Divine Grade’s formation and Magical Treasure are like a new system of separate presence. If Zhao Fang wants to have these, he needs a completely new start!

That is, killed enemy, obtain soul!

After all, Zhao Fang, now practicing the ancient gods, broke the Inheritance early, that is to say, Zhao Fang is almost equal to starting from scratch and rebuilding the ancient gods.

Then, naturally, this can only be repeated.

Zhao Fang doesn’t have to expect any other help besides himself and System.

A brand new start is in front of Zhao Fang, and the road ahead can be said to be clearly targeted.

The last ancient god in this world!

As long as he can keep going, Zhao Fang will become stronger and stronger, and even have the power to surpass the entire World.

But at the same time, Zhao Fang knows clearly that this road is not so good. After all, if you want to go this way, then Zhao Fang is going to open up a repair route.

He couldn’t get any help from everyone. After all, all the early aready about the ancient gods was erased, and there was no more Divine Ability in the world. Even the description of the ancient gods was very rare!

If there is still a little Divine Strength in this world, if there are still many people in the world who know the rumors of the ancient gods, even if it is, it will make people doubt that the ancient god, whore really existence?

Zhao Fang has to do more than just self-cultivation. At the same time, he has to create a Culture Technique Divine Ability!

Even if necessary, Zhao Fang needs to teach apprentice to carry forward the ancient Inheritance again.

However, all this, for Zhao Fang, is a starting point!

It can be said that in addition to using Divine Strength is the same as the ancient god, everything that Zhao Fang has experienced will be a brand new journey.

On this lonely road, Zhao Fang can only go on his own.

Or, in fact, Zhao Fang although got the seed of the ancient god Divine Spark, but he also should not be called the ancient god, but the new god!

After all, in addition to using Divine Strength and the ancient gods, Zhao Fang and everything else will slowly develop a new route, and as such, naturally can not be called the ancient god.

From System, Zhao Fang can get some basic means of ancient gods.

But that’s just the most basic existence.

For example, what attributes control, almost powerful, but in fact, this is only the most basic existence for the ancient gods.

Just like, the people who cultivate the immortals will gather Immortal Force. For example, the Array Master will arrange the array method, just like Alchemist can refining Pill Medicine!

These are just the most basic existence.

However, different Array Master layouts are different, different Alchemist, Refining Pill Medicine is different, and different cultivators are good at attacking different ways! The same is true of the ancient gods. Then, in addition to the basic ancient means of God in System, Zhao Fang, in fact, the more advanced Divine Ability, most of them can only try to figure out through himself, together with System, create a new god



At this moment, Zhao Fang, it is difficult to calm down, because Zhao Fang is very clear that the road ahead is definitely a new beginning for him.

However, when Zhao Fang was thinking, he heard a reminder from System.

“Hey, Player Zhao Fang Please note that when the Ancient Forbidden Zone is detected, please invite the Player to enter the ancient forbidden place to find the remains of the ancient gods as soon as possible!”

Zhao Fang Slightly, when does System actually let himself go to what is forbidden?

Is this the new feature that this update, System more?

Zhao Fang start to talk asked: “System, that ancient forbidden land is what’s going on? Why do you want to let I’ll go there?”

“Hey, Player, please note that Player is now practicing the ancient gods, Inheritance is early and ready to sever, even if it is about the ancient gods, there are not many that have been handed down. Therefore, it is necessary for the Player to improve the ancient gods. “But, in order to reduce the resistance of Player cultivation, Player can also examine some of the remains of ancient ancient gods. Among these relics, there may be some auras that the ancient gods fought, or different ancient gods.” Divine Strength

group! ”

“And these things, as long as the Player can carefully observe and analyze, then it may be able to have insights from it!” “Hey, this system after this upgrade, one of the new features, is to actively look for Ancient ancient ruins , or where the Divine Strength is contained, these places may be full of Crisis, but after all, for the Player, it is also great.

opportunity! ”

“Hey, System suggests that Player can speed explore all the remains of ancient gods, so you can quickly improve Strength until you find your own Shinto!”

Zhao Fang ordered nod. Zhao said that System does not object. He also knows that only if he promotes Strength as soon as possible, can he truly play a decisive role in this war.

Although said, before Zhao Fang is also a great achievement for the Human Race, even once affected the balance of the war, killing the countless Devil Race.

In fact, all the actions and behaviors of Zhao Fang can’t really have a decisive influence on the whole situation. Moreover, if Zhao Fang now faces the real Powerhouse of Devil Race, it is not sure to win.

Enhancing Strength is what Zhao Fang needs to do most now.

If Zhao Fang has an absolute strength, I am afraid that this battle, Devil Race will not dare to launch easily.

Devil Race The real reason to dare to launch this war is not because Devil Race’s Top Level Powerhouse has an advantage over Human Race?

Why has the war developed to the present, but the Human Race has never sent a Battle Level on the Top Level Powerhouse?

It’s not that Human Race doesn’t want to, but doesn’t dare.

Like the Sect Master, the Lord Lord and others, their Strength is definitely the peak of the present.

However, they can’t easily go to Battlefield, because once they pass, Devil Race will also send the top Powerhouse, and once the top Powerhouse is defeated, it can be said that the outcome of this war is the absence of suspense.

It is also in such a big environment that Zhao Fang can have the present achievements and become the commander of the Human Race coalition.

Not wanting to, but not dare, this is the helplessness of Human Race now!

Now, perhaps the key to reversing the whole situation is Zhao Fang.

You must know that the ancient gods, which are crushing the existence of all the immortals, are two special existences that are completely incompatible.

Although the ancient gods have not many ancient gods, any ancient god, in front of the immortal, is the inexactence of invincibility. Once the ancient gods, enslaved countless cultivators, this will have the rebellion of the immortals, and now World.

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