The ancient cultivator of the ancients can be said to be much stronger than the current cultivator, but even so, it has paid an extremely heavy price, which shows how powerful the ancient god is.

However, after all, Zhao Fang is now the commander of the Human Race coalition. How can he leave Battlefield?

If he is not on the front line, what if he encounters a large invasion of Devil Race?

Without the commander’s Human Race coalition, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

Even if Zhao Fang can make a subtle arrangement, but he is not here, this is not a good thing for the Human Race coalition.

At this point, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but frown when he heard the System prompt.

However, Zhao Fang did not hesitate at all. He said directly to System: “System, I am now shouldering the responsibility of the commander of the Human Race coalition. It is very difficult to leave the front line. How to explore the remains of the ancient gods?” “Hey, System Prompt Player, please note that Player already has the ancient god Divine Spark and masters Divine Strength. For the ancient gods, any ancient god has the power to control Space! For the ancient gods, don’t say that it’s a thousand miles, even if it’s a thousand

Miles, that is just the most basic operation, so Player can explore the special mobile way of the ancient gods! ”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, he did not expect System to answer him like this.

But soon, Zhao Fang also made a decision in his heart. Taking the path of Ancient God’s cultivation, this is Zhao Fang’s own choice. Once he chooses to cultivate the ancient gods, he will inevitably face many situations like this. All the means of the ancient gods, this is the need to explore Zhao Fang himself, then now is just a mobile Divine Ability, Zhao Fang and how can it be will give up, if the most simple things Zhao Fang can not do, Then this ancient god

Zhao Fang is still giving up early!

Zhao Fang is not talking, but starts to think in her heart.

Regarding the movement technique, about the Transmission Array, etc., Zhao Fang is all aware of this special movement.

So naturally, now Zhao Fang can also reverse the push according to these methods.

After all, Ancient Era before, in fact, there is no practitioner in this world, the only existence, but the ancient god.

In addition to the ancient gods, all the Races are slaves of the ancient gods, attached to the ancient gods, serving the ancient gods!

I don’t know which ancient god gave these servants some methods of cultivation, and this began to appear as a cultivator.

The cultivator is constantly perfecting various Cultivation Techniques, which are powerful enough to defeat the ancient gods. But to put it bluntly, the so-called cultivation of immortality is actually given by the ancient gods. Nature has some connection with the ancient god Divine Ability. Zhao Fang wants to reverse the ancient god Divine Ability from the cultivation technique. In fact, it is not impossible, at most, That is, difficulty

Big nothing more!

This reverse is a full three months!

Three months, Zhao Fang does not sleep, does not eat or drink, just sit there, the constant calculation of the heart, think of constant, and then through the System, into the one step of the calculation.

From the cultivation of immortality, the ancient god Divine Ability, the entire existence is possible, but after all, that difficulty is unimaginable.

It can be said that if there is no help from System, even if Zhao Fang is how to be talent, it is actually impossible to do it.

In the three months of Time, Zhao Fang countless times failed, and countless times to re-attempt, he will even fail several times or even dozens of times every day!

Constantly deductive, constantly thinking, and constantly drawing any way.

Zhao Fang studied the special transmission methods of different practitioners, and also studied the transmission principle of different arrays. Even he studied the flying boat, the large Battleship, and some moving Magical Treasure mobile means.

This is also constant, even some transfer reels, etc., is also considered and studied by Zhao Fang constantly.

During these three months, Zhao Fang was crazy, and early had entered a special atmosphere of one kind.

Of course, this Time, Outer World is also something happened, for example, Devil Race has launched several attacks.

However, after everyone saw Zhao Fang’s cultivation, he did not interrupt Zhao Fang. After all, Zhao Fang before was ready to make a complete arrangement. In the face of Devil Race’s attack, it was naturally able to effectively resist.

At least, there is nothing wrong with keeping the front.

Moreover, Zhao Fang’s entry into cultivation is still a special kind of epiphany. This is also a good thing for everyone. After all, the stronger Zhao Fang, the stronger the strength of Human Race. Naturally, it is impossible. Some people will disturb Zhao Fang. Everyone will cooperate and discuss each other. As long as there is Zhao Fang, then they will have mutual resistance. Too much

This makes the Human Race front line work properly.

Human Race, it’s very selfish to say, compared to the metamorphosis of Devil Race, Human Race simply is like a sand!

In Devil Race, only the devil is required, that is the absolute authority, and the Devil Race commander appointed by the emperor has absolute control over the Devil Race army.

As long as there is an exclusive command of the commander, then no Devil Race will have any other thoughts and will only exercise according to the order.

Even, the calculation of that command is to let Devil Race go to death, and those Devil Races will not have any hesitation.

This is the unity of the horror of Devil Race.

Human Race can’t do this, or even hard to imagine.

Between Zongmen and Zongmen, between the Xianguo and the Xianguo, fighting and hatred have never stopped.

Even in the face of the massive invasion of Devil Race, in fact, different disciplines of the different sects, different high-General of the country, have their own plans.

Fortunately, all this is planned as long as Zhao Fang is still the commander of the day, they will not dare to show it, and they will never dare to violate the order and betray the same family.

Zhao Fang, now, for Human Race, doesn’t mean that he has a lot of powerful strength, and it’s not entirely because he has a superb commanding art.

In fact, the most important thing is that because Zhao Fang can play a link to everyone, it can play a key role in regulating the contradictions among the people.

As for the reason, it is Zhao Fang’s special identity. He is the Sect Master of the Yuan Dynasty, but it is a very short Time, it is from the Son of God promotes to the world, and then promotes to less Sect Master, that is, in such a very short Time, Zhao Fang has no chance and no party at all.

Force is too close.

Zhao Fang is the Sect Master of the Yuanyuan Emperor. Yes, but in fact, Zhao Fang did not stay in the Yuan Dynasty for a few days. So, don’t say that the Sect Master of the Yuanzong Emperor, even ten. The Palace Master and Zhao Fang are not all in line. Then, it was a battle of constantly, and it was once again devoted to the front line against Devil Race, even deep into the enemy.

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