Chapter 317 Divine Ox Reappear

Snow Territory Empire is within ten thousand miles.

A cow-shaped Spirit beast with a glittering golden glow is coming on the Void.

This cow-shaped Spirit beast is nothing but the Golden Divine Ox from Big Ruins Forest.

On the same day, Golden Divine Ox has a few miles of pure pur.

But after thinking about it, with Zhao Fang means, impossible to escape so far.

So, turn around and search again.

Unexpectedly, just entering the Snow Territory Empire, I felt a familiar aura.

“It’s the bloodline of the brat, This is tyrant, this God cow feels, that brat is in Imperial City!”

Golden Divine Ox eye reveals Surprise, with the slightest hesitation, figure, and then goes to the Snow Territory Empire.

“Human, this time, this God cow sees how you get out!”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain 7000000000 Point Experience Value, 700000000True Force Value Points, 700000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain ‘Langya Sword ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain ‘Returning Essence Qi Shield ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain ‘Soul-Attracting Banner ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain ‘Breaking God Pill *1’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Xue Yuanhai ‘,obtain ‘War God Cloak ‘.”


“fuck, War God Cloak? This is the rhythm of the Set?”

Zhao Fang took out War God Cloak, cloak is very gorgeous, the emits out of the Divine Might, really out of the ordinary.

Item: War God Cloak

Rank :Divine Grade

Introducing 1: One of the War God Nine Sets.

Introducing 2: After wearing, the base attribute is increased by 20% and the Movement Speed ​​is increased by 20%.

Introducing 3: It can be invisible, isolate everything aura, every time ten minutes, only once a day.

Introducing 4: After the Set is set, the property is upgraded to 80% and has the Set skill.

“I’ll go, nine, when will this fuck be gathered, there is a long way to go.”

Zhao Fang looks dumbfounded.

I thought it would burst Set, but I didn’t expect it, only one.

However, it is better than nothing.

In addition to War God Cloak, the second most valuable is ‘Breaking God Pill’.

Item: Breaking God Pill

Rank :Heaven Rank Top Grade

Introduction: There is a chance to make Peak Martial Saint, Breakthrough Half-God, and even False God Realm.

Pill Medicine is good, but for the current Zhao Fang, it is not needed at all.

He casually put Pill Medicine off, and saw a few other treasures,ududly snorted, “poor ghosts, what is the explosion.”

The remaining items are Heaven Rank level.

Langya Sword, Heaven Rank Middle Grade.

Returning Essence Qi Shield, Heaven Rank High Grade.

Soul-Attracting Banner, Heaven Rank Middle Grade.

The only gratifying thing is that there are tens of thousands of Soul Spirit in the Soul-Attracting Banner.

“If you refer to the Soul Spirit of Soul-Attracting Banner to the Cover Sky Banner and the Cover Sky Banner, you don’t know if you can go to promotes to Heaven Rank treasure level.”

At the time of the calculation, Zhao Fang put the Soul-Attracting Banner off and didn’t do it right away.

Guiding Soul Spirit is not an easy task.

Zhao Fang is not going to do this on this occasion.

“hēi hēi, it’s time to collect the treasure.”

Xue Yuanhai’s treasure is only a small head.

The real big head is the Treasure-House in the entire underground Treasure-House.

Slightly regrettable.

Zhao Fang and Snow Territory Old Ancestor’s previous great war was extremely devastating.

Leading to many spiritual treasures, and also in the battle, lost a lot.

The only thing that is still gratifying is that.

The many treasures left behind are all tempered by the fire, both Earth level High Grade, or comparable to Heaven Rank treasure’s existence.

Among them, Zhao Fang found five or six Heaven Rank treasures.

“I don’t know how many supreme coins can I have to get all these Exchanges off?”

Zhao Fang is looking forward to it.

ten minutes later.

Two-thirds of the remaining treasures in the underground Treasure-House are charged.

In a few minutes, the rest of it, he can take it all away.


It is at this time.

On the ground above the head, there was a sudden burst of violent explosion.

“brat, give this God cow come out, otherwise, this God cow is flat here.”

A thunderous sound, through Earth’s Core, was introduced into Zhao Fang’s ear.

Zhao Fang complexion, an instant change, “Golden Divine Ox.”

He did not expect that Golden Divine Ox actually found him at this pass.

“damn! You can’t be late for a while?”

In the middle, Zhao Fang puts aside the Golden Scaled Fire Python, which is shivering on the ground, under the clench one’s teeth, directly crushing the Middle Level Space Shattering Talisman.

He knew that he had no chance of winning the Golden Divine Ox, only to run away.


Middle Level Space Shattering Talisman rolled up Zhao Fang and disappeared into the underground Palace.

All of a sudden disappeared in Zhao Fang.

Inside the underground Palace, the ripples are flickering, and the body is reduced to the ordinary cow-sized Taurus, which is stepping out of the Void.

As soon as it appeared, the cold eye swept to Zhao Fang where he was.

“Escape again?”

Golden Divine Ox in the eyes gushing a trace of temper.

It took a lot of hard work and found it. Before I saw the figure, Zhao Fang disappeared without a trace. The stock was so depressed that it almost made it cough up blood.

“damned human!”

Golden Divine Ox in the eyes cold light flashing, coldly snorted, its body disappeared in place.

When it reappears.

It is already over the Snow Territory Empire.

Golden Divine Ox restored its original shape, cold eyes, and swept all around in an attempt to discover the traces of Zhao Fang.

But very soon.

It is even more disappointing and violent.

Within ten thousand miles, there is no aura of Zhao Fang at all.

He seems to have evaporated completely, and even a little aura, there is no residue.

“damned !damned !”

Golden Divine Ox roars and screams, making the entire Snow Territory Empire immersed in panic.

“What is that presence, so terrifying’s Pressure’s Might!”

“This size… Is it Divine Beast in Big Ruins Forest?”

“Not good, this Divine Beast seems to be eyeing us.”

“Escape Ah!”

Snow Territory Empire countless Powerhouse, feel the killing intent of Golden Divine Ox among emits.

The at the same time of trembling in fear is more like a headless fly, snarling in the Snow Territory Empire.

The Snow Territory Empire is very big.

Even if it is Quasi-Saint Powerhouse, it is not easy to cross in a very short time.

Unless it is like Zhao Fang, there is a treasure like Space Shattering Talisman.


Inscription Master what kind of is rare.

What’s more, this Inscription Master, which is proficient in Space Rune, is even more rare.

Not to mention the entire Snow Territory Empire, even the entire Desolate Domain, it is difficult to find a few.

“Humble human! Ugly face! This God cow is very annoying, give I’ll go to die!”

Golden Divine Ox looks at the fearful Snow Territory Empire, his eyes are even colder, and in the low voice, his figure suddenly expands to a size.

Then, under the gaze of the countless people’s fear and despair, they stepped on their feet.

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