At this time, Human Race can be said to be full of morale.

In general, the Bone-Linglings are also considered to be a strong family among the Wanzu. However, in such a short Time, the entire Bone-soul is completely killed.

How is this not exciting?

But for Devil Race’s vassal Race, and some of the wait-awaited Race, it is undoubtedly a desperate blow.

It turns out that Human Race doesn’t help them with these little races, but Human Race hasn’t really taken the action.

And once the Human Race takes full action, the ending will be such a horror.

The demise of a Race is so simple!

Take a look at Devil Race’s work, but it makes a lot of neutral Race chilling, which makes them have to consider, if you join Devil Race, become a vassal of Devil Race.

Will Human Race once again kill them at any cost?

And Devil Race, can you really protect their safety? Not to mention the rise of Devil Race this time?

As for the Race, which is already a Devil Race vassal, it is also very vigilant and fearful.

They have to strengthen the defense of the border again and again, because they are afraid that Zhao Fang will take action again and destroy another Race.

In fact, Zhao Fang is exactly what he intends.

Just killing one Devil Race Dependent Race is not enough for Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang wants to cut out Devil Race’s minions one by one, so that all other Races don’t dare to surrender to Devil Race easily.

Zhao Fang wants everyone to understand that without joining Devil Race, it may die, and there may be danger of extinction.

But if you join Devil Race, you will definitely die, and you will definitely be killed.

Less than two months after the bone-killing spirit was destroyed, Zhao Fang planned a new attack.

This time, Zhao Fang mobilized a more powerful force.

Even less than a month’s Time, it is another Devil Race vassal Race is extinct!

At this moment, everyone is aware of the fact that it is to join Devil Race, one is not careful, but will be destroyed by Human Race.

The reason why Human Race is not done, is just waiting for the opportunity to take action nothing more. Zhao Fang clearly released a signal. In the great war of Human Race and Devil Race, other Races should think clearly and make decisions. You can be neutral. If it is only neutral, perhaps Human Race will not care about you, but If you join Devil Race,

Then it will be destroyed!

The indifference and disregard of Devil Race made other Races dare not make decisions easily.

When Devil Race noticed these anomalies and understood Zhao Fang’s conspiracy, trying to save again, it was too late.

Besides, the consistent style of Devil Race is the absolute suppression with Strength.

In the current situation, the suppression of Devil Race will only cause a greater rebound.

Of course, in the battle to destroy the two races, Human Race also paid a lot of money, and countless deaths, but even so, it does not mean that there will be people dissatisfied.

Because anyone can see that Zhao Fang is doing this, in order to reduce losses even smaller.

After all, it is precisely because of Zhao Fang’s Thunder’s general shock that can make those neutral Races dare not waver.

In doing so, Devil Race lost a lot of tributary Race at the same time, and also brought a lot of Alliance Race to Human Race.

This naturally makes the Human Race lose less in future battles.

These two actions also laid the prestige of Zhao Fang, which made Zhao Fang completely accepted by everyone.

Because everyone believes that under the leadership of Zhao Fang, winning this war with Devil Race is just a matter of Time.

For Devil Race, there is no doubt that Zhao Fang is the target of Devil Race.

Before Dehir Race, who was away from Zhao Fang for the Third Prince, is now brought back to Devil Race. It is estimated that it will be investigated, and the new Devil Race commander can say that early is the most important opponent.

After all, his predecessor was in the hands of Zhao Fang.

Devil Race Third Prince also went back, but it is clear that because of this time, he will not be sinned even if he is, but the position of the Emperor is not to think about it in the future.

Regardless of the Devil Race Third Prince, or the former commander of Devil Race, or even the current commander of Devil Race, today, all of them regard killed Zhao Fang as one of the main goals.

Of course, if you want to kill Zhao Fang under the protection of Wan Jun, then where is the simple thing.

However, nothing is done, but it is absolutely impossible.

There are also many branches in Devil Race.

Among them, there is a Devil Race branch that specializes in assassination, which is generally called the Shadow Devil!

The shadow magic, the cultivation is one kind of special Cultural Technique, the magical spirit that has been cultivated to a certain realm, even the body has disappeared, leaving only a shadow.

And they can be integrated into any shadow, it can be said that extremely dangerous, and extremely strange.

There are many ways to kill the Shadow Magic, and the most widely known is the shadow killing method.

They have one kind Secret Art, which can control the movement of a person by controlling the shadow of a person, and let that person commit suicide silently!

It can be said that there are few examples of failures.

This time, the Third Prince is the founder of the Shadow Demon, making a big profit, to the Shadow of the Shadow, is to assassinate Zhao Fang.

The number of shadows, even within the Devil Race, is rare, and the illusion of becoming a shadow form is even less.

Of course, as long as you cultivate to a certain level, you can completely shield your own shadow, or use other methods to deal with the shadow magic.

However, the Shadow Magic’s attacks are very different and often unsatisfactory.

Many times, when you find the Shadow Demon, it’s actually too late!

On this day, Zhao Fang is still arranging the battle on the front line.

Although, the full battle of Human Race and Devil Race did not start completely, but the battle of frontline consumption of Strength often occurred.

From the very beginning, Zhao Fang made up his mind to fight with Devil Race. Naturally, when planning the battle, Zhao Fang used Devil Race Strength as master.

A Devil Race army was lured and then killed by the superior strength of Human Race.

In this way, it is convincing. Now, Devil Race is not willing to move easily, even if it must be dispatched, there must be a lot.

In fact, more than a certain amount, Human Race wants to be in the simple extinction Devil Race is not so simple.

After all, as long as Devil Race can hold on to a certain time, the reinforcements will be able to come.

Zhao Fang is now figuring out how to lure some Devil Race every day and then annihilate it. What Zhao Fang didn’t know was that a strange shadow was silently approaching him.

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