In fact, even if Zhao Fang does not come, I am afraid that Nezha can solve this incident, because the surrender of this violent Wolf King represents the surrender of the flaming wolf in almost the entire Wolf Mountain.

There are many flaming wolves in this fierce wolf mountain range. I am afraid that no one knows it, but I am afraid that the number of millions is still there!

The flaming wolf’s food source is very mixed, not only can eat other Demonic beast, but even can directly eat the kind of fire fruit in the mountains of the wolf mountain.

This kind of fruit, other Demonic beast or people who eat it is not only good, but it will be extremely uncomfortable because of the large amount of fire contained in it, even life is dangerous.

But for the flaming wolf, it is a big complement!

I am afraid, this is also the root cause of why there are so many flaming wolves in the Wolf Mountain!

With the summon of the violent Wolf King, the countless flaming wolves quickly gathered.

That is like the amount of coverage in the sky, so that the fairy of Qingzhuo Xianguo will be dumbfounded.

The amount of this terrifying, Qing Zhuo Xian will not be said to be unable to deal with.

Can want to completely eliminate, then the loss they need to pay is simply unimaginable!

After all, this fierce wolf is a group, the tacit understanding between the population, although not comparable to the Battle Array, but also has a good might.

Even, this has not yet started, just to detect the news, the immortal will be with the slightest hesitation of the order to retreat!

Then, with the help of the violent Wolf King, the Yuanzheng sect has a discipline to enter the mountains, surrender the blazing wolf and become a pet pet, which is also to strengthen his own Strength.

However, these things Zhao Fang already did not care, in fact, after Nezha surrendered to the violent Wolf King, Zhao Fang left directly.

For Zhao Fang, what he lacks most is Time. He must upgrade the cultivation base with the fastest speed, because only he is powerful enough to completely end the war!

Early integration of Qing Zhuo Xianguo, Zhao Fang, can have enough Time to arrange to meet the arrival of the mysterious fleet.

It can be said that if you have not heard that Nezha has come to this wolf mountain range, Zhao Fang may not even come over!

Now that Nezha is okay, then Zhao Fang is naturally going to continue his leveling.

This time, Zhao Fang’s goal is a military camp in Qingzhuo Xianguo.

The reason why I chose this place is because a fairy singer of Qingzhuo Xianguo has been in the military camp for a few days. At that time, many Qingzhuo Powerhouses will pass.

Well, this is an excellent opportunity for Zhao Fang. Killed this group of Qingzhuo Xianguo Powerhouse, it is naturally able to let Zhao Fang obtain a lot of experience.

With the decision, Zhao Fang naturally did not hesitate, and directly moved to the camp.

This Qingzhuo Xianguo is very strict with the rules of the soldiers, but there are almost no restrictions on the top.

Xian will ranked High-General, not to mention that it is a feast, even if it is doing too much in its own camp, the Qingzhu Country Lord will not even care.

Perhaps this is the privilege of Powerhouse. Zhao Fang didn’t directly sneak in, but disguised herself, and didn’t know if the Qingzhu Country Lord would come. If the Qingzhu Country Lord came over, then Zhao Fang could kill the Qingzhuo Country. Lord, I am afraid of the next battle,

There are too many simples.

The reason why Zhao Fang disguised himself is for this reason.

After all, if he kills directly, this Qingzhuo Country Lord is, even if it is also in the protection of the countless Powerhouse, Zhao Fang wants to take him, but it is not so simple.

It seems that this entire camp has really become a place for banquets, just like a restaurant full of laughter, where there is anything in the Battlefield slaughter and tension.

However, in contrast, those of the Qingzhuo Xianguo soldiers, at this time, those soldiers are full of envy in the eyes, but still can only stand in the surrounding, keep the Battle Array, ready to go to the front.

A group of Qingzhuo Xianguo Powerhouse constantly arrived, no, perhaps, many of them are not Powerhouse at all, and Noble used to describe them should be more accurate.

These people, regardless of the cultivation base, are all Noble of Qingzhuo Xianguo, enjoying many privileges. Of course, the opportunity to come to the party at this time is the person under the jurisdiction of this fairy. Zhao Fang is a raw face. He has dressed up and disguised himself. He can’t recognize his original appearance, but he belongs to the cultivation base, but it allows him to move in and out of the camp. After all, Strength Is the best

personal I.D!

Besides, this immortal will hold a feast, but it is not just for him. This is the powerhouse under the jurisdiction of the immortal government. Even those who are other immortals will come.

So naturally, even if you don’t know each other, there is no water to doubt anyone.

However, no one knows, at this time, this seemingly inconspicuous youngster, but in the following, will make the rivers of blood here!

Zhao Fang didn’t pay attention to other people, but sat alone in an inconspicuous place.

At this point, someone came to Zhao Fang’s side.

“Hey, brother, where are you, how have you not seen you before?”

The man used to greet Zhao Fang.

However, Zhao Fang, but he directly looked at him, and did not care. But the man didn’t care. The reason was slightly a pause, but the counterattack continued. “Hey, this brother seems to be afraid of life too. It doesn’t matter. Everyone here is the people of Xianjiang. Everyone walks around and is naturally familiar. Say

If it wasn’t for this time the Continent rebellion in Yuanshu, these people, it is really hard to get together! ”

The man said to himself, did not care if Zhao Fang was listening. “Have you heard that the Sect Master Zhao Fang of the Yuanzheng sect is a capable person, and he is able to integrate all the barbarians of this wild land, and I heard that it is quite skillful, this is not because It’s a hostile relationship, I really want to get to know each other.

Something! ”

“It’s a pity. If he is going to vote for the Country Lord, why is it going to end up with the present, and his Strength, who wants to do this Continent, isn’t it a natural thing? Unfortunately, it’s a pity!”


I don’t know if it was because of the discussion of Zhao Fang. At this time, many people of surroundings have joined the topic.

“Isn’t it, I heard that Zhao Fang is quite young, and it is said that he is very talented. At a young age, he has a cultivating base. If he starts from the Country, he can’t still have it. The opportunity to attack Jinxian.” “Can it be better now? It must be against our Qingzhuo Xianguo. Country Lord already ordered, this person of Inner Sect of the Yuanshi, one does not stay, once the Yuanzheng sect, all The insurgents are all killed!”

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