However, Clan Influence will only train his own people, Sect Influence, and will only choose the qualification of the discipline.


The High-General looks at the angry youngster, the complexion is terrified, and it slams into the air: “There is less General anger, I am willing to die!”

The man heard what he wanted to do from the youngster’s mouth.

He is a less general, the only son of the immortal. In fact, at the time of this expedition, the life and death contract of all of their 50 Battleship owners are always in the hands of this youngster!

I want them to die of four thousand people, but it is just a youngster. Youngster laughs wildly: “ha ha, now I want to ask for mercy, it’s late! This Young Master is the one that looks down on you. I don’t know, the Country Lord is raising your waste. What is the use of the natural talent? But I have to invest so much every year.

Resources for you to cultivate! ”

“If I am a Country Lord, do you waste such things, let you live and die? Concentrate resources, all for cultivating the pride of the sky like me, is a good way to make my Qingzhuo Xianguo powerful!”

The man shouted, and his eyes were getting very ruthless!

But at this time, Zhao Fang, who has never had any action, is moving.

However, the slight flash of the silhouette, Zhao Fang, but already ready to come to the youngster.

With a grasp of it, a powerful Immortal Force directly controlled the youngster. Then, in the look of the youngster’s horror, he directly moved towards Zhao Fang and flew over. For a moment, Zhao Fang was ready. Live his neck!

“Oh, do you like killing people? So, how can I send you to die first?”

Zhao Fang faint start to talk, even the corner of the mouth with a smile!

“Less General!”

Including the two thousand people who were before, all the people in the overnight surroundings 50 Battleship above responded at the for a moment, a path of people flying quickly, but surrounded by Zhao Fang.

“Let’s let go of General!”

Some people shouted loudly, but Zhao Fang did not look at these people.

Instead, the interested look at the panic in the look of the youngster.

“You, what do you want, you can’t kill me, my father is a shocking immortal!”

This? How are you so familiar?

Zhao Fang turned his head and moved toward the ten mountains. Through the heavy crowd, he saw the one-of-a-kind.

独独霸天complexion 尴尬, seems, first time when he was taken by Zhao Fang, said the same sentence.

“ha ha, fairy? You think, I care about your father?”

Zhao Fang is a playful look at that youngster.

This youngster has been transformed from just the arrogance to the current weakness, but the split second is completed, making Zhao Fang quite interested.

“No, no, you can’t kill me. I am the pride of the Qingzhuo Xianguo. You killed me. The Country Lord will not let you go, and will not let the Yuantin Continent!”

That youngster was shouted loudly shouted.

Zhao Fang glanced at him with disdain, but with a wave of his hand, a seal directly imprisoned his whole body cultivation base.

“As for you, still the pride of the sky? If the pride of the Qingzhuo Xianguo is really like you, then this Qingzhuo Xianguo can not be destroyed until now, it is a miracle!”

Zhao Fang did not know the statement of the life and death contract between the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

However, Zhao Fang is very clear, just like the person in front of him, and the Noble younger generation of the Qingzhuo Xianguo, who will grow up, will undoubtedly become the High-General of the Commander Yiyi Army.

In Zhao Fang in the eyes, I just think that if the High-General of the Qingzhuo Xianguo is so incompetent, then it is a miracle that the Qingzhuo Xianguo can still stand still.

What Zhao Fang doesn’t know is that he actually guessed it a bit. The High-General of Qingzhuo Xianguo is really composed of this Noble younger generation.

However, they don’t actually need to go to Battlefield in person, even if their cultivation base is strong, and they don’t need Battlefield.

Because, under them, there are countless ordinary soldiers.

These ordinary soldiers are their chips. No matter what kind of battle, no matter what kind of enemy they face, they only need one command. Naturally, there will be countless soldiers who are not afraid of death and exchange for them!

Zhao Fang waved his hand, but he threw the youngster on the ground.

Because Immortal Force was sealed, even if his body strength is good, but it falls from the height of the Kilometer, it is still quite uncomfortable.

At least hundreds of soldiers did not hesitate, the first for a moment was to rush to save the man.

But Zhao Fang thought together, a prisoner condensed by Immortal Force was the moment to trap the man.

“Reassure, I won’t kill you, since your father is not a fairy, maybe you can change your life with your life.”

Zhao Fang said arrogantly in the air.

But the youngster didn’t know if it was out of Zhao Fang’s control, and it was once again arrogant.

“You, what are you still doing? Quickly, kill me for it, don’t you want to die!”

This time, the youngster said to the 50 Battleship in the sky.

He was sealed because of the Immortal Force, but the sound was not loud, but the High-General of Battleship above could be heard.

Without hesitation, all Battleship, at the same time move towards Zhao Fang came round.

“Hey, act recklessly something!”

Zhao Fang is moving, but it is moving towards the ground!

The attack on the 50 Battleship arrived only at this time.

Between the crashes, 50 road terrifying incomparable light beam directly concentrated Zhao Fang just stood in the position, a moment, like a catastrophic bang!

The terrifying air and even the people of the Yuanzheng dynasty on the top ten mountains are still unstable.

Suddenly, at this time, the voice of Solitary is sounding.

“Master, don’t kill him!”

At the same time of speaking, the solitary tyrant is actually move towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang’s brow slightly picked, and he was a bit strange when he arrived. This is the courage to dare to question his decision.

But soon, the solitary tyrant is the reason for coming over.

After some explanation, Duo Zhitian came directly to the youngster: “Hey, hand over the military, I can ask the Master to spare you!”

Obviously, the youngster knows the solitude, after all, the younger generation, which is the same as the twelve centuries, normally meets in the Qing dynasty Continent.

The military symbol is actually the Magical Treasure that controls the life and death contract of the army.

This Magical Treasure has only one use, that is, to control the life and death of all soldiers inside the military squad!

The youngster looked at Zhao Fang and looked at the solitary.

As weak as him, in fact, I don’t even dare to think about it now. Just Fang killing intent, let alone understand that Zhao Fang is really going to kill him.

He wants to live, he doesn’t want to die!

He is the pride of the sky, he has not enjoyed enough wealthy …… As for Zhao Fang, at this time, it is quite a surprise to the words of the solitary.

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