However, this aim goal is very clear, but Zhao Fang wants to easily approach the goal but it is not so long simple.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this Qingzhuo camp, the prevention of simply is extremely rigorous. Regardless of the patrols that patrolled back and forth, as many as eight Arrays dedicated to the Sense surroundings, the ready is extremely tricky.

What’s more, here, it is a complete garrison army, and all aspects of the troops are incomparably complete.

Array Master, Fairy Master, Refining Master, Alchemist Master, and even a special Array Master dedicated to building portals.

All of these things can be said to have everything in this camp.

Qingzhuo Xianguo military system, a garrison army, existing is a complete system, from combat troops, to support and auxiliary forces, must be complete.

Zhao Fang disguised as a Qingzhu soldier, and with his powerful cultivation base and Concealment means, it was easily mixed into the camp.

However, if you want to achieve the goal so easily, it is not so simple to do.

In fact, only Zhao Fang entered the short-term, it is the ready to be detected by the Array Master of Qingzhuo Xianguo who is responsible for the inspection.

Qingzhuo Xianguo, the military regulations are strict, it is no exaggeration to say that in the military camp, every soldier’s forward line even has clear regulations, unless it is in his own military tent inside, otherwise, the soldiers have no freedom at all.

It is precisely because of this, so Zhao Fang’s action is a bit awkward, which caused a person’s attention.


“Captain, I found out that a taxi is a bit strange.”

Qingzhuo Xianguo, the Military Law Office monitored the Great Array, and a soldier stood up and said to the other person around him.

“Oh, what’s going on?”

The man called Captain looked puzzled.

The soldier heard it and waved it. Immediately, a partial map image appeared in front of the two people.

This is the military law department’s special right to monitor the Array Master of Great Array, which can fully monitor the entire battalion.

At this time, this map above, there is a red track that is extremely abrupt, because all other tracks are blue.

“Captain, at the beginning I just saw him acting alone, so it was a bit strange, it was hiding, but I didn’t think that the path I recorded next was more and more his awkwardness.”

“This person did not follow any of the internal patrols of our army!”

Captain’s brow wrinkled slightly, looked at the map, thought a little and said: “According to his previous route, calculate his ultimate goal!”


The soldier’s thoughts moved, and the red line immediately extended. After all, it was the military line. It can be said that the path inside is not very complicated, not to say straight, but there are not many detours.

Therefore, under this projection, the goal is to point to the flagship!

“Captain, this…”

The soldier looked up and looked at his Captain. Really, he himself could not believe his own speculation.

After all, if his speculation is not wrong, then the goal of this person is not to want to attack the flagship alone.

Here is the Yuantin Continent? However, it is a wild land. Is someone so bold?

However, Captain did not hesitate and immediately walked out.

In a short time, a team of soldiers was rushed out of the Military Law Office.

This is a clear distinction between soldiers and ordinary soldiers. Their uniform colors are different from those of ordinary soldiers.

And these people are the disciplines responsible for law enforcement within the military array.

Their goals are extremely clear and have guidelines for soldiers who are responsible for monitoring.

It can be said that they are not existence at all and the possibility of losing the target.

At this time, Zhao Fang did not realize that his already found was discovered. After all, he did not have too much contact with Qingzhuo Xianguo, so the natural impulse is too clear about the military system of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

It is not Zhao Fang that has not been investigated, but Qingzhuo Xianguo has always been extremely focused on confidentiality.

Most of Zhao Fang’s intelligence comes from being alone.

The loyalty of the solitude can be guaranteed, but he simply understands too much useful things.

Thus, Zhao Fang did not know that there was an inspection system in the Qingzhuo military array, and he could not think of it at all. At this time, not only was the existing discovery, but even the enemy was approaching!

Not long after, the group of law enforcement officers came to Zhao Fang. Once the target was determined, these people did not hesitate. Even if they did not say anything, they would directly move towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang’s brow slightly wrinkled. He didn’t even react to how enemy found him. After all, since enemy already found him, he didn’t have to hide.

“Hey, just because you want to stop me?”

Zhao Fang disdainfully sighed, suddenly, Zhao Fang that Xuanxian peak cultivation base is bursting out!

The powerful Immortal Force fluctuation, just a moment, caused the attention of almost all the inspectors.

And the first reaction of almost every one of these people is to issue an early warning!

“bang! bang! bang!”

A burst of dozens of red red flames in the sky!

That flame is the warning of the warning!

“Enemy! Enemy!”

A shout of voice screamed, and among the various military tents, a pair of soldiers rushed out of the slightest hesitation.

The warning of Qingzhuo Xianguo is naturally graded.

However, a mysterious peak Powerhouse appeared inside the military camp, but was enough to trigger the highest ranked alarm.

Among the various military tents, a famous member of the Qingzhuo Xianguo rushed out quickly. Because of the tips for monitoring the soldiers, it can be said that all Qingzhuo soldiers clearly know where Zhao Fang is.

A team of squadrons vacated and lined up in a neat queue, but in an instant, it was ready to fully surround Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang faintly smiled, then looked up at the enemy of the surroundings!

The layers of the enemy, as if they were covered in the sky, directly obscured the entire sky.

Just a short time, but it is already full, and the Wanqing Zhuoshi is ready to come to Battlefield.

Everyone’s eyes are on Zhao Fang’s body.

However, Zhao Fang did not fear at all, and the corner of the mouth was faintly smiled. Then, it was laughed loudly.

“ha ha, just because you want to stop me? Since the immediate is discovered, then I don’t need to hide it!”

While at the same time, Zhao Fang’s silhouette is slowly moving towards half empty.

And almost all the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo, the eyes have been following Zhao Fang’s movements, all eyes, all gathered in Zhao Fang’s body, it seems that if they are a blink of an eye, Zhao Fang will disappear! At this time, on the flagship of the Qingzhuo fleet, the garrison High-General also known the news.

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