Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Zhao Fang is in Qingzhuo Continent, then there is an opportunity to encounter BOSSranked characters.

Of course, except for the mysterious fleet, perhaps, the mysterious fleet also has Jinxian, and even the Immortal Grade Powerhouse, but after all, the arrival of the mysterious fleet is only an uncertain factor.

Zhao Fang didn’t have the slightest cohesion. When the sword shadow on the top of the head finally condensed to the point where Zhao Fang was almost uncontrollable, Zhao Fang suddenly let go!

The sword shadow flashed abruptly, but with a very fast speed, directly move towards that Meng less killed!

Meng Shaozao was prepared, so at this moment, there was no flustered at all. When the silhouette moved, it could not be flashed!

“Hey, brat, don’t want to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit. Ben is giving you a chance, surrendering to the less, the benefits are indispensable to you, but if you are obsessed with it, you don’t mind killing kill you! ”

That Meng Shao did not seem to care about Zhao Fang’s attack!

Of course, he is indeed a proud capital, because, just in the moment of a dodge, this Meng is like a teleport, and even far away from the attack of the sword!

If Zhao Fang is just an ordinary Xuanxian Powerhouse, even if it is a mysterious peak, I want to continue to use Divine Sense to control the air sword attack, I am afraid that there is no effect at all. After all, that Meng Shao can escape the gas sword once by special means. The attack must also be able to escape the second time, the third time…

However, Zhao Fang’s means can be such a simple!

The heart is moving at will!

The sword is instantly turned into a countless sword shadow, but it continues to move toward Meng Shao killed.

There are thousands of sword shadows, but it is very tacit, as if each of these sword shadows has a special connection!

Zhao Fang and Qing Zhuo Xianguo battle against countless times, facing a variety of Battle Array attacks, and how can it be did not learn something useful from them.

Of course, Battle Array requires a lot of people to join hands.

But for Zhao Fang, even if he is alone, he can borrow the Battle Array’s might!

That is the sword shadow combo!

In fact, at this time, the thousands of sword shadows borrowed the attack method of the Qingzhuo Kingdom Array, each with a specific location.

Keeping that Meng Meng has nowhere to dodge!

Meng Shao complexion slightly changed, this fellow strength is not good, but the vision is good, it is a glance at the mystery of the second attack of the gas sword.

However, this Meng Shao does not have any annoyance, just a wave of hand, is to sacrifice a Magical Treasure!

The Magical Treasure is like a tall tower, but unlike the ordinary tower, this Pagoda seems to be completely constructed by Immortal Force?

What is this Magical Treasure ?

Zhao Fang has some doubts, to say that this thing is Immortal Force condensation?

However, in general, the Immortal Force condensation does not last for a long time, but from this Meng Shao can sacrifice it, it is certain that this thing should be a fixed form of Magical Treasure!


Suddenly, Zhao Fang suddenly thought of something!

This Jinxian Realm can cultivate the small world, and when it comes to the big Luo Jinxian Realm, it is able to use the small world attack means!

No, this Pagoda is actually condensed by the power of small world?

Behind this Meng Shao, is standing a terrifying Big Luojin Immortal Grade Powerhouse?

Da Luo Jinxian?

For the current Zhao Fang, let alone fight, even have never seen it!

Look at the crystal clear Immortal Force Pagoda, Zhao Fang still has no hesitation, he would like to see, this big Luo Jinxian ranked means, how strong!

The idea of ​​a move, that a path of sword shadow is a faster speed move towards that Meng less killed past.

Meng Shao bite the clench one’s teeth. It seems that some people are reluctant to use the Immortal Force Pagoda, but in the end he will throw Pagoda and throw an Immortal Force!

Then, a strange scene appeared, only to see that the tower suddenly became bigger, but in an instant, it was the entire Immortal Force fluctuation that was wrapped in Meng Xiao, even the Immortal Force fluctuation. Power, there is one kind of feeling that makes Zhao Fang feel scared.

“brat, This is your own court death! Even let the less wasted a World projection treasure given by Grandfather, you, damned!”

a path of sword shadow At this point, the ready hits Pagoda, but there is no explosion at all. It seems that all the Immortal Force attacks have been absorbed by Pagoda, even without arousing a little ripple.

Zhao Fang didn’t care what Meng Shao was saying, but the four words he said were extremely curiosity.

World projection?

Could it be said that this is the treasure that the small world has made?

Small world After all, only the big Luo Jin Immortal Grade can really be able to start to display power, then naturally, Zhao Fang before has never seen, and can not understand, but if this Pagoda is really a small world projection, then perhaps Zhao Fang already guessed the use of some small worlds.

Small world, can activate a new World in its own Sea of ​​Consciousness, the birth of World, even after perfection can truly become a World, with its own ecological System, Life system!

Perhaps the use of small world is the way to project this!

Of course, now, when Zhao Fang thinks about this, it is useless to see his own sword shadow attack. All attacks are completely swallowed by the Pagoda.

In Zhao Fang’s mind, he immediately began to think about countermeasures.

Is the Immortal Force attack invalid?

So, how about physical attacks?

This Pagoda is able to absorb Immortal Force?

Zhao Fang is going to have a look, the only fairy Domain of the stone sword, he can not absorb!

Zhao Fang silhouette A move, it is a quick move towards that Meng Shaochong passed.

However, the guards around Meng Shao can also make it easy to let Zhao Fang succeed, especially the guards of the two Xuan Xian peak. At this time, the complexion changed slightly, there is no hesitation, directly blocked by Zhao Fang. front.

After all, as a escort, they actually let enemy directly attack the Young Master, which is itself a crime, once Meng Shao pursues, afraid that they are less likely to punish!

In this case, where are they worth hesitating?

“Bold, brat, you are in court death!”

Two mysterious peak Powerhouse complexion is not good looking, it can even be said that early goodness is extremely angry!

Especially when I heard the discussion of surroundings, it is even more so that they want to die.


“ha ha , the guard of this group of Meng Family, simply is the rice bucket Ah! ”

“Isn’t it, if my family’s guards are such waste, I have already let them go! But this Meng Family is Meng Family after all, the waste Young Master with waste guard, isn’t it?”

“That is, hey, the brat over there, come on, kill this Meng Family waste, we are optimistic about you!”

The circumstances of the Environment are not too big, their Five Great Clan itself will not deal with, but the Great Great Clan’s Strength is not the same, in their in the eyes, can’t wait to kill each other, but but again Do not dare to do it.

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