The 347th chapter of the chaos killed Golden Divine Ox


Golden Divine Ox’s right leg, encountered in the back of the left leg, under the power of powerful forces, directly collapsed, turned into a bloody rain. Latest fastest update

The full burst of the hind legs has brought tremendous trauma to the Golden Divine Ox!

It will also enjoy the future, only the lightness of the two front legs, but the body is like a hill, falling backwards.

Humbling on the ground.


Then Behemoth phantom, but with the slightest hesitation, once again punched a punch.

Its goal is the abdomen position of the Golden Divine Ox.


At the time of Crisis, Golden Divine Ox was stunnedly roared, and the natural talent Divine Ability was madly displayed. It was in the Behemoth phantom, bombarding its abdomen at the same time, at the same time, and slamming into the head of Behemoth phantom.



Two completely different, but earth-shattering sounds were uploaded from the two beasts.

next moment.

On the occasion of the countless blood spray, the belly of Golden Divine Ox was pierced and a very terrifying hole appeared.

The head of 狰狞Behemoth phantom was smashed by Golden Divine Ox and turned into nothingness.

Even so.

Then Behemoth Fearful Might was gone, and when he was awkward, he was once again killed with Golden Divine Ox.

Divine Beast at the end of the world unfolded an extremely thrilling, bloody survival great war!


Golden Divine Ox blasted Behemoth phantom with three terrifying punches. Latest fastest update

Can’t wait for it to breathe a sigh of relief.

The undead Demon Soul tree, which has long been waiting for it, and the newly condensed Battle Array Spirit, are at the same time take action, bombarding the shoulders of the Golden Divine Ox.


Golden Divine Ox The position of the shoulder bone immediately broke out the sound of a crisp bone.


Its huge figure, picked up by two giant forces, fell to the intended direction.

If it is before, these two attacks, Golden Divine Ox can easily be resolved.

But after experiencing the Battle of Behemoth phantom, it was seriously injured and there was no extra force to resolve this sudden move.

“én? This is !”

When Golden Divine Ox finally opened his eyes, it was late when he reacted.

“Nine Trap God Array, open!”

An indifferent female voice rang in the ear of Golden Divine Ox.

next moment.

Nine amazing light beams, rushing to the sky, filled with the sky.

When the nine Dao Guang are connected to each other, like a chain, surrounded by Golden Divine Ox, all of a sudden, Golden Divine Ox feels the summon of the Earth’s Core and the body.

It was just struggling, and the chain that was entangled suddenly burst into ray of light, breaking out hundreds of millions of Gravity and rolling on Golden Divine Ox.


Golden Divine Ox slammed into the ground.

Followed by.

When the Array ripples, there is a countless white mist emerging. In the white mist, all of a sudden, Golden Divine Ox even heard the sound of countless ‘shasha’.

In the horror of Golden Divine Ox, countless small, but endless white larvae appear in the Array and climb toward the body of the Golden Divine Ox.

Buzz !

In addition to Time, Array, the humming of countless worms came.

With a strong bloody aura, countless fist size, the Devouring Blood Ant group filled with blood light flew in.

Then, like a larva, thrown on the Golden Divine Ox, madly smashed.

“Ah ~ ~ 吼 ~ ~ 嗷 ~ ~”

Golden Divine Ox is so loud that simply makes the listener sad and the tears.

It struggles wildly and wants to break away from the shackles of the Great Array.

But the chain that trapped it was transformed into nine trees, emits with green light, and in the green light, it felt a familiar aura.


Golden Divine Ox glimpses the bull’s eye, staring at the green light, and immediately, there is a bloody and cruel on his face. “Mucheng, you don’t have to think that you can trap father, father will never dead!”

Golden Divine Ox suddenly roared, struggling with violent twists.

Outside of Array.

Zhao Fang complexion pale, his body swaying, and his heart glimpsed at Array.

From Golden Divine Ox, retreat from the undead Demon Soul tree, then to Zhao Fang to conceal Behemoth phantom with Myriad Beasts blood essence, then from Behemoth phantom heavy injury Golden Divine Ox, and Battle Array Spirit and undead Demon Soul tree at the same time Take action to bring the Golden Divine Ox into the Array envelope.

All this seems to be slow.

In reality, it is in the blink of an eye!

In the blink of an eye, whether it is the Myemiad Beasts blood essence condensed Behemoth phantom, or the control 狰狞 Behemoth phantom heavy injury Golden Divine Ox, the consumption of Zhao Fang is to the extent that one kind is extremely terrifying.

This has been repeated.

Even Zhao Fang, I can’t help it, and my mind screams like it’s going to blow up.

Even with the body, there is a reversal.

This is using too many secret techniques, which are precursors to backlash.

But Zhao Fang, but the steel teeth bite, to withstand these shocks.

he knows.

You can’t be coma, you can’t fall.


This battle of the gods of the gods, from the beginning of the battle, to the present, the balance of victory, only slightly tilted to him.

You must not delay the fighter at this critical time!

“Corpse Legion, out!”

Zhao Fang endured the pain, and with a big hand, she had been waiting for a long time. The thousands of Corpse groups made up of Martial Saint rolled up the array of Yin Wind and rushed toward the Array.

Followed by.

In the Array, there was a burst of pēng pēng.

Among the voices, there is also a scream of screaming by the Golden Divine Ox.

After doing all this, Zhao Fang was relieved a little. “Myriad Beasts phantom just knocked out half of the Golden Divine Ox HP. There are still hundreds of billions left. I don’t know when to fight!”

“Zhao Fang? Do you want to take action?”

At this time, the sound of Mu Bingqing came from the undead Demon Soul tree.

“No, it’s hard for you. Golden Divine Ox is trapped, waiting for it, only dead end!”

Hearing this, the undead Demon Soul tree swayed.

In an instant, the branches of the leaves, like the ablation, disappeared.

At the end, when it disappeared completely, it was once again turned into a green glow, showing the silhouette of Mu Bingqing and others.

Just a slight glance.

Zhao Fang expression Microcoagulation.

One thousand two Wood clan warriors, at this moment, there are only less than eight thousand, even twelve Eight Leaf imprint Powerhouse.

Also damaged four.

Directly lost one third.

To know.

The undead Demon Soul tree and Golden Divine Ox have not been completely attacked. If you kill and kill, Golden Divine Ox will not be killed by the Demon Soul tree, but Mu Bingqing and others will be dead!

This result has made him a deeper understanding of the alien overbearing of the undead Demon Soul tree!

After being turned into human ontology, Mu Bingqing and others’ complexions are extremely pale, and they sit directly on the ground and take out Pill Medicine for healing.

Same as Time.

Four Great Legions are doing the same thing.

They know that the fierce battle just now has caused some attention from Powerhouse.

In order to cope with the chaos that may occur next, they must maintain Strength in the Peak state.

Golden Divine Ox’s HP, really thick, Corpse group, Devouring Blood Ant group, and countless larvae, killing nearly one hour, Golden Divine Ox’s blood trough, count, really bottom!

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