Chapter 346 The Real Myriad Beast Secret Art!

Talking about it.

The golden light on the Golden Divine Ox body is even more awkward.

Looking far away, it is like a round of Jinyang, very eye-catching.

“Demon Ox Bullhorn !”

Golden Divine Ox body above is filled with fierce enthusiasm. Then, it is like a mad cow. In the face of the undead Demon Soul tree, it is no longer the same as before, but it is hard to resist!

“bang! Boom !”

In the pervasive terrifying power,

The ‘giant hand’ of the undead Demon Soul tree burst in an instant, with countless leaves on it, turning into a bloody rain.

At the same time.

Golden Divine Ox is also uncomfortable, and is directly shaken out of this force by thousand zhang.

But it is a bone, the most strong and hard at the head of the cow.

The undead Demon Soul tree hit, the impact hit on its head, but was bullied, hard defense, and smashed.

Even if there is already a trace crack on it, it will not affect the Defense Power of the Tauren.

“Don’t die the Demon Soul tree, it’s just that!”

In one blow, Golden Divine Ox found that he could smash the undead Demon Soul tree ‘one arm’, and the wariness of the tree was immediately reduced to freezing point.

But it also knows.

The death of the Demon Soul tree is not as strong as it might seem.

It is completely activated that the Wood clan clansman of the Demon Soul tree is too weak.

If you host the undead Demon Soul tree, it is Wood clan Nine Leaf Old Ancestor.

That tree power can definitely kill yourself!

In this regard, Golden Divine Ox is convinced!

Because, in the same year, Mucheng, also used this Taboo method when it was seriously injured, almost killed Golden Divine Ox.

But in the same way, the Golden Divine Ox skull is too strong and hard. Even if it was shattered at the time, its true spirit was not destroyed. Instead, when the wooden city slackened, it quickly fled.

It is also because of this experience, so Golden Divine Ox is extremely deep in the wariness of the undead Demon Soul tree!

With a sneer, Golden Divine Ox once again pervaded the terrifying trend. He wanted to take this and completely unplug the undead Demon Soul tree and let Wood clan clansman on it.

However, it was at the time of the Golden Divine Ox madness.

“Devouring Immortal Insect Queen Card!”

A cold voice rang in its behind.

next moment.

Golden Divine Ox in front of the Void, rippled, a huge giant body, appeared in Golden Divine Ox before.

The Golden Divine Ox is also extremely large, but compared to the giant worms in front of it, there is a sense of sight between the cricket and ants and the elephant.

“What is this thing!”

Golden Divine Ox was shocked by the sudden appearance of Insect Queen, and he stopped the offensive, and the figure suddenly retreat.

Even if he was suddenly retreat out of the hundred miles, the outline of the Insect Queen, it can still only see half, can not see the bottom.

“This damn is what the hell, how can it be so big?”

Golden Divine Ox is shocked.

At this time, the Insect Queen seemed to see the Golden Divine Ox, and the fat body twisted directly to the Golden Divine Ox.

Golden Divine Ox has a feeling of falling down.

It was suddenlyly roared, and the mouth of the angry burdock was actually directly activated, soaring to the height of the thousand.

If you have a demon cow from the ruins of the wild, you will be emiting a terrifying aura with cold and cold.

“Get out of this Sir!”

Golden Divine Ox pedals to Insect Queen.

Pū chī !

Between the blood splashes, there are countless. Milk. White body, flying from it.

That. Milk. White things, landed on the ground, turned into a small insect, crazy to climb to the Golden Divine Ox.


The bug filled the front legs of the Golden Divine Ox.

The pain of biting, from the front legs.

Golden Divine Ox Only noticed that on the foot of the scene, when there was roaring, there was Berserk’s Divine Strength, which emerged from its with the body and shook the larvae into powder.

But even so.

Insect Queen’s broken body within the body, there are still countless larvae crawling out, like the Golden Divine Ox, madly rushing to it.

Always extreme daring, overbearing the golden Golden Divine Ox, in the eyes of the rare densely packed larvae, in the eyes also flashed a trace shocked.

It didn’t even think of it. The seemingly Insect Queen without Attack Power could have produced such a huge larva, and even it couldn’t help it!


Golden Divine Ox is low-lying, but it is not going backwards. It is a big step forward. The Golden Talent Divine Ability Reappear of the Golden Bull family will smash the Insect Queen’s 蹂.躏.


Its move is to completely release the larvae of Insect Queen within the body.

The countless strip of slender white and creepy body, like a sudden vent, directly drilled into the Golden Divine Ox body.

Even if it uses Divine Strength, the larvae climb up at the same time, directly obliterate.

But the number of larvae is too much, almost constant source, killing!

On the face of Golden Divine Ox, the first time was scared.

“This brat, what the hell means of the show?”

Golden Divine Ox was horrified at the same time, but he did not dare to stay and flew back directly. It was off the sea of ​​insects.


It’s at the same time when it’s gone crazy.

It smelled a strong smell of blood.

Before he turned back, there was an indifferent voice waiting for him.

“Myriad Beast Secret Art !”

Golden Divine Ox vaguely glimpsed a sly bloody Behemoth phantom, appearing on his behind.

On the phantom Behemoth, it felt a thick baleful qi, this baleful qi, even if it was, it was not born to be shocked.

It wants to escape!

It is impossible.

At the same time that it produced this idea, Behind’s bloody Behemoth phantom attack has already arrived.


狰狞 Behemoth phantom, a direct punch.

In this boxing, there is a torn, overbearing, and sturdy force, so that the always-famous Golden Divine Ox, for the second time, gave birth to fear!

First time.

It is the ‘Mucheng’ that uses the undead blood soul tree, giving it a fatal blow and almost killing it.

After that, it never felt the deadly threat!

but now!

The feeling of disappearing nearly 1000-year has reappeared.


On the occasion of countless bloody rain, the rear left leg of Golden Divine Ox was directly blown!

“Áo! ”

The severe pain was swept through the whole body from the back left leg, and Golden Divine Ox issued the most screaming and screaming scream of this life!


This sound does not allow its behind 狰狞Behemoth phantom to produce a pity of mercy.

Because, it is only the product of Myriad Beasts blood essence.

This is also Zhao Fang first time, in the true sense, hit Myriad Beast Secret Art!

Activate Myriad Beasts blood essence Essence Behemoth phantom, this Behemoth terrifying is not weaker than Golden Divine Ox.

Even, I have to be strong.

This point can be seen from the current situation.

狰狞Behemoth phantom, making a roar of excitement, once again slamming a punch, but slamming to the rear right leg of Golden Divine Ox!

This behemoth phantom, noconsciousness.

It appears with only one mission!

Obliterate Golden Divine Ox !

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