The 317th chapter of the blood-stained Tibetan Valley

“Idiot, please your young dog’s eyes and see the Young Master. See how the Young Master puts you in this group of Bastard and kills a piece of film!”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth showed a sneer, a palm of the hand, a fluffy pug, appeared in front of everyone.

“I’ll go, pug? Is this a commotion for the monkeys?”

“Don’t tell me, this pug is Divine Beast!”

“I have less knowledge, you damn less to lie to me!”

The heads of the six influences, when they saw the pug, were laughed and laughed up, and there was a lot of sarcasm between the words.

“Idiot is Idiot !Little Yun, let this group of ignorant fellow, see your true skills!”

Little Yun is the new name for Fog Beast.


Little Yun back to complied.

The sparse and pitiful hair was suddenly filled with fog.

At first the fog was very light.

But in the blink of an eye, the fog is geometrically multiplied.

It was only a short moment that filled the valley.

“Is it amazing to be able to let the fog go? Do you think that we can trap us at Martial Saint Powerhouse?”

Six Great Influences, this is extremely disdainful.

But at this time –



In the mist, there was a sound of beasts.

In the voice, there is still a touch of Pressure’s Might.

“Tier-7 Spirit beast? How come so many times!”

The six people who have been ridiculing Zhao Fang have finally had a trace change on their faces.

“Transfer, be careful!”

However, their orders are still one step late.

In the thick white mist, after hundreds of miles of circumference, the Battlefield’s dominance, Already was grabbed by them from Zhao Fang.

“Six Great Influences? Hey, it’s just a six-legged dog. Hey, Young Master even Snow Territory Old Ancestor dare to hard anal, and eventually kill him, you are a green onion, dare to provoke Young Master, purely alive It’s tired!”

Zhao Fang sneer, the Spirit beast Legion, and the Devouring Blood Ant group, all released by him.

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity today and kill four directions!




Countless’s notification sound, followed by most of the Fog Beast killed Six Great Influences.

Other than that.

Even Lin Tianlang, who had just arrived, had not yet figured out the situation, was also involved in the white mist.

In front of him, there was a huge cocoon with a huge shape and a slightly ugly appearance.

“What is this place?” Lin Tianlang looked at all around, and his eyes finally fell on the cocoon.

Soon, his complexion drastically changed.

The Tier-8 Initial Stage imposing manner from the silkworm 蛹emits gives him a feeling of dying.

“Fuck, what the hell is this! Why am I damn coming back?”

After seeing his situation, Lin Tianlang wanted to die.


Already, he has broken away, and his mind has already killed the thought of killed Zhou Lingwang.

But when the scouts brought back the news of Six Great Influences siege Zhou Lingwang, Lin Tianlang renewed his greed, not only greedy Zhou Lingwang’s Four Great Legions, but also the ‘Beneficial’ that the Battle Array Spirit brought to him. So, gathered in the participating forces and killed.

As a result, Zhou Lingwang was not seen yet, and he was trapped by the white mist.

Waiting for yourself, is a body fat, looks ugly cocoon.

Like this larva, Lin Tianlang doesn’t know how many people die, but today, he feels the most dangerousfluctuation from the other side.

“Tier-8 Initial Stage! almost reached Initial Stage Peak?”

Lin Tianlang can’t imagine what kind of cocoon is, it’s so huge, and Rank is so high.

But Time, already, can’t wait to give him some thought.

In the moment of seeing him, the silkworm cocolo opened his mouth and spit out a path of fine white silk.

There are a few people who come to protect the Martial Venerable General. When they encounter the all of a sudden, they are strangled by the thread, and they don’t even know how to die.

“Good sharp line!”

Lin Tianlang between the eyebrows jumped wildly, with his eyesight, when the silkworm cocoons started, they could see something faintly.

“Celestial Wolf Bloodline, now!”

Lin Tianlang knows the terrifying of the thin line, seeing that the thin line is approaching, he flashed a trace in the eyes, and immediately yelled. In the blink of an eye, the strongest card was used – body protection Dark Night Celestial Wolf.

In the ragged room of the clothes, a large-sized, dark-faced Dark Night Celestial Wolf appeared in front of the silkworm cocoon.

The silkworm cocoon looked up and glanced at the silk thread in his mouth, which was more dense.

Between the spit, the thread turns into a path of wire net and smashes away from Lin Tianlang.

at first.

Lin Tianlang is also able to withstand the unique minions and Fleshy Body.

But as the silk thread became more and more dense, the wounds on his body followed more and more, and the blood was soaked in the whole body, but he felt no pain.

Until then, he had no whole piece of meat on his body, and the whole person was cut into countless pieces and died completely.

After killing Lin Tianlang, the silkworm cocoon did not stop, twisted the fat body, and once again sneaked into the white mist, disappeared.

Same as for a moment.

Among the Seven Influences, but when the Strength reaches the Martial Emperor level, it becomes the prey of the cocoon.

In this fogy Battlefield above, the silkworm cocoon turns into a cold-blooded butcher and harvests a life.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed King King Boss ‘Lin Tianlang ‘, obtain 2000000000 Point Experience Value, 200000000True Force Value Points, 200000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed King King Boss ‘Lin Tianlang ‘,obtain Eighth Rank ‘Dark Night Celestial Wolf ‘bloodline.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed King King Level Boss ‘Lin Tianlang ‘,obtain Special Item ‘Legion Mission Command ‘.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed 6-Star Martial Emperor , obtain 60000000 Point Experience Value, 6000000True Force Value Points, 6000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed 5-Star Martial Emperor , obtain 50000000 Point Experience Value, 5000000True Force Value Points, 5000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”



“System, can you turn off the tips of the killed Martial Emperor or lower Martial Artist?”

That dīng dīng successively sounded, almost let Zhao Fang collapse.

“Yes, close 1000supreme coins once, 10000supreme coins for the month, and 100000supreme coins for the year.”

“Fuck, you This is a smashing Ah! Do you think Young Master is getting this supreme coins easy?”

“Which layer does the Player choose?”

“I choose your sister.”

“Sorry, there is no such paragraph.”

Zhao Fang: “…”

“Is there a permanent closure?”

“Yes. As long as the Player gets the God Martial Supreme Card.”

“What is this thing?”

“Lord Level Boss, there is a chance to break the God Martial Supreme Card. With this card, you can ask System to do something that doesn’t violate the three views.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He is clamoring for the inability to rectify the System.

“What requirements are all right? If I get the God Martial Supreme Card, you can save 100 million debts, right?”


“Let you contribute a few Divine Skills for free.”


“Summon out a few Goddess?”


“Let me get a Max Level instantly?”

“We still discuss Goddess, and suddenly found out that it is not impossible to give you a few.”

Zhao Fang: “…”

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