifiable.

If you encounter something that System can’t identify, you must have a very powerful seal.

That seal, at least the high level of surpass Zhao Fang, can do this!

It seems that this box, even this Battleship is not that simple Ah!

Zhao Fang came to the interest, almost no hesitation, directly let the System identify.

A thousand soul points nothing more, Zhao Fang will not be placed in the eyes.

After a few moments, System Prompt sounded again.

“Hey, System Prompt, the specified target is identified, it is a special voice Magical Treasure! The seal has been broken, Player can directly inject Immortal Force to view!”

Voice Magical Treasure?

Zhao Fang has some doubts in his heart. You should know that in general, using the Sound Transmission Talisman directly can complete a huge part of the sound. Even if it is a cross-talking Continent, a sufficient level of Sound Transmission Talisman is enough.

If you are using Magical Treasure, then you usually have to pass the image!

Even, to the mysterious Realm, you can directly break the Space and use your own Clone to talk directly to the person you need to talk to.

Therefore, the Magical Treasure is a bit sloppy.

If you use the Magical Treasure, it means that the distance of this sound is absolutely far away, and it is far from being able to transmit messages by means of a secret technique or a voiced charm!

So, where is this box from, what is recorded in him?

With doubts, Zhao Fang injected the Immortal Force into the main world.

Immediately, an old voice sounded. “Your reply, Your Majesty already received, Your Majesty let me tell you, you don’t have to come back for a while, just stay there and explore, if it is really as you said, the wild land hides that odd treasure, Your Majesty promises that you will definitely be rewarded with you.

! “Your younger brother, already with the headquarters of the army, but after all, because there is a Restriction existence, you can not use the transfer jump, even if you leave the imprint does not work, so it is estimated that the army will arrive you five hundred years later.” Where it is…


The content of the sound, Zhao Fang, only listened once, and the complexion changed slightly!

From the content of the call, Zhao Fang can easily see that this seems to be a detective Battleship sent by a Great Influences. It seems that the camera will crash if there is a problem, but it will send the message back.

As for what Qibao is really fake and Unknown, however, there is a news that the army is moving towards Qingzhuo Xianguo, but it is for Zhao Fang to pay attention!

But soon, Zhao Fang thought of another question, that is, it seems that the demon ancestor is already a person who was more than ten thousand years ago.

If the demon ancestor is the master of this Battleship, then, I am afraid that the mysterious army will soon reach the Qingzhuo Xianguo.

Obviously, it seems that the Qingzhuo Xianguo always has been fighting the fairy country of the surrounding, but it has not encountered powerful to irresistible foreign invasion.

What’s going on ?

Or is it that the Master of Battleship is not the ancestor of Zhao Fang before, but another person?

His Battleship crashed, so he sneaked into other places and kept waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements.

Even Zhao Fang thinks so much, the more he thinks it is possible!

After all, the complex design that powers this Battleship is not supposed to be from the hands of the ancestors.

If the demon ancestor has such a strong Strength, then I am afraid that the early ready counterattacks the Qingzhuo Xianguo, why bother to wait until now?

However, if Zhao Fang speculated that it was established, then it is not that now, outside the Qingzhuo Xianguo, there is actually a strong army moving towards towards the Qingzhuo Xianguo!

If they arrive, I am afraid that Qingzhuo Xianguo will face a catastrophe!

What is the truth?

Zhao Fang is somewhat uncertain.

This voice Magical Treasure can’t judge the time of the sound, so Zhao Fang can only guess by himself!

However, the more Zhao Fang thinks, the more likely he is that the latter is more likely.

For a while, Zhao Fang only felt a lot of pressure.

This Qing Zhuo Xianguo, Zhao Fang early ready to make up his mind to win.

But I did not expect that even the Qingzhuo Xianguo, even the ready was stunned by a strong Great Influences of Unknown.

It seems that Zhao Fang must speed up his pace.

Because, there is not much time left for Zhao Fang.

Because Time can’t be judged, I don’t even know how long it will take for the army to arrive.

Five hundred years of Time?

In fact, it is not very long.

Besides, it is impossible to verify what this sound is left behind.

After all, the army has been ready for a hundred years? Still three hundred years?

Even, it is not impossible to say that a powerful army may come to Qingzhuo Xianguo tomorrow!


“It seems that I have to speed up the pace. If I delay it, I am afraid that even if I win this Qingzhuo Xianguo, I will not be able to fight against that powerful army!”

Zhao Fang thought of it, and at the same time, made a decision!

Zhao Fang is not in the delay, there is no treasure in this big demon Palace, Zhao Fang already has no mood to pay attention, he must now seize the time of each day!

Because only he won the Qingzhuo Xianguo as soon as possible, can mobilize the power of the Qingzhuo Xianguo nation to prepare for the invasion of Unknown. Of course, Zhao Fang can also make another choice, that is, give up the System Task and leave Qingzhuo Xianguo directly.

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