Of course, there are also Bone-Soul and Bone Spirit beast constantly to attack, trying to break that side of the imprisonment.

It’s a pity that their attack has just been issued, but the immediate is directly disintegrated and directly turned into a Dao Guang silk.

Outer World people in the eyes, the speed of the heaven and earth is accelerated countless.

For everyone inside the heaven and earth, their Time seems to have been slowed down by countless.

Therefore, they have to endure long-term suffering!

Power is constantly passing, Life constantly goes by, everything in front of us is constantly dissipated!

Everything, early immediate is their existence of unimaginable.

In particular, they looked at the sky of the Outer Circle, but they couldn’t see the outside, but they saw a huge light barrier!

Everything is not going on for a long time. When the ball of light condenses into the size of the fist, in the heaven and earth, everything is made to nothing!

Everything here is true, regardless of land, sky, or the creatures in it!

Everything has disappeared, everything is ready to fit into that little ball of light.

That group of rays of light, in fact, is that party World!

Zhao Fang opened his mouth slightly, it was so sucking!

In an instant, then the ball of light is directly sucked into the mouth by Zhao Fang.

The pure power is directly integrated into the body of Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang can obviously Sense, and his body has obviously grown a lot.

Is this the means of the ancient gods?

At this moment, Zhao Fang seems to have some comprehend and understand. It is no wonder that the entire Immortal World will fight against the ancient gods, and even destroy the ancient gods. Even all the records about the ancient gods will be erased.

Such a terrible existence, such a strong existence, once eat, is the swallow side heaven and earth, if you let this ancient god has been existence, isn’t the whole heaven and earth will be eaten by the ancient god sooner or later?

Of course, what Zhao Fang doesn’t know is that the ancient gods can destroy heaven and earth, but at the same time can also make heaven and earth.

This heaven and earth, originally created by the ancient gods, the ancient gods, destroying the old heaven and earth, creating new heaven and earth, let heaven and earth, let everything, there is also a reincarnation.

Of course, all of this, already unknown.

Today, the Zhao Fang Reappear ancient god means, but no one knows.

Not to mention the surrounding people, even if you look at the entire Immortal World, I am afraid that no one will know, and Zhao Fang is the ancient god means!

Look at the imaginary Miles Realm, the Bonelings seem to have forgotten to escape, and the Human Race everyone seems to have forgotten the attack, everyone’s silly look at what happened in front of them, but they don’t know how to face Correct.

However, after Zhao Fang absorbed the energy ball, it was faint to to talk!

“Give me a kill! One does not stay, whether it is a bone-killing spirit, or those bones Spirit beast!”


Suddenly, the shouting sound suddenly sounded.

Countless people directly rushed into the bones of the spirits!

The wind and the rain, this moment, is in the midst of a slaughter feast.

Zhao Fang is so suspended in the air, but it is not taking action.

Whether it is the bone-killing spirit or the Human Race Powerhouse, but always pay attention to Zhao Fang, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Fang even if the eyes look where, the people who are killing there can not help but put slow motion, at any time Ready to escape!

That means of refining heaven and earth, so that everyone can not despise, and no one feels that they have the opportunity to break through the imprisonment.

Zhao Fang’s attack is clearly an absolute repression without solution. It is a horrible shock that no one can dare to have a counterbalance.

Of course, this is better for the Human Race.

Although these Human Race Powerhouse, before have not followed Zhao Fang, and do not know Zhao Fang’s nature.

But at least one of them knows, that is, Zhao Fang will not take action on them!

In any case, Zhao Fang is the person on their side and their commander.

Naturally, for Zhao Fang’s alert, Human Race Powerhouse is just one kind instinct, and it won’t really be affected too much.

Can be different for the bone-bone spirit, Zhao Fang is their enemy, life and death enemies!

Then Zhao Fang will take action to attack them, it can be said that there is almost no suspense, they have to be prepared.

Zhao Fang before refined One party and earth, who can guarantee that Zhao Fang will attack again!

Although, on the surface, Zhao Fang’s realm is only more than the king of heaven.

But the means that Zhao Fang has is definitely not a means that the Powerhouse should have.

However, for Zhao Fang, he really can’t use the means of refining heaven and earth again, because Zhao Fang can obviously feel after the absorbable light ball, the strength of his with the body is early. Already saturated, even a little surplus.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Fang’s body is eating a bit.

It can be said that if Zhao Fang is going to refine the side of heaven and earth, he will definitely blow himself up.

In this way, Zhao Fang can only wait for his body to slowly absorb the power of before.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhao Fang can’t take action, but now, even if you join Zhao Fang, how much influence can it actually have?

Therefore, Zhao Fang is not as good as a deterrent!

Zhao Fang’s deterrence is only more useful than his personal take action.

Among the sky, the ground above, in the range inside, Human Race Powerhouse and the bone-killing spirits, the crazy Immortal Force fluctuation, makes this world almost full of Berserk power.

The location of Zhao Fang is always quiet, because no one dares to be close to Zhao Fang.

For everyone, Zhao Fang does not take the initiative to take action, it is fortunate to be ready, who dares to provoke him?

In the absolute amount of Influence, the Bones are doomed to have any chance to have any chance!

When the power of this bone-bone spirit was completely eliminated, Zhao Fang did not stop, but a command, and a thorough destruction of the bone-killing camp.

After doing all this, Zhao Fang took the crowd and left in the horror and helpless eyes of the Devil Race reinforcements.


However, this is not the end.

Just after defeating the Pei Ling Ling army, Zhao Fang ordered, from the fairy country bordering the bones, the countless Human Race rushed out and rushed directly into the bones of the bones, a bloody slaughter feast. it has started. Today’s Bones, for the Devil Race, has no use value. After Devil Race’s small stock symbolic support force was defeated, Devil Race never sent reinforcements again, but Human Race is here. Zhao Fang’s order, surroundings

Xianguo, but the source of the constant increase of the reinforcements.

At all costs, Zhao Fang, what is required is that this bone-killing spirit completely destroys the family!

The battle lasted less than three months in Time. After three months, there was no bone-souling in the early, because the bone-soul elite was completely erased by Human Race.

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