If you choose direct swallow, Zhao Fang gets it, just some enhanced nothing else in soul.

  For the entire Bureau of War, the impact is not significant.

  So this is the first option, directly abandoned by Zhao Fang.

  So the two remaining options?

  Whether it’s slow to consume the ghost witch to give her his own impetus or simply to clear his subjective consciousness, it can be said that it has every benefit.

  The two options before Zhao Fang still need to be cautious.

  But at a moment of reflection, Zhao Fang finally decided to leave the subjective consciousness of the ghost.

  As for the reasons, it is also simple, after all, that a complete ghost woman can definitely better complete the task, and that, as long as recovery is concerned, some useful information can be obtained.

  With the decision, Zhao Fang was not hesitant, even when he opened a small world alone in the body.

  For others, there is only one small world, and the continuance’s refinement can only be enhanced by its expansion.

  But for Zhao Fang, it’s not a good thing to open a small world alone.

  This small world is not big, but it’s just circumference’s 10 km range, nothing else.

  However, in this context Zhao Fang has directly established various terrorist rules.

  simple said it was used to torture ghosts.

  Or, this is Zhao Fang in his own case in the body, a separate prison, nothing else, for the purpose of torture. After the ghost witch was thrown in, Zhao Fang was lazy enough to keep it under endless torment, waiting for time to see if he didn’t surrender, it’d be great to leave nothing else there.

There is

  no impact on Zhao Fang anyway.

  Maybe Devil Race didn’t even think that the first assassin they sent out would be collected in such a way.

  That looks like a special ghost woman, who was a prisoner of Zhao Fang without causing a half-point injury to Zhao Fang.

  The blood wheel Demon King waited for days to see the ghost witch no more information to send back, and it was already known that it was only fearful that the devil already was packed by Human Race.

  Thus, the second programme began to be planned.

  At this juncture, in front of Demon King, dozens of Devil Race Powerhouse are thinking silently.


  Blood Demon King gave them a task to think about a way to deal with Zhao Fang.

  If it’s just an average person, maybe they have countless options.

  But this is Zhao Fang, and these Devil Race are some bad choices.

  “Demon King, why don’t we set up ambushes and bring Zhao Fang himself here to die?”

  There’s a Devil Race Powerhouse start to talk. “What kind of ambush? How to bury the ambush? Don’t forget, Zhao Fang is now the highest leader of the Human Race Front Army, and if it’s a general trap, he just doesn’t have to come by himself, he just needs to send an army.

  ”Yeah, that’s not enough. It’s important now that we can confirm that Zhao Fang owns Divine Strength, extremely horror, don’t say the same rank, counting realm above his family Powerhouse, and that we need to be killed by instant kill.

  What kind of power is used to keep it trapped? ”

  And someone started to talk about it again.

  But that man thought, and said, “Guys, why don’t we use that treasure like the Emperor?”

  “What treasure?”

  Someone questioned.

  That man lightly smiled, and said, “Emperor Set!”

  Emperor Set?

  People complexion slightly changed.

  The Pope Set is a special set of equipment flowing from the Ancient period.

  This Set is somewhat similar to the fairy country Lord’s holdings and the gas tank, extremely special.

  Human Race is the reason Scatter has no way of unifying for the fairies, and it is in fact a relationship with the Royal Set of the person.

  The Pope Set is divided into a total of five Great Sections.

  Part one, Pope sword!

  However, this man’s sword is not in Devil Race’s hands, specifically where no one knows.

  Part two, the Emperor!

  The human armor, the owner extremely special role, passed by, the human Race of Ancient period, sacrificed 10 of the most Powerhouse and built the man’s armor in order to be able to integrate all people together against the ancient gods.

  How special is it, at least Devil Race? After all, even if the top Devil Race looks like human race, he can’t use it.

  Even if it was a general person, there was no way to use the man’s royal armor.

  Emperor Set Recomaster, who is not the one who wants to recognize it, is the crown Set’s autonomous recognized master, not endorsed by him, fundamentally impossible.

  Even human Race, let alone Devil Race, in short, there is no way Devil Race can be endorsed by the Pope Set.

  So Devil Race can only seal the man’s armor.

  Of course, I’m afraid that even human Race himself has no idea that the royal armor is in Devil Race’s hands.

  In addition to this man’s royal and crown sword, the crown Set has three other things, the crown, the flag, the human Sovereign Seal!

  The emperor is like a fairy country, so that the order is issued, and any human Race must comply!

  The Pope Flag and Human Sovereign Seal, which are equivalent to the Cinder Gas Battalion, are only one, but this man’s Royal Set is divided into two parts!

  Emperor Set, in Ancient Time, it’s just a flower and it’s very short.

  although, in fact, in human Race, a very few people also know the legendary of the Prince Set of the person, but legendary is, after all, legendary, so no one knows the truth.

  But now, from this Devil Race, it seems like this man’s royal suite is really set up!


  blood wheel Demon King complexion slightly changed, Devil Race sealed his royal armor, at no cost, and there was naturally a reason.

  Now, human Race, even if it’s like a sand, is usually so hard to deal with, and if human Race is looking for their royal Set, what’s Devil Race’s life?

  Human Race, like the real reason for dispersion, is that no one has a qualification order for all human race.

  No matter how powerful Strength you have in human Race, and how powerful you have in the background, the whole human Race has always been ordered by Law.

  It’s also Devil Race’s hope.

  However, if this man’s crown Set is regained by human Race, the consequences simply cannot imagine. Seems to have seen that blood wheel Demon King’s hesitation, and that Devil Race continues to say, “Demon King, actually, we can hardly worry, because you should know that the Pope Set is divided into five, and that, apart from our Devil Race, the royal sword is unknown, and the crown is there, the most terrifying abyss!”

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