If it’s just ordinary soul, then nature, whether Zhao Fang or System, is easy to discover.

  However, in bias, the ghost woman was able to transform his body into a functioning without any strength by rehabilitating one of the extremely weird secret technique.

  Even using Divine Ability, or systems scanning, to detect, is just that the ghost woman doesn’t seem to exist at all, surroundings are all empty.

  However, in order to maintain this posture, the devil must continue to move secret technique.

  When he sees Zhao Fang already as lost, that ghost woman finally has a trace.

  But that’s just a little cruelty, but it’s already that makes the system catch his place.

  Zhao Fang naturally will not have a slight hesitation, and he has played such a long play in order to be able to bring out that ghost woman.

  So now, since the target has been discovered, Zhao Fang has something else to hesitate about, just split second, the ghost woman is detecting, and she’s already trapped.

  Then he naturally knows that Zhao Fang already knows how to break his hand, even to break his True Body.


  devil’s not hiding, why don’t you just give up her secret technique, start to talk to Zhao Fang and say, “Human Race, how did you find me?”

  Zhao Fang Xi can’t see a ghost, but after all, Sense was able to see him, so at this moment, look at the location of the devil, indifferently said, “Your means are useless to me!”

  Yeah, Zhao Fang was telling the truth, there were systems existence, the devil’s special means, but it was directly blocked by Zhao Fang.

  So naturally, it’s both the best answer.

  The devil didn’t say anything, because he knew that by now, it was no longer useful.

  “What if you found me? Do you think that’s all I can do? If you think so, that’s wrong, I’m the bottom plate of strongest, actually body possession slaughter!” Think you’re human race, and you don’t even know what body possession slaughter is, actually, you can understand that I can absolutely body possession of you, and then control your body suicide, and I can get out of your body! That’s me.

  body possession slaughter! ”

  Oh, so simple?

  Zhao Fang’s not crumbling curl one’s lip.

  Maybe if anyone else meets this ghost woman, there’s really no good way.

  But biased, he came across Zhao Fang.

  body possession Zhao Fang?

  it’s simply a dead man!

  Without saying first, the system itself can easily be obliterate as a person who tries to body possession Zhao Fang.

  Even if he succeeded in entering Zhao Fang in the body, he was afraid. It will soon be repressed by the Divine Spark seeds.

  Zhao Fang’s secret is not known at all.

  With body possession against Zhao Fang, simply is the most stupid way.

  “If that’s it, then why don’t you just body possession of me?”

  Zhao Fang once again freshly started to talk, but it was clear that the devil mistaken Zhao Fang as just a false voice.

  “What, do you have any special Magical Treasure, who can protect you from body possession?”

  “Be able to own Magical Treasure, you’re good at counting, but unfortunately, soon everything will be mine!”

  “My body possession, impossible will fail!”

  The devil said something.

  Unfortunately, however, his intentions will soon be over.

  Because when he body owned Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang had no more resistance than he left himself in the body!

  On the basis of reason, the devil’s only need to use secret technique at this moment is the body capable of controlling Zhao Fang.

  But soon, he regretted that Zhao Fang, a hundred times stronger than the intelligence.

  But when the devil comes into Zhao Fang’s body, Sense gets to what it’s called despair!

  “Divine Strength, Divine Strength? You, who the hell are you, why would you have Divine Strength?”

  That ghost woman in Zhao Fang in the body said loud.

  Zhao Fang doesn’t care, because at this moment the ghost girl already loses any chance to defeat.

  Into Zhao Fang’s meeting, that’s the ghost woman herself court death nothing more.

  Zhao Fang’s mind moves, and a group of Divine Strength will be trapped with a ghost.

  The ghost’s not willingly, he really don’t willingly, he doesn’t understand why Zhao Fang can perform Divine Strength, but he knows that everything’s over.

  And at the same time, the ghost’s heart raised a despair.

  Now Zhao Fang has Divine Strength, so there are other human races holding Divine Strength!

  That’s Divine Strength Ah!

  If human Race really has Divine Strength, what else can Devil Race do?

  Is it true that the Emperor of the devil is wrong? Attacking human race is really a wrong choice?

  But how does that make them Devil Race choose?

  Devil Race will certainly go to extinction if we don’t open a new life space!

  Of course, whatever the devil is thinking, Zhao Fang doesn’t care.

  When the devil comes into Zhao Fang in the body’s brake, the victory is so determined, but how to deal with this ghost woman is something that Zhao Fang needs to consider.

  The ghost woman is a state of soul, so does his Devil Race have a good place?

  If he was able to fully convince him, he would certainly be able to increase the number of fighting forces, and most importantly, he could be used to detect useful information.

  After all, what else is more likely to be able to detect information than a ghost woman?

  But obviously, since this ghost woman was sent alone to assassinate herself.

  So this ghost woman’s loyalty to Devil Race is naturally unquestionable.


  ’s not that simple anymore if you want to take it.

  The right three options before Zhao Fang.

  First, Zhao Fang could have killed the ghost woman directly, swallow his soul body so that Zhao Fang’s own soul physique could be significantly upgraded.

  Secondly, with this ghost woman, he was trapped in Zhao Fang in the body in a variety of ways, and then he wanted to escape the fundamental impossible, and Zhao Fang could be tortured by flowers and eventually surrendered to him.

  The advantage of this is to get his full memory so that he can be maximized.

  As for the third, it was to remove the memory of the devil by special means, but to preserve his life. The benefits of doing so are also very obvious, and if Zhao Fang does so, Zhao Fang is able to get a complete body directly, and while that body is temporarily inconclusive, it doesn’t count on the development of a new subjective consciousness.

  Then he was sent out, so it completely changed a subjective consciousness’s ghost, which must be completely under Zhao Fang’s control.

  It can be said that the three approaches have every benefit, but how to choose, Zhao Fang also needs to think about it.

  The most direct, of course, is direct swallow. But the most wasteful is direct swallow.

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