Chapter 337 Spring is a magical season



In the Cold Pond, the water waves splashed, and the huge size of the head, the Dragon Dragon, was drilled from the Cold Pond, and its eyes flashed to suppress the violent countdown years.

As soon as the beast appeared, he snarled and screamed, and the low humming sounds were like a thunderstorm in the clear sky.

For a moment, the wind is rising, the heaven and earth are changing.

“Tier-8 Late Stage !”

Feel the aura of this beast, the Zhao Fang expression is slightly changed.

“fast retreat open!”

Third Elder and others complexion slightly changed, hurriedly back.

The Ice clan clansman around the Cold Pond is in the all of a sudden, at the same time suddenly retreat.

Only one person has not moved!

When Third Elder and others retired, there was only one person left in the open space at Cold Pond.

Zhao Fang !



Ice Cold Flood Dragon looks at the giant eyes of the lantern, and coldly looks at Zhao Fang.

Between all of a sudden, there is countless ice-cold baleful qi, which is going toward Zhao Fang.

The ice-cold baleful qi was not near, and the temperature of the entire Cold Pond plummeted, almost the lowest in history.


Ice Cold Flood Dragon figure Moved to Zhao Fang.

“Ah! It rushed over.”

Behind the exclamation came.

Zhao Fang is still standing still, expressionless looking at Ice Cold Flood Dragon, just when the Frost Flood Dragon is about to rush.

Zhao Fang suddenly heard a roar, and then, in front of him, suddenly a Crimson Python emerged out of thin air.


That Crimson Python just appeared, all around Yin Cold Qi, wasuddenly dispelled, and was replaced by blazing heat.

“én? Tier-8 Middle Stage’s Fire Element Spirit beast?”

The tall old man next to Third Elder stared and stared at Crimson Python in front of Zhao Fang.

“Did you notice that Frost Flood Dragon seems to be more violent when you see that Python!”

“This is no nonsense, water and fire are incompatible, This is their nature.”

“No, accurately, the Frost Flood Dragon is not violent, but rather a bit more exciting.”

After the black-faced old man said, tall old man and Third Elder, also glimpsed a trace.

When I saw Crimson Python, Ice Cold Flood Dragon zoomed in and out, revealing a gaze that wanted to eat Crimson Python.

Crimson Python is not afraid. After killing Insect Queen in Immortal tree World and swallowing a lot of Immortal Tree Essence, Crimson Python has changed. Its aura has already been broken into the Peak of Tier-8 Middle Stage. Step into the Late Stage.

This is also true.

When Ice Cold Flood Dragon rushed, Crimson Python roared and rushed out.

But in the all of a sudden encounters, the two did not start the attack, but they were entangled with each other and then flew away.


Third Elder has big eyes and is unknown.

And the two old men next to him are revealing the color of comprehend and understand.

Even the Zhao Fang corner of the mouth is a passing eccentricity.

“brat , This is what’s going on ?”

The puzzling Third Elder, stepping on one step, came to Zhao Fang and asked.

She has a feeling, the youngster in front of her, she should know about this.

Zhao Fang Although the face is very thick, but this kind of thing is too shameful, he does not know what to say, especially this ‘listener’ is still an old woman.

When I was in a dilemma, I suddenly remembered a word in his mind. He coughed and said with one kind of heartful feeling. Slowly said: “Spring has come, and it has reached the season of recovery. With the coming of the wet season, everything begins to commotion. ……”

I heard that Third Elder had only one uppercase dumbfounded on his face.

“What exactly does it mean?” She expresses the cold look at Zhao Fang.

‘Fuck, i your father said so clearly, you didn’t understand it, it wouldn’t be a centuries. Female. ‘

Zhao Fang is furiously roared in the heart, but on the face, it is quiet.

Just about to start to talk, the two old men, but they hurriedly called, “Third Sister, don’t entangle, Frost Flood Dragon is fine.”

At the time of the occasion, the two old man complexion eccentrically scanned Zhao Fang. “This big thanks the little brother!”

‘Fortunately, I met two people. ‘Zhao Fang is happy.

“The two seniors are serious, and myself is also a coincidence.” Zhao Fang said quickly.

“Big Brother, second brother, what’s going on?” Third Elder is still entangled.

At this time, the ice cloud complexion reddish, whispered a few words in the ear of Third Elder, Third Elder’s body trembled, the old face, suddenly a shock, and hey!

“ha ha ~ little friend This solution solved my Ice clan a big trouble, Old Man Ice clan Second Elder, on behalf of Ice clan, express my sincere gratitude to little friend! Little friend If there is demand, although start to talk, I Ice If clan can do it, it will not deny it!”

Tall old man ha ha said with a laugh, to Zhao Fang, there is no arrogance of the senior high.

Although he is Ice clan Second Elder, he has 9-Star Martial Saint Peak cultivation base, but it is a door clear, can have Tier-8 Middle Stage Peak Spirit beast for Battle Pet. The fellow is not a common person.

It is also true that when he treated Zhao Fang, he was extremely polite.

“Senior is polite, in fact, the junior comes, there is indeed something to do.” Zhao Fang will never forget the purpose of the trip, so after hearing this, the snake hit the stick and said quickly.

“Oh?” Second Elder smiled and was about to ask.

“No, Boundless Water is my great treasure, can you give it to outsiders?” Third Elder suddenly cried.

“Boundless Water?”

Hearing this word, Second Elder, and the black face Great Elder, who was always silent, looked up and stared at Zhao Fang with a slightly serious expression. “Do you want Boundless Water?”

“Accurately, Wood clan wants it.” Zhao Fang did not hide, and said the things happening in Wood clan, simple, listening to the three people is a glimpse.

At the end of the day, the three people looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, how strange it is, how odd it is!

At this time, the always dark face of the Great Elder, suddenly start to talk said: “Speaking of the situation of Wood clan ‘Azure Wood Immortal Tree ‘, Old Man also knows one or two. At that time, Old Man was invited by Mu Chuanfeng, Go to Wood clan and help him kill the Insect Queen in Immortal tree World, but before he is close, he is blocked by the countless larvae. The larva swallows the Immortal tree Essence Qi, which has changed and is ruined by it. After recovery, in desperation, Old Man and Mu Chuanfeng would have no choice but to return.”

At the time of the occasion, Ice clan Great Elder looked at Zhao Fang, which means profound, “I have to solve the insect disaster that I have to retreat, but you are solved, little friend, you are not simple Ah!”

“Hehe, I am also a coincidence, Great Elder praised mistakenly.”

Ice clan Great Elder took a deep look at Zhao Fang, “Boundless Water, I can give you Ice clan, remember, it is for you, not Wood clan.”

For Ice clan Great Elder, Zhao Fang has a few comprehend and understand, and he is proud to say: ‘Young Master is a cow fork, even Wood clan Great Elder, they are starting to draw up the Young Master. ‘

Of course, on the surface, he is grateful, “Great Elder, love, mind in mind!”

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