“But it’s just barbaric nothing more. If you kill it, you will kill it. Just by this time, let our influence penetrate.”

“Isn’t it, before I have heard that this Continent is very wild, I really thought that there is nothing here, but now it seems that the resources here are lacking, but the scenery is good, especially here. The native population is also quite a lot. If it is domesticated, it can be tamed to become Servant. At that time, the woman’s role as Cauldron and the man’s strength is a revenue!”

“Yes, there is land here, it can also be developed. After cleaning up the native here, after moving to some Servant, you can also grow medicinal herb to provide us with income!”

The more people say the more powerful, it seems that the early conquered the Continent of the Yuan Dynasty, and began to divide the interests, and imagine how to develop the Yuantin Continent in the future.

However, these words were heard in Zhao Fang’s ear, and it was Zhao Fang’s decision that the Qingzhuo Xianguo must be destroyed!

From the discussion of these people, Zhao Fang is not difficult to hear, what kind of life is the other Continent of Qingzhuo Xianguo?

No, maybe that Qingzhuo Continent is not much different.

Yuantin Continent, perhaps still Luck’s, because of remoteness and wildness, has not been valued by Qingzhuo Xianguo.

Otherwise, there is still Loose Cultivator, I am afraid that the early is completely divided by the many influences of Qingzhuo Xianguo.

As for the people of Yuantin Continent? I am afraid that it has long been the Servant nothing more of the Great Influences of the Qingzhuo Xianguo.


Don’t say that it is cultivation, I am afraid that it is a problem to survive.

The people of Yuantin Continent, perhaps, are still Luck!

Of course, all of this will inevitably change in the future!

Zhao Fang ignored the others and stood up directly.

He can see it, this Qingzhuo Country Lord, and even other high-levels are impossible. This is just a banquet that will be held by Xian, and there is no qualification to please Country Lord.

Since Qingzhuo Country Lord will not come over, then Zhao Fang has nothing to hesitate.

Zhao Fang one step one step move towards Going ahead, his goal is naturally not the small shrimps that surroundings, but the Qing Zhuo Xian will.

However, this is not a few steps, Zhao Fang was stopped.

“Stand up, the inner government is heavy, the idlers are free!”

Also attending the banquet, but the ordinary Powerhouse is also an officer of Earth Grade, but there is no qualification into the inner courtyard.

In the inner court, only Noble of the top of Qingzhuo Xianguo has qualification access.

Zhao Fang was naturally regarded as a low-ranking officer of unknown, and was directly blocked.

However, Zhao Fang will care about these people blocking?

of course not!

Zhao Fang’s thoughts and movements are in his hands.

For a moment, the entire camp was covered by the fabulous Domain. Everyone, suddenly found that they lost control of the Immortal Force.

But when they were in a panic, Zhao Fang was moving!

The singular stone sword in the hand suddenly moved toward the front, and a person in front of Zhao Fang did not even have a resistance against Time, which was directly killed by Zhao Fang.

However, this is just a beginning nothing more.

At this moment, Zhao Fang turned into a phantom, move towards the front and rushed out. Wherever he passed, there was no mourning, and one after another, the Qingzhuo Xianguo Powerhouse, fell directly into the pool of blood!

“damned, there are assassins!”

“Fast, quickly break Array, killed assassin!”

The entire camp was flustered. Obviously, these people thought that Zhao Fang used a special method to arrange an Array that cut off Immortal Force.

Even when he told the soldiers to look for the Array of eyes, he sent people to block Zhao Fang!

The first team had only qualified and stood in the doorway and quickly rushed in.

It’s a pity that they were only outside the banquet camp at the beginning. At this time, they wanted to come over, and because there was no Immortal Force, it was natural to need some Time.

And this Time is enough for Zhao Fang to do a lot of things, for example, killed that Qing Zhuo Xian will!

As for who the singer will be, in fact, for Zhao Fang, it can be distinguished at a glance.

In the banquet hall, it was surrounded by the stars in the center. I am afraid that this fairy will be!

Zhao Fang is holding a stone sword, one step to kill, just like killing the gods generally move towards the front.

Because of the sudden loss of control of the Immortal Force, many people fell into a brief panic.

When they reflected it, Zhao Fang was already ready to enter the banquet hall!

“brat, who are you, dare to make a banquet in this fairy, don’t want to live!”

As one of the Qingzhuo 12 Immortals, this person is definitely a real power figure of Qingzhuo Xianguo, and it is definitely a high-level person of Qingzhuo Xianguo. Who knows him in normally?

In a few days, some people dared to make trouble at his party. He was naturally annoyed.

However, Zhao Fang will not care about him. In Zhao Fang in the eyes, he is ready to be a dead man!

For the dead, Zhao Fang will be nonsense!

The stone sword in the hand flashed, and the Qingzhuo Powerhouse who participated in the banquet fell into a pool of blood.

It seems that, stimulated by this blood, the whole banquet hall sounded a flustered voice again.

Of course, there are also people who are loyal to this Qing Zhuo Xian Jiang. At this time, they shouted loudly, that is, move towards Zhao Fang rushed up!

“damned, brat, you give I’ll go to die!”

A burly high-class Qing Zhuo High-General suddenly pulled out his own sword, and then move towards Zhao Fang to rush.

He is a different kind of person. When others need a weapon, they will sacrifice it. He is always hanging his beloved sabre at his waist.

Of course, at this time, it played a great role. At least, while others were still looking for available weapons, he still had Treasure Sword in hand.

But is this really Luck?

Zhao Fang’s eyes saw the movement of this person, almost no hesitation, it was turned to a sword move towards him.


A crisp sound, but it was that the Treasure Sword was directly shot in the hands of the man!

Under the shield of Immortal Force, everything is right, relying entirely on the flesh. However, the physical strength of Zhao Fang’s Xuan Xian’s peak can be compared to the fellow that can reach the mysterious fairy.

Therefore, this sword, naturally, has no suspense to fly the long sword in his hand, even at the same time, a sword results in his life!

However, Zhao Fang who has done all this is like a loss of killing a cat and a dog. It is so easy and freehand.

Zhao Fang strode forward, and Qing Zhuxian stunned the complexion because he suddenly thought of something.

“You, you are Sect Master Zhao Fang!”

The Qingzhuo Xianguo Xianjiang, just got the news, said that it is the Sect Master Zhao Fang of the Yuanzheng Zong, obtained, a special kind of treasure, able to form a Domain that cuts off the Immortal Force in the short time.

However, this news he has not had time to convey to the subordinates, Zhao Fang actually went to the door!

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