Well, he is not good enough to tie up Zhao Fang, who can still tie up?

Everyone whispered about this harvest.

Obviously, most people are extremely satisfied with this insights.

Even already someone started using their insights to display the new Immortal Technique.

And Zhao is just silently looking at it all.

He actually has something to gain, and it is definitely bigger than anyone else’s.

But when it comes to Zhao Fang, this is a point where you don’t have to pay too much attention.

After all, if Zhao Fang is really falling into the siege of the Devil Race, I am afraid that the Human Race is not far from the defeat.

After two hours, the nine-headed Phoenix stood up again and looked towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang just clicked nod and waved and said: “Go!”

The people are moving forward again.

This time, without any hindrance, they will go directly to Ning’an.

At the moment, Devil Race in Ning’an is still sorting out the defense facilities.

After all, the original Human Race army did not retreat, so naturally, the entire Ning’an world is either a tactical or a strategic level of Magical Treasure.

These things want to be completely supplemented, not so simple in one sentence.

Zhao Fang took the crowd and soon came to a mountain pass.

This mountain pass was originally guarded by heavy troops.

But now, Devil Race is just leaving a small number of soldiers here. After all, in Devil Race in the eyes, they need to defend the direction of Human Race.

Re-arranging the array, building defenses, and even rebuilding a city wall, these things are ready enough for the Devil Race to be busy, so they have extra people to pay attention to these seemingly less important places.

However, this is the opportunity for Zhao Fang and others.

In fact, if Devil Race has a heavy arm here, it is very possible to block Zhao Fang with a long time.

With such a period of time, it is natural to be able to get the Devil Race everywhere to get the fastest speed.

But now, there is no chance for everything.

Zhao Fang looked at the front of Ning’an, and then it was start to talk and said: “I don’t want to say anything extra. This time, the Task, you must be very clear.”

“I want to remind you that, remember, this time, our goal is to quickly win the Ning’an world, and, not only to win, at the same time, we must resist the counterattack of Devil Race until the arrival of the army. “”

“So, then, I ask you, try not to destroy any formation and defense facilities in Ning’an, you only need one, killed Devil Race! Use your full strength to kill the Devil Race in Ning’an. !”

Zhao Fang finished, everyone is at the same time nod, indicating the ready to know.

Zhao Fang also ordered nod, then waved his hand and gave the order: “Departure, killed Devil Race!”

Under the order, the early and ready-made people of the Yuan Dynasty and the nine-headed Phoenix were rushed out with the slightest hesitation.

The air defense ban is not activated for the time being, but it gives an excellent opportunity for everyone.

In particular, the nine-headed Phoenix, which is hovering in the air at the moment, is killing the Devil Race in Ning’an.

Zhao Fang didn’t take action because, until now, this Ning’an world has no goal worthy of his action.

As for the killed ordinary Devil Race, for Zhao Fang, it is a waste of Time nothing more.

The slaughter was one-sided from the start.

Devil Race in Ning’an, where will be counted, Human Race can actually appear so quietly.

By the time they found the Human Race, it was too late to be ready.

After all, this time Zhao Fang brought Powerhouse.

Kill the ordinary Devil Race soldier, simply simple.

Rows of Devil Race soldiers fell down steadily, and then more Devil Race soldiers rushed up in rows!

In front of the Powerhouse, the weak are not even as good as the mole cricket and ants.

What about Devil Race? What about Human Race?

In the face of absolute Strength, all resistance is in vain!

Zhao Fang This time, it was all the elite Powerhouse that was returned to Yuanxian.

Any one placed on the front of Battlefield is an absolute Powerhouse that can stand alone and guard the vast area alone.

However, now these Powerhouses are gathered into an army, moving towards a positional impact.

So, even if there are many Devil Race soldiers, what is the use?

What’s more, don’t forget to be around Zhao Fang, and there are nine big killers!

in case……

Devil Race is too much, when the Powerhouse of Yuanxian Xianzong can’t be killed.

The nine-headed Phoenix will take action, and an absolute Domain will go down. Then those Devil Race soldiers are banned from all power and can only be killed instantly.

This should not be called a battle at all, to be precise, because it is a massacre!

The slaughter of Devil Race!

Throughout the Ning’an, the mourning of the countless Devil Race sounded.

Perhaps, when these Devil Races were in the killing of Human Race, they also enjoyed the killed average person and listened to their screams and laughed.

At least, there are millions of Human Race soldiers in the Ning’an area, and no one is alive to leave!

Only now, Ning Anjie once again screamed, but this time it was the scream of Devil Race.

Absolutely rolling, absolute slaughter!

Zhao Fang silently at the return of the Yuan Dynasty, all the blood, washed the entire Ning’an world.

Just a few hours of Time, staying in the Devil Race in Ning’an, it is the entire slaughter!

“Shenzi Sir, the Devil Race already in Ning’an is completely cleaned up, and the whether now informs the frontline army to attack?”

At this time, a Guiyuan Xianzong Powerhouse came to Zhao Fang and asked respectfully to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ordered nod: “Command everyone, split into two, nine Phoenix, you take half of the hands to the other side of Ning’an, your Task is to stay in Ning’an, never let Devil Race set foot.”

“The rest of the people, then went to the main entrance of Ning’an, blocking the gap, remember, our goal this time is to enter all Devil Race in the heart of my Human Race, all killed!”

“someone comes, pass me orders, let the Human Race launch attacks on all fronts. Remember, this time, don’t need any strategy, give me a dead attack, at any cost, compress the Devil Race’s Survival Space and completely annihilate them in Ning’an. Out of bounds!” “In addition, send someone from the trail we came from immediately to mobilize at least 500,000 elite, detour to enter the Ning’an world, I want to let Ning’an world, become the bones of all Devil Race entering my Human Race territory In addition, as much as possible, mobilize strategic level

Magical Treasure, when the Devil Race army comes over and sees that there is no retreat, it will definitely die, and it is time for the strategic Magical Treasure to take off! ”

With the Zhao Fang each and everyone commanded to be given, the whole of the Ning’an and the surrounding Human Race are new.

At the moment of Devil Race, only a very small number of people know that the Ning’an world is falling.

They are afraid to disclose this news. Because they are very clear, once the news of the fall of Ning’an is known by the ordinary Devil Race, it is bound to cause panic.

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