Chapter 337 The Challenge of Ice Clan

Ice clan main conference hall , Glacier Hall.

Responsible for the reception of Zhao Fang, still the two beautiful women he had seen before, in addition to a slightly old old woman.

“Third Elder !”

At the time of the emergence of old women, Ice Cloud Ice and Snow are all salute, expression respectful.

Old women Faces vicissitudes of life, the years have left too many traces on their faces, the feeling of the whole person is not like a family of respect, but the candle in the wind, will be extinguished at any time.

“You were sent by Mu Chuanfeng?”

Old women The voice is a bit low, even with a bit of coldness.

This coldness was not directed at Zhao Fang, but because of her cultivation of Culture Technique.

“Zhao Fang, this is my family Third Elder.” Ice and Snow said quickly.

“junior Zhao Fang, I have seen Third Elder. The junior is indeed entrusted by Wood clan Great Elder, come to Ice clan for a thing.”

“Mu Chuanfeng, the old thing, I want something I don’t want to take, conversely let you come with a junior.” Old women swept Zhao Fang and seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang’s eyes were slightly moving, and his heart said, ‘The expression of a deep-faced sorrowful woman, this old woman should not have a leg with Great Elder? ‘

“Let’s say, Mu Chuanfeng let you come over, what to ask for?”

Old women just complained about one sentence and then entered the topic.

“Boundless Water!” Zhao Fang said.

“Boundless Water?” old women brows and picks, and immediately sneer, “This Old Man is really a lion start to talk, no wonder he dare not come over.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang The heart of ge-deng jumped, vaguely feeling that he seemed to be pitted by Great Elder.

But his expression is as usual, calmly said: “Wood clan is not an empty glove white wolf, let Ice clan suffer, this is the sincerity of Wood clan.”

While speaking.

With a palm of his hand, in the Void in front of him, there were ten mini-trees with palms.

As soon as the small tree appeared, there was a strong vitality coming out of its emits. The vitality of the vitality seemed to condense the vitality of the entire forest on the small tree. Extremely amazing!

“Tree Heart Source liquid?” Ice and Snow Ice cloud is surprised, the charming face is exposed a trace of moving.

This Rank ranked treasure, among Wood clan, is also extremely rare.

That is the old women, when I saw ten drops of Tree Heart Source liquid, it was also slightly wrinkle, and hesitated.

But immediately coldly snorted, “Ten drops of Tree Heart Source liquid although precious, but compared with Boundless Water, it is a lot worse. I Ice clan Boundless Water, can not Acquired, use a drop to lose a drop, Mu Chuanfeng wants It’s a big mistake to change my Ice clan Boundless Water with ten drops of Tree Heart Source liquid.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang smiled.

He is not afraid that the old women will open the conditions, and she is afraid that she will refuse.

As long as you talk about the conditions, everything has room for negotiation.

But just as he thought about it.

The old women coldly snorted, “But even if he came over, this Boundless Water, I would like to get it.”

After that, I don’t even look at Zhao Fang. I will go away.

“senior !”

Zhao Fang looks dumbfounded, ‘This damn is not the same as the imagined story Ah!’

Among the Main Hall, only Zhao Fang and Complexion’s Ice and Snow two people are left.

“Third Elder has always been this straight temper, you don’t care.” Ice and Snow comforted Zhao Fang.

“Yeah, the recent sudden irritability for the Ice Cold Flood Dragon, not only Third Elder, even the Great Elder Second Elder, is also upset, tea and rice.” Ice Cloud.

She is barely fell, but sees Ice and Snow staring at herself.

Ice cloud startled, immediately reacted, and quickly pouted, complexion reddish.

Zhao Fang pretended not to hear anything, and looked sad. “Is there really no way to do both?”

Ice and Snow vision flickered, it seems to be hesitant, and finally a clench one’s teeth. “Look at the two girls who saved Bing Mei Bing Xin. I revealed a message to you. Third Elder said, if anyone Icing the Ice Cold Flood Dragon, Ice clan up and down, can promise the person to do what he can.”

“Oh?” Zhao Fang looks bright bright.

“However, even if you know, it will not help. Before this, Great Elder invited the highly respected ‘Yao Chen’ Great master, specifically for the Ice Cold Flood Dragon, but ‘Yao Chen ‘Great master is helpless. You know, Yao Chen Great master, that’s the Pharmacy Master of Heaven Rank Initial Stage.”

Zhao Fang was shocked.

Heaven Rank Initial Stage.

In other words, the Pharmacist named Yao Chen is also a Martial Saint Powerhouse.

Even the other party ended in failure, what method will it solve?

But don’t try it once, Zhao Fang is still unwilling!

“Many thanks, two Elders tell me that myself is slightly through the door, maybe there will be a way to appease Ice Cold Flood Dragon,” said Zhao Fang.

Ice and Snow looks at Zhao Fang ,both eyes sharp, seems to distinguish the true and false of Zhao Fang.

“You come with me.”

Said, Ice and Snow, the lotus walks lightly, and between the sacred, stepping on the fine lotus steps, walking toward the temple.

Look at the glacier, sucking the cold wind, Zhao Fang’s mood, gradually calm.

His little brother, also slowly calmed down.

Along the way, Ice and Snow took Zhao Fang to a glacier.

Below the glacier, there is a huge Cold Pond.

In the Cold Pond surroundings, there are a lot of people around, and from time to time there are bursts of arguments, which are extremely lively.

As we approached, Zhao Fang found that the people around the Cold Pond were mostly inferior to Ice and Snow two people cultivation base, and the in the the body was emits with a strong ice-cold.

Obviously, those characters are the top of Ice clan.

What surprised Zhao Fang is that these people are almost all women, but men are only two white-haired old men.

As for the young man, there is not even one.

Yin Shengyang decline!

This is Zhao Fang The only thought that flashed in my heart after seeing many high-levels of Ice Clan.

‘So many women, there are only two old man, then they solve physiological problems, it is not very difficult. ‘

Zhao Fang thought without thinking.

“How did you bring him?”

At the forefront of the crowd, together with two white-haired old ladies, Third Elder, when I turned back, I saw the Ocean and Snow ice people, and the brows slightly wrinkle. I was unhappy with Ice and Snow Road.

“It’s not a big deal to forget Third Sister.”

A tall old man next to Third Elder said.

“Ice Cold Flood Dragon’s temper, one day is better than one day. In the long run, not only this glacier, even if our Ice clan will be smashed and pond fish, we must solve it as soon as possible.”

On the far right, the black face old man who looks quite silent, said solemnly.

After the two old men said that Third Elder’s attention was shifted, Zhao Fang was ignored.



At this time, in the distant Cold Pond, there was a violent roar.

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