Chapter 318, Arriaant’s Myriad Beast Mountain Master

In the end, Zhao Fang chose 100,000 supreme coins for the year to turn off the notification sound.

With the black heart System gram deducting 100,000 supreme coins, the subsequent notification sound finally stopped a lot.

It didn’t take long.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘level up , current cultivation base 5-Star Martial Emperor !”


“damned, what kind of Devil Law did the little bastard use? It hurts me Iron Fist Sect disciple !”

“I feel that the aura of the Academy disciple is slowly cutting.”

“I am here too!”

“me too!”

“Where is it inside!”

As Time passed a little bit, just now still sat on the six Sect Masters, with the reduction of the minor aura constantly, the face was a trace of restlessness, and now it was far away to look at the white mist abyss, both of which were anxious. color.

They really want to rush into the white mist to see what happened.

But after all, I still couldn’t take that one step.


The rich white mist abyss, and sometimes the thunderous roar, even them, also felt a trace dangerous and terrifying!

just like.

In the white mist abyss, there is a hidden cruel of Vicious Beast in general.

This kind of entanglement lasted for a little while, and as the shouting sounds inside became weaker and weaker, the uneasiness in the hearts of the six Sect Masters became more and more intense.

“You, I suggest, let’s go in together, even if we encounter evil things, we can easily leave without the help of our six people.”

Dean of Yin-Yang Academy said.

“Old Man has no opinion.” Corpse Yin Sect old man nod.

“Unjoyous Valley agrees.”

“He damn it bear, it should have been in.” Iron Fist Sect Sect Master clenched fist, in the eyes killing intent.

No one objected, and after the six reached a tacit agreement, at the same time stepped into the white mist.

At the moment they stepped into the white mist, they came to another World.

Presented in front of their eyes, it is a piece of blood!

There are corpses everywhere, and what you see in your eyes is turned into a rich blood.

The pungent smell of the blood, even the Old Monster, they felt terrified.

“What the hell is going on? How can you die so many people?”

Six Great Influences also have seed residues, but there are not many left, not even half.

“In just half a day, this white mist swallows 30,000 creatures. What is this white mist?”

Six people trembled.

But more, it is anger.

These people, the elite leader in Six Great Influences, are the pillars of Six Great Influences’ future.

But today.

But most of them are folded here.

Among them, there are some Sect Elder who step into the 9-Star Martial Emperor, just a one step away from Quasi-Saint.

But at this moment, they are lying there forever, and they can no longer wake up!

The original Six Great Influences, from the moment, step into the ‘Martial Emperor’-free era.

“damned little bastard, i your father is going to kill you!”

Iron Fist Sect was the most violent, roaring, and after killing more than a dozen Tier-7 Fog Beast, he followed the abyss. Latest fastest update

Everyone else was angry, didn’t hesitate, and quickly followed.

But at this time –

Ah! Ah!

a path of screaming screams, suddenly in front of the sound.

Hear this sound, Five Great Sects main footstep a pause, look at each other, in the eyes have a surprised expression flashed, “Iron Fist Sect Lord!”

They did not have the slightest hesitation and rushed up.

But when they felt it, they only saw the dead bodies on the ground.

Only the steel that is still being squeezed, such as steel casting, confirms the identity of the person killed.

“Iron Fist Sect is the Lord dead?”

The coolness of the coldness, straight from the bottom of the unmanned foot.

Iron Fist Sect Sect Master although Spleen is violent, but when it comes to Strength, among the six, it is enough to qualify Top 3.

This overbearing fierce person, but in the blink of an eye, dying on the spot, even the body was cut into countless blocks.

The shock of the five people is unparalleled, and even some people have retired!

“It should be a Tier-8 Spirit beast.”

Myriad Beast Mountain Mountain Lord stepped forward and said after a careful look.

“However, the Spirit beast quickly left after a successful strike, indicating that its Strength is not as powerful as we thought, or that it does not have a strength to kill us five.” Yin-Yang Academy Dean blinks, said solemnly.

“Yes. Now we, there is no retreat, only advance, only the hidden Spirit beast can be killed to save their respective doormen.”

Corpse Yin Sect old man is also said.

None of the people present were fools.

They just retired, and they were shocked by the other party’s crisp and murderous means of killing.

But after the analysis by Yin-Yang Academy Dean and Black and White Hall, they quickly saw the key to the pros and cons.

This war can’t be retired!

“Be sure to peel the brat!”

“Revenge for my Junior Brother!”

Five people broke out of extreme anger.

among them.

Myriad Beast Mountain is more than a dozen Wind Element Spirit beasts, and with their power, the white mist in front of them is blown away, forming a fog-free area of ​​three circumferences.

“én? Are you a Beast Master?”

Just as the five people were constantly advancing, a slightly surprised voice rang in the ears of five people.

They quickly turned back, but they saw that there was a silhouette, slowly coming out of the clouds.

“It’s you!”

“Damned Bastard, also my Junior Brother!”

As soon as the five people saw Zhao Fang appearing, their eyes were suddenly blood-red, as if they saw the enemy who could not live under the same sky, they rushed up.

“act recklessly !”

Zhao Fang sneered, but it didn’t move.

The two people who rushed up were Unjoyous Valley women and Black and White Hall Hall Master.

The two people although face anger, but at the time of the rush, they are vigilant all around.

“Hey! Hey!”

Just as the two people were near the Zhao Fang hundred zhang (333m) range, there was a sky-splitting sound.

Two people step a pause, the next moment, they saw a thin line that is indistinguishable to the naked eye, stabbing them.

The two people were not in a hurry, and as soon as they caught it, several bodies flew out and stopped in front of them.

Pū chī !

Pū chī !

But these ‘meat shields’ did not achieve the results she wanted.

In the all of a sudden, which is in contact with the thin line, it is directly cut into countless blocks, accompanied by the glaring Blood Mist.

After completing these, the thin lines are not lost, and they hit the two people again.

The complexion of two people finally has a trace change.

“No sword, oh!”

“Black and white ruler, fall!”

Two people, a sword, a foot, at the same time attack, squatting to thin silk.

The thin silk suddenly broke, but there were still a few, rubbing the two people and bringing a piece of glare.

In the tragic sound, the two people figure hurried backwards, his face full of horror.

The other three people saw this scene, and they all involuntarily sucked a sigh of relief.

“Just killing Iron Fist Sect Lord, it should be this thin silk!”

Corpse Yin Sect old man stared at Zhao Fang, but then his eyes gazed and looked at Zhao Fang behind, which showed a huge figure, a silkworm that was squirming.

“Butterfly Emperor!” Corpse Yin Sect old man exclaimed, with a trace in the voice is incredible!

“én?” Zhao Fang gaze shimmers, could not help but look at this person.

“Corpse Yin Sect Lord, what is the Butterfly Emperor?” asked Black and White Hall.

“One kind of Spiritual Wisdom Beast.” Corpse Yin Sect is free.

In this case, let’s not say that Black and White Hall did not believe it. Even other people, who heard the perfunctory words in Corpse Yin Sect’s main words, looked at him with dissatisfaction.

“Resolve this brat first.” Corpse Yin Sect quickly opened the subject.

“Hey! Isn’t it just beast taming? Isn’t it Tier-8 Initial Stage Spirit beast? My Myriad Beast Mountain has it, too.”

Myriad Beast Mountain sneered aloud, and with a big hand, there was a shadow of the beast, which slowly condensed in his behind.

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