Chapter 310—Flame Unicorn Golden Python

However, Zhao Fang did not relax at all, and still looked at all around with vigilance.

He doesn’t believe that Snow Territory Old Ancestor will be bombed like this!

of course.

The main thing is that he did not receive a dagger prompt from System.

“Old Ghost, I know you are not dead, hurry up!”

“You don’t want to purify me, do you want the treasure in your hand? Young Master is coming to you, ready to give Treasure to you, how do you run?”

Zhao Fang looked at all around, sneer words, spitting from his mouth from time to time, stimulating Snow Territory Old Ancestor.


However, Zhao Fang’s ridicule did not receive feedback from Snow Territory Old Ancestor.

Instead, there was a Spirit beast roaring.

“I’ll go, this is what the hell?”

Zhao Fang heart trembled, in the sound of the beast, he felt the danger of a trace.

All of a sudden.

He hurried back.

at this time.

A strong hurricane blew, accompanied by a strong stench in this hurricane.

Followed by.

In Zhao Fang’s astonished gaze, a huge and awkward Python head appeared opposite Zhao Fang.


This sudden scene almost didn’t scare Zhao Fang.

“fuck, when is this coming out like a big fellow?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth Bitter, secretly sighed in the heart, 6-Star Martial Saint is not so good to kill.

The two killings created in succession failed to kill Snow Territory Old Ancestor, which conversely led to a Spirit beast of Tier-8 Middle Stage.

That’s right.

On this Python Spirit beast, Zhao Fang feels aura that is not weaker than Snow Territory Old Ancestor.

In other words.

In front of this Spirit beast, it is also said Tier-8 Middle Stage Peak.

“Young Master has finished playing cards, not to kill Xue Yuanhai, but he ran out of a big fellow. What about this damn pothole?”

Zhao Fang hurried back, at the same time, Heart Thought flashes, think fast.

“ha ha, little nephew, can’t you have more means? Have the ability, you have solved the ‘Flame Unicorn Golden Python’, cough…”

On the head of the red-red Python, stood an old man.

Just compared to the hill-like head of Python, the silhouette of the old man is negligible and almost negligible.

And this old man is the Snow Territory Old Ancestor!

At this moment, Snow Territory Old Ancestor, full of blood, looks like a difficult situation, even Strength, it is much lower.

Just now the master style, at this moment, nowhere!


The shock of the stack shock has caused great damage to Snow Territory Old Ancestor.

The blood trough above his head was sharply reduced to three tenths.

However, Zhao Fang did not show the slightest joy, but instead looked at solemn, his right hand Heavens Weep Blade, and his left hand Middle Level Space Shattering Talisman.

He is ready to be ready to flee at any time.

After all, killed difficulty level up, and then stay, it is estimated that only food can be delivered.

“Flame Unicorn Golden Python, kill him!”

Xue Yuanhai refers to Zhao Fang, in the eyes through a thick killing intent.


Flame Unicorn Golden Python growls and reveals a bloodthirsty killing intent, squirming a huge body and approaching Zhao Fang a little.

“damn, really unwilling.”

Zhao Fang clench one’s teeth, at the time of the approach of Flame Unicorn Golden Python, is about to crush Space Shattering Talisman.

Áo hǒu !

Suddenly, Flame Unicorn Golden Python figure suddenly retreat, scarlet double in the eyes, apparently blinking a trace fearful thought.


Zhao Fang startled.

The rather incomprehensible looks at Flame Unicorn Golden Python, “What is this is going to be?”

“Flame Unicorn Golden Python, what are you doing? Don’t you hurry up?”

Xue Yuanhai didn’t understand what was going on, and urged Flame Unicorn Golden Python.

Flame Unicorn Golden Python looked at Zhao Fang, but he did not dare to move forward, even, unconsciously, gradually lowered his body and made one kind of surrender.

“I’ll go , what is this situation?”

Zhao Fang complexion Weird, the scene in front of him, let him have a kind of mountain and water, and there is no way to go.

“It seems to be afraid of me?” Zhao Fang looked at the moment and finally saw a trace of clues.

“Afraid of me? I have terrifying, on the cultivation base, it is not enough for it to swallow it… No, he is not afraid of me, he is afraid of something with the body.”

Zhao Fang He Qi is clever, and when he observes it, he can see some clues.

“Can you make Flame Unicorn Golden Python scared… Is it Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline?”

With curiosity, Zhao Fang activates Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline, and when the power of bloodline spreads, Flame Unicorn Golden Python’s head hangs down and screams in the mouth.

“It really is!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes suddenly flared.

But immediately, he remembered one more thing. “Is it true that tyrant is suppressing its bloodline? It is strange, and the pirate Spirit beast that I encountered before has never had this reaction. Or, fusion. After the Blood Spirit Dragon bloodline, the Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline has been promoted to another height?”

Zhao Fang didn’t want to understand, but he just left it behind.


He thought of a good way to absolute kill Xue Yuanhai.


While Xue Yuanhai is still drinking Flame Unicorn Golden Python, the new Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline blends with Blood Spirit Dragon bloodline, and the madness sweeps out, focusing on the Flame Unicorn Golden Python.

On the occasion of this imposing manner, the Flame Unicorn Golden Python is more vocal, with a faint meaning of seeking mercy.

“Submit to me.”

Zhao Fang coldly shouted , at the same time , Beast Taming Technique.

“én? Surrender?” Xue Yuanhai heard this, and suddenly sneered, “Is it right? The ignorant child who was killed by Flame Unicorn Golden Python, what is the skill, let Old Man surrender?”

“You are wrong. Cangfu, you are not qualified, become the Young Master dog. Young Master is talking about Flame Unicorn Golden Python.”

“You, you are so contemptuous of Old Man? Flame Unicorn Golden Python, kill me for it!” Xue Yuanhai yelled.

“Submit to me!”

Zhao Fang stepped forward one step, the imposing manner was stronger, all pressed toward Flame Unicorn Golden Python.

Flame Unicorn Golden Python originally had a resistance, but under the absolute suppression of this superior, it was mournful and unwilling to the ground.

“What! how can it like this!” Snow Territory Old Ancestor complexion.


The aperture of the Beast Taming Technique, which falls on the head of the Flame Unicorn Golden Python, instantly blends into its with the body.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, accept Tier-8 Middle Stage Spirit beast ‘Flame Unicorn Golden Python ‘,obtain 6000000000 Point Experience Value.”


Zhao Fang expression A hi.

On the other hand, Snow Territory Old Ancestor saw the expression of Zhao Fang, but it was instinctively uncomfortable, screaming at the same time, under the foot, leaving Flame Unicorn Golden Python and retreating to the rear.

“Flame Unicorn Golden Python, kill me for him!”

Zhao Fang yells at Snow Territory Old Ancestor.


Flame Unicorn Golden Python yells and rushes out like a lightning bolt to the Snow Territory Old Ancestor.

Snow Territory Old Ancestor complexion is pale in an instant.

This Flame Unicorn Golden Python is the Snow Territory Great Emperor who personally grabbed and suppressed the Treasure-House.

This temperament is hot, cruel bloodthirsty, even at the time of Peak, there is no certainty to overcome this, let alone now.

Soon, the Snow Territory Old Ancestor, which was entangled in Flame Unicorn Golden Python, was struggling for a few moments in the future.

Seeing Flame Unicorn Golden Python is going to swallow him.

“Leave him to me.”

Zhao Fang stopped Flame Unicorn Golden Python, looks at the bloody Xue Yuanhai, and made a strange laughter in his mouth. Ten Veins Divine Sword swept away the head of Snow Territory Old Ancestor.


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