At this point, there is a sudden appearance of Zhao Fang, if Zhao Fang really killed the Young Master of Meng Family, then they are very happy to see.

Even, there is no relationship with them. How can they not want to see such a good thing?

Therefore, this group of people is on the side of the constant squatting, wanting Zhao Fang to die.

Of course, Zhao Fang didn’t care about them at all.

For Zhao Fang, this is just because the transmission error is misplaced nothing more.

Even if this is not the case that the specified transfer is a System layout, there is no such thing as an exception.

I am afraid, if this Array of ordinary transmission, encounter transmission errors, perhaps most of the possibilities, is directly into the Void!

The system failed to transmit, but it will still make changes immediately. Even if it is randomly transmitted, it will inevitably let Zhao Fang safely land. This is the power of System transmission.

However, even so, Zhao Fang knows nothing about this mistransmitted World!

And, he doesn’t need to know, for this?

In Zhao Fang’s mind, it is just a place to upgrade the cultivation base faster than the Five Great Danger Zone.

Zhao Fang silhouette Very fast, in the face of the two big mysterious peak Powerhouse block, Zhao Fang did not mean to withdraw or dodge.

Regardless of Meng Shao, or these guards, in Zhao Fang in the eyes, they are all the same!

They are nothing but their own prey!

The mind is moving, the sacred stone sword suddenly appears, meanwhile, Zhao Fang is the move towards the slightest hesitation, the two people killed the past!

Two people are preparing to use the Immortal Technique, but in an instant it is found that Immortal Force is cut off!

“No, this brat has small world Magical Treasure, back!”

The two people silhouette slammed back, and they were naturally impossible. They were as fearful as the people of the Qingzhuo Xianguo. After all, they also saw the small world projection attack.

At this time, Zhao Fang showed the means, speaking, and some attacks similar to the small world projection!

Small world projection attack, the most important reason is that small world is a separate World, with its own Law power!

In fact, Jin Xian Realm constantly strengthens the small world seed, the most important one is to find the right Law for your small world!

And build the appropriate Law system foundation with the main Law system.

If the simple image is that Xuan Xian Realm, can gather small world seeds, and the power of the strongly enhanced seed.

And Jin Xian Realm, is the birth of the small world’s own Law system.

As for the Grand Luo Jinxian Realm, it is to perfect the small world law at the same time, to build a true small world.

Even in fact, in the upper thirty-three cents, there is no realm of Jinxian, after Xuanxian, it is Da Luojinxian!

Because the thirty-three cents, there is a more advanced Cultural Technique, you can expand the small world law and expand the small world after condensing the small world seeds!

It’s just that high-level Cultural Technique, but only in the thirty-three centuries. So, other people in the fairyland have to open up the Golden Immortal Realm under the Royal Luo Jinxian Realm, which will concise the small world. Law, and the expansion of small world is divided into two parts!

Of course, these things are not known to Zhao Fang, and even if I know, I am afraid I will not care. After all, for Zhao Fang, there is no such excitement. As long as his Experience Value is enough, he can directly upgrade the level, and the basic brow The bottleneck is like this.

At this point, seeing the two Xuan Xian peak Powerhouse did not dare to resist their own attacks, Zhao Fang how to let such a good opportunity.

When the mind is moving, the sacred stone sword is already disappearing. At the same time Zhao Fang also continues to move towards the front.

Of course, for the two guards, it is not at all understood exactly what happened!

They just feel suddenly that Immortal Force is ready to be dispatched again.

Two people looked at Zhao Fang with a puzzled look. Perhaps, in their eyes, they thought Zhao Fang Strength was not good, so Time lost the control of small world Magical Treasure after releasing small world Magical Treasure. right!

But is this really the case?

The two guards looked at each other and seemed to see each other’s decision. Then, they did not hesitate and directly moved towards Zhao Fang to rush the past.

Perhaps, they want to take the opportunity to kill Zhao Fang in one fell swoop!

One left and one right, the two people are working together for a long time, so at this time, it is a bit of a tacit understanding.

At this point, the left body of the whole body rises out of the *flame again, while the person on the right is the whole body emits the extreme cold!

One left and one right, one fire and one ice, two extreme forces, with the slightest hesitation of the move towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang naturally understood their thoughts, but he did not hesitate. Just when the two people were about to come to themselves, the sacred stone sword appeared again. In the twinkling of an eye, Domain Reappear was the step of the two people. Pico a pause.

But it’s just a slight pause.

These people are not High-General of Qingzhuo Xianguo after all. They are born as guards. They can often say that they will experience various kinds of battles, and they often experience life and death killing!


It’s just the lowest level, not to mention, even if it’s a guard, they’re just Loose Cultivator nothing more.

Where is Loose Cultivator undoubtedly the most desperate group of people, because they don’t get what they can’t get, let alone practice RealM today!

Therefore, the practical experience of these two people is extremely rich.

At the moment of the fascinating Domain Reappear, because this time their two people were psychologically prepared, they immediately noticed the special features.

Two people although no one said, but from the other’s in the eyes to see what the other party wants to express.

This is not a small world projection, but another one kind of special means!

Although I don’t know what it is, the total Immortal Force is cut off, but the two people, but there is no hesitation, it is still move towards Zhao Fang!

“Flame Palm!”

“Cold Ice Boxing!”

One left and one right, two attacks with the slightest hesitation to Zhao Fang.

Immortal Force was cut off, but the two people were not confused.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, I have to say that the two people are quite courageous, and Strength is not weak.

Being able to react so quickly, and launching an attack, it is obvious that the two people’s battle and the quality of their hearts are not bad.

Zhao Fang is quite appreciative, of course, just appreciate nothing more.

After all, for Zhao Fang, at this time, their greatest value is just to become their own experience!

Besides, before they attack themselves directly, they should be ready to fight back!

Killer! People will kill!

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