You know, these Devil Race soldiers who entered the heart of Human Race, their retreat is only one such thing as Ning’an.

The follow-up support for Devil Race can only be sent through Ning’an.

If you want to cross the Void zone of the surrounding of Ning’an, at least for the ordinary Devil Race soldiers, there is no possibility at all!

At this moment, if it is a comprehensive look at the entire battle.

Then you can see that the force of Devil Race at the moment is fan-shaped and spreads with the fan handle of Ning’an.

They are strictly expanding the scope of Influence, and all of this is the support of the Devil Race’s follow-up reinforcements that are rushed out of the Ning’an sector.

But now, Ning’an is re-taken by Zhao Fang, and the form is surrounded by these Survil Races surrounded by the Surroundings Human Race.

The only gap in the entire Battlefield is the Ning’an.

However, the seemingly weak passage, at this moment, was guarded by Zhao Fang with nine Phoenix and the Powerhouse of the Immortal Sect!

The full counterattack began, and the countless Human Race rushed out of his defensive quest, like a tidal wave of moving towards Devil Race.

At the beginning, many Devil Races were still excited. After all, since they attacked Ning’an, Human Race was defensive as master, so that they could not find a chance to bust.

So, they are very excited, they think they can let go and kill.

They thought they could enjoy the Human Race!

It is true that at this moment, the Human Race army, which received the death at all costs, did not mean to retreat at all.

With a minimum of hundred thousand people as a standard unit, the countless Human Race is quickly rushing to the front.

When you drop the next batch, you are rushing to a batch.

The blood is early and ready to flow into the river!

No, it should be said to be the sea!

The blood of blood gathered together!

Slaughter is endless!

Devil Race has always been the endorsement of bloody and cruel and bloody.

Because Devil Race is so powerful, because Devil Race is engraved in the bones is the slaughter.

It seems that for Devil Race, they simply don’t know what it is to fear.

But now, they are afraid.

Countless Human Race The charge of the soldiers, the endless sea of ​​people, the endless battles, as if the Human Race soldiers are simply not killing!

Endless, never ending.

A Devil Race Powerhouse, standing in front of his position, in front of him, always fell thousands of Human Race soldiers.

However, behind the corpse, the Human Race, who is not looking at the side, is launching a charge!

Of course, if it is only the front line of the soldiers, in fact, it will not cause such a terrible sea of ​​people to charge.

In fact, at this moment, when the total counterattack order was issued, those who were left by the Devil Race and those who were left in the fairy country also spontaneously rushed to Battlefield.

Their Strength may be weak, but their immortality is destroyed, their family, their friends are dead in the hands of Devil Race.

They want revenge, revenge at all costs, even if they die, they will not hesitate!

The sea is in the tide.

Devil Race, finally a little bit afraid.

After all, even if ten people can’t change a Devil Race, can a hundred people always change a Devil Race?

At the moment, the number of Human Race and Loose Cultivator is hundreds of times more than Devil Race!

The number of one immortal countries, Loose Cultivator and Sect disciple is always much higher than that of regular soldiers.

If one immortal country has 10 million people, then his soldiers can only be hundred thousand to 200,000.

But the number of Loose Cultivators is hundreds!

At this moment, because of the slaughter of Devil Race, the people who have survived in several fairy countries have joined the road of revenge without hesitation, showing how large the scale is.

Devil Race was scared. From the time they were born, first time knew what it was called fear.

Once there is fear, then it is not far from morale.

What’s more, the charge of the countless Human Race, early and ready to rush the Devil Race’s front line.

For Devil Race, they only feel that they all directions, all are enemy.

The feeling of powerlessness is desperate.

Finally, Devil Race commander issued an order to let all Devil Race moved towards Ning’an.

Even if, in fact, he was already awarey, Ning’an circles were already ready to be regained by Human Race.

But he is more aware that Ning’an is the only way they can return to the Devil Race.

To this end, Devil Race commander even gathered more than 500,000 Devil Race’s most elite soldiers in advance, ready to break through the Ning’an line of defense in advance.

After all, only in this way, he can give a channel to other Devil Race soldiers.

It’s a pity that they really thought that Ning’an was so easy to pass?

At this moment, the Human Race supported from the secret passage is elite, early ready to wait in the Ning’an world, a variety of strategic-level tactics, strategic-level Magical Treasure, early ready ready to go.

Of course, on the side of the nine-headed Phoenix, the interior of the Devil Race is also aware of the anomaly, so at this moment it is also organizing the troops to attack strictly.

Unfortunately, Ning’an Jieben was built specifically to guard against Devil Race.

Almost all of Ning’an, all defenses are on the side of the moving towards Devil Race.

With the extremely hard, even the devil’s crystal stone of absorbent Demon Qi, the Ning’an boundary barrier of ten ten thousand meters can be easily broken.

What’s more, the barrier above, every 100 meters, is a strategic level Immortal Force cannon!

If it weren’t because the lurking Devil Race spies disrupted the Ning’an world from the inside, even the Ning’an community activated the Devil Race.

Then, even if you concentrate on the Devil Race, you can’t think of breaking the Ning’an world.

So at this moment, even if the dispatching forces of the Devil Race family are always attacking, in fact, they are all in vain.

For Zhao Fang, the last thing to worry about is the nine-headed Phoenix.

It can be said that as long as the Xianshi reserve in Ning’an is not used up before, the barrier is the gap that Devil Race will always be possible to cross!

Zhao Fang only needs to worry about the back. After all, the direction of Ning’an circles moved towards Human Race, there is no precaution.

Ning’an, is built to defend Devil Race, then how can it be to guard against Human Race?

At this moment, Zhao Fang is sitting on a large Immortal Force ship with ten thousand meters.

This is a special strategic-grade Battleship created by the Refining Master Alliance, a Nine Heavens Alliance.

The Nine Heavens Alliance, with as many as a thousand Tool Refiner Sects, has created a lot of good things at the same time.

And this special Immortal Force Battleship, which they named Nine Heavens Battleship, is what they are most proud of.

The entire Nine Heavens Alliance has a total of only 13 Nine Heavens Battleships.

But now, in the sky above Ning’an, it is full of nine!

Nine Heavens Battleship, best known for its powerful Attack Power. On each Nine Heavens Battleship, these seven Nine Heavens Sword Arrays are placed.

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