A Qingzhuo Xianguo soldier fell, and the person next to him immediately took his place.

The output of the Immortal Force is always stable.

However, with the constant Immortal Force overdraft, the Immortal Force phantom is getting weaker and weaker. Xuan Xian Tier-9! Xuan Xian Tier-8!

The most intuitive manifestation of the reduction in the number of soldiers is the constant reduction of this Immortal Force phantom Strength.

However, even so, the attack is still not meant to stop!

It can be said that in these soldiers did not receive the command before, he will only fight the last bit of strength, support to the last moment!

Even some soldiers, at the moment of landing, are absolutely mad, even the possibility of treatment is not!

They are not killed, but they are alive and exhausted!

Even so, from the soldiers in the eyes, there is no hesitation and fear at all!

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth

Qing Zhuo Xianguo did not say anything else, but at least, this training aspect, Zhao Fang is recognized, and again, these soldiers, in the future, may be Zhao Fang soldiers.

Being so elite, Zhao Fang is of course satisfied!

Even this is just a local garrison, and Zhao Fang can hardly imagine how strong the soldiers of Battlefield outside the field should be.

Of course, I like to like it, but now, Zhao Fang is still not soft.

In the absence of conquering the Qing Zhuo Xianguo before, these elite soldiers are just enemy nothing more.

“Sword Array, receive!”

Suddenly, the High-General loudly shouted, with a residual army of less than 2,000 people, suddenly recovered the Immortal Force, and the Immortal Force phantom disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, High-General knew that Zhao Fang was not able to deal with the powerful existence at all. After such consumption, the soldiers under his command would only be exhausted.

Zhao Fang is unmoved and has no chance to kill them!

However, a discordant voice is ringing.

“Whoever lets you stop the attack, without my order, no one will stop, give me a continued attack!”

Zhao Fang looked up, but just saw the youngster who was angry!

At this time, there is no fear in his in the eyes, and some are just anger!

In his eyes, Zhao Fang is only the native of Continent in Yuanxu, and these soldiers are nothing more than low-level consumables nothing more.

He was born high and then enjoyed the best cultivation resources from Xiaojinyi.

In his in the eyes, these low-level soldiers are just a bunch of numbers.

The High-General complexion changed, but it was still respectful to come to the man.

“Less General, the brethren are too heavy to lose, and the military squad is not how big is it might, if it continues to fight, it will only let the brethren all die.” “War to die? You actually told me to die?” You are all killed in battle, that is your honor! Don’t forget, who gave you everything you have today. Hey, waste is always a waste. I have long heard that the local garrison army is scattered, it seems

This is not a fake! ”

“Dare to defy my orders, it seems that you all don’t want to live!”

“Since you want to die, I will fulfill you, no, not just you, and your family, one don’t want to live! Hey, is it really a military law?”

The man was arrogant, and he was in the eyes, and he ordered these soldiers to obey unconditionally, even if they were to die, they would obediently die!

But now, these people dare to violate his orders, that is court death!

The reason why Qingzhuo Xianguo can make soldiers die like this is not because these soldiers are really willing to sacrifice everything to protect Qingzhuo Xianguo.

They rely on it, but only one kind of cruel means!

That is the life and death contract!

This kind of contract, although there is no soul to control the general overbearing, but it can easily take away people’s lives!

It can be said that any soldier who joins the army will sign a life and death contract upon joining.

Generally speaking, the weaving of Qingzhuo Xianguo is a team of 100 people, and Captain controls the life and death contract of one hundred people in the team.

For a thousand people, the commander took control of ten Captain’s life and death contract.

Ten thousand people are on one side, and the party will control the life and death contract of the ten captains!

100,000 people are ready, garrison generals, and control the life and death contract of ten parties.

As for the above, of course, there are other preparations, that is, the jurisdiction of the Xian.

Qingzhuo Xianguo, the 12th Immortal, is in charge of this life and death contract of more than one hundred and seventy defensive Legion.

However, the level of Xian will not have to sign a life and death contract, even if it has been signed, but as long as it can be on the position of this immortal, it will naturally eliminate the former life and death contract.

It is not that the Country Lord of the Qingzhuo Xianguo deliberately forgives them, but it is only the ranked Task of the Fairy, at least the existing reached Xuan Immortal Grade!

And Xuan Immortal Grade, with the the body opened up the small world seed, this ordinary life and death contract, is not binding on them.

The life and death contract relies on the shackles of Grand Dao’s power, so the mysterious Immortal Grade can not jump out of this layer.

However, there are some exceptions, that is Noble!

There is no shortage of Noble in Qingzhuo Xianguo. These Nobles have enjoyed privilege since their birth, such as being alone.

According to the truth, Duozhitian apparently already betrayed Qingzhuo Xianguo and completely followed Zhao Fang.

With the limitations of the life and death contract, you only need one thought and you can easily kill him.

However, he still lived well now.

This is because the life and death contract is not valid for Noble.

Even if this Noble is just an ordinary soldier, there is no need to sign a life and death contract.

The life and death contract is only used to control the ordinary soldiers.

Most of these soldiers are born in the ordinary family. They want to cultivate and want to get ahead. In fact, the cultivation resources are early and ready to be controlled by Qingzhuo Xianguo. How much can they be left to them?

The only option is to join the army. Only in this way can they be able to retain more resources for cultivation.

Of course, you will lose your freedom, but at least, you have the opportunity to become a Powerhouse.

Qing Zhuo Xianguo, and even most of the fairy countries have a clear time for soldiers to serve!

It’s three or five hundred years old, but it’s just 1000-year!

As long as the service expires, you can withdraw from the army, and naturally you can eliminate the life and death contract.

But as long as they are able to survive the time and live out of the soldiers, each one has a good cultivation base, at least they rely on their own civilian status, and they never want to think about the cultivation base!

Therefore, so many people will voluntarily join the army.

In fact, they asked for it, but it was only two words!


This World is the World of Powerhouse.

If there is no background, there is no chance, then they have only such a choice. After all, there is Sect or Clan in the Qingzhuo Xianguo territory.

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