“Hey, mysterious peak cultivation base? I didn’t expect this wild land, there are still such characters, but unfortunately, the camera across the General, then you are bad luck, pass on orders, mobilize all the troops, give me the full force to kill this person !”

“As long as he is killed, the rebellion of this Yuantin Continent can be easily solved!”

That High-General doesn’t mean to be hands-on, because he knows very well, just relying on his cultivation base, it is not Zhao Fang’s opponent!

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is really single-handedly, Zhao Fang said that no move can be killed.

The military order was delivered at a very fast speed and was surrounded by the ears of Qing Zhuo soldiers in the Zhao Fang surroundings.

The order prohibits observed in this moment as an excellent embodiment.

Almost at the same time, all the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo suddenly shouting loudly: “kill!”

In an instant, everyone almost pulled out the sword at at the same time!

Among the crowd, a military division is now in charge of all the Qingzhuo soldiers.

From his mouth, one by one ordered the release of the constant.

Suddenly, in a military array at the top left of Zhao Fang, all the soldiers waved their hands at almost the same time long sword!


Under one order, thousands of sword light crashed move towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang disdainfully grinned, so he attacked, he was too lazy to defend.

Zhao Fang Void Hand lifted up, but saw a ray of light rising like a ring.

But in an instant, move towards surroundings spread out!


There is a loud order from High-General.

In the forefront of the Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers, Immortal Force was formed into a shield, and in his behind, all the soldiers were also constantly injecting Immortal Force into his strength!

In a short time, the shield wall constructed by the Immortal Force shield on one side is like a cage. Zhao Fang is trapped in it, and it is almost at the same time. All the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo actually arrive at Immortal Force. The same Realm.


The ring that Zhao Fang released directly hit the Immortal Force shield.

In the blink of an eye, a blast came and a famous Qing Zhuo was directly thrown away!

However, there were new soldiers immediately on top of his position.

“Hey, I don’t have a skill to delay Time with you!”

Zhao Fang knows clearly that the Combined Strike Technique of these Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers is extremely strong. Once they are allowed to launch a joint attack, it is very difficult for them to leave.

So at this time, Zhao Fang raised his hand again, but this time, Zhao Fang’s movement was very slow. In his hand, a white ball of light appeared.

But after it appeared, it was not thrown out by Zhao Fang, but the cumulative power of constant!

The terrifying Immortal Force fluctuation even made many of the people of Qingzhuo Xianguo discolored.

Anyone can see that the power of the light ball is absolutely able to kill them anyone!

However, Zhao Fang did not plan to forget it!

At this point, an emperor appeared in the other hand of Zhao Fang.

However, after these fairy characters appear, they are also injected into the ball of light.

The combination of Zhao Fang will also be used!

Moreover, he does not need to cooperate with other people, he can arbitrarily combine his own moves!

This is the special feature of the reincarnation of the magical power!

If the immortality is normally injected into the Immortal Force ball, I am afraid that it will burst early.

However, Zhao Fang is the perfect combination of the two.

The one that entered the Immortal Force group did not disappear, but was stored in the Immortal Force ball.

Finally, Zhao Fang feels ready to be almost.

Then, I saw Zhao Fang slamming his hand.

Immediately, this terrifying Immortal Force only wanted to move towards one place.

“Give me broken!”

Zhao Fang shouting loudly, meanwhile, directly at the same time ignited the Immortal Force ball.


First, a loud bang came to contain the terrifying power in the Immortal Force ball. In a moment, it was the emits. The terrifying power, in the twinkling of an eye, was to blow a lot of Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers.

But this is just a beginning nothing more.

Zhao Fang didn’t have a murderous heart, so in fact, most of the things he injected into the Immortal Force ball were some restricted class charms.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the explosion of this explosion is not just a little bit.

However, at this time, the second wave of attacks arrived, which is the power of a path of imprisonment and seal!

With Zhao Fang cultivation base, you can do it. With the power of these fairy charms, the soldiers of Qingzhuo Xianguo are forcibly sealed.

Soon after the explosion of energy fluctuation emits, the power of the countless road seal is followed!

Just like a little bit of starlight, however, that a path of starlight once hit any of the Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers, but immediately will completely seal his power.

When he has not even come and reacted, the early or Immortal Force is sealed or can’t act directly.

One by one, the Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers, at this time, the constant fall to the ground.

In a short period of time, it is stacked on the ground to become a high wall.

After all these losses, these soldiers are all cultivated.

Otherwise, I am afraid that if I am not killed, I will be crushed by my companions!

However, Zhao Fang did not mean to stop at this!

At the same time that the Immortal Force ball was issued, Zhao Fang silhouette suddenly moved, but the Qing Zhuo Shi with a very fast speed move towards the surroundings attacked the past!

With a wave of it, an Immortal Force can take dozens or even hundreds of Qingzhuo soldiers to fly!

When a palm hits, it is a huge palm shadow that instantly suppresses the countless enemy!

A random punch, but it is able to string dozens of enemy into a string, directly hit!

“Hey, Qing Zhuo Xianguo, but that’s it!”

The voice of Zhao Fang came out.

At this time, Zhao Fang, who entered the unmanned Realm, casually flew out one by one, one after another.

In fact, if it is not Zhao Fang’s mercy, there is no killing intent.

I am afraid that now, early here is riverrs of blood!

Zhao Fang is not pity for these Qingzhuo soldiers, just because, because of the existence of the Unknown enemy, Zhao Fang does not want to waste any power.

These Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers will become his soldiers once Zhao Fang succeeds in observing the soldiers.

This is the only reason why Zhao Fang does not have Assassin.

It can be said that these Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers can survive, but also thanks to the Qingzhuo military system that made them despising extremely painful!

Originally, if these soldiers completed the launch of the Battle Array, I am afraid that Zhao Fang impossible to defeat them so easily.

But it is because Zhao Fang knows the Battle Array’s might, so it will take the lead!

Maybe it’s just a tea time, maybe, just a few breaths, in the whole sky, but only Zhao Fang alone!

As for the original enemy that was originally overwhelming, at this time, the ally landed on the ground! Zhao Fang looked down at the Qing Zhuo, who had under the foot, but never looked at it again, but directly rose to the sky, move towards the flagship rushed over!

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