The 348th chapter explosion, explosion, explosion! ! !

“Leave me!”

Through the information returned by Corpse Legion, Zhao Fang knows that the Golden Divine Ox is hanging.

Immediately, the face was filled with unmistakable joy.

As he stepped, he was controlling the UD’s Yu Xi pico nod, and then drilled straight into the corner of the Array.

At the same time, almost at the same time, Zhao Fang saw that it was suppressed by nine tree strips, with Golden Divine Ox on the ground lying in a large shape.

‘I’ll go, good ** posture, is it not time for me to come? ‘

At this moment, the Golden Divine Ox is no longer the fierce overbearing in his memory.

Yes, just endless weak and miserable.

It seems that if you give it a punch, it will be the same.

This is the Golden Divine Ox in this state.

When I saw the appearance of Zhao Fang, the faint in the eyes, suddenly burst out of a dazzling light, the aura of the body, like a huge wave, went crazy toward Zhao Fang.

“This Sir wants to kill you , kill you !” Golden Divine Ox suddenly roared.

However, it is impossible to break the bondage of nine tree branches.

“I didn’t think of it, grand Divine Beast, one day, I will die in my hands.”

Zhao Fang looks at the miserable Golden Divine Ox, the grievances of the three consecutive months of pursuits, at this moment, to release, his cold face, even a mocking smile.

“You can’t kill this Sir, this Sir doesn’t accept it!”

Golden Divine Ox clench one’s teeth, trying to show his fierceness, but its weak, but betray it.

“Not satisfied? Then hit your service.”

Zhao Fang smiled and grabbed God Slayer Spear and smashed the past.

Pū chī !

God Slayer Spear easily penetrates the skin defense of Golden Divine Ox and is deeply stuck in his flesh film.

But perhaps the blood was sucked up by the Devouring Blood Ant group. The gun didn’t even have a little blood.

“Still refuse to accept ?”

“This Sir is not convinced!”

“pū chī !”

“Still refuse to accept ?”

“This Sir is not convinced!”

“pū chī !”


Zhao Fang didn’t know how many shots he had, and asked how many Still refuses to accept.

He only knew that at the end of the day, Golden Divine Ox had been seriously stunned, but the strength of the answer was gone.

“The only drop of blood is Ah!”

Zhao Fang looked up and looked at the Golden Divine Ox, the almost empty cell, the corner of the mouth revealing a trace smile. “If that’s the case, then use the Young Master strongest to hit you and get on the road!”

“Level 2 Berserk !”

‘Boom’, on the occasion of the ripples of the road, Zhao Fang cultivation base, directly to 3-Star Martial Saint.

God Slayer Spear clenched in the hand, but it was instantly stabbed, this lightning is lightning fast, the news is like a thunder, condensing the momentum of Zhao Fang’s Martial Dao, is a blow to Zhao Fang strongest!

A large purple lightning light pillar, with an extremely amazing speed, slams into the between the eyebrows of Golden Divine Ox.



The skull of the Golden Divine Ox is instantly penetrated by the God Slayer Spear and split into two halves.

The last drop of blood in the blood tank of the head is instantly emptied, and the blood trough flashes a few times and disappears directly.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain 30000000000 Point Experience Value, 3000000000True Force Value, 3000000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain Divine Grade ‘Golden Bull bloodline (complete)’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain Divine Grade ‘Metal Element Beast Core ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain Divine Skill ‘Demon Ox Nine Transformations ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God Shoulder Armour ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God necklace ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God Ring means ‘.’

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God boots ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God Belt’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God helmet’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘War God Wrist Guard ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘,obtain ‘Battle Divine Spear ‘.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘level up , currently 1-Star Martial Saint !”

“Because of Player First Kill Divine Beast, System extra reward promotes one level, current cultivation base, 2-Star Martial Saint !”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, complete the Time Limit Eliminate Task.”

“Task Reward: Level Promotion Level 1, Divine Grade Summoning Card one piece (permanent), Immortal Technique: Ice Age, ‘God Slayer’ Title.”


“fuck, fuck, fuck…”

At this moment, only these two words can express Zhao Fang’s inner ecstasy and shock.

Even though I know that pushing down the Golden Divine Ox, there will be a great reward.

However, I did not expect that this reward, so richly to such an incredible degree!

Leave the Divine Beast bloodline and the Beast Core standard.

This time, a Divine Skill broke out, and this Divine Skill is obviously the Golden Talent Divine Ability of Golden Divine Ox.

This does not say.

In the back, there were eight pieces of Divine clothes, and the ‘War God Cloak’ of before, the set of damn was alive.

More, more importantly.

He directly upgraded Level 3.

From 9-Star Martial Emperor Peak, just step into 3-Star Martial Saint Realm!

of course.

What is most shocking to Zhao Fang is the reward of Time Limit Eliminate Task.

Item: Character Summoning Card

Rank :Divine Grade

Introduction: You can randomly summon a God Level Powerhouse, 100% loyal to the host, and permanently.

“damn, forever!! Doesn’t that mean, i your father has a Martial God level beater? Damn, suddenly excited Ah!”

Zhao Fang already excited of the urine collapse, the reward of this killed Divine Beast, is too rich.

Not to mention, there is Immortal Technique – Ice Age.

Immortal Technique, that’s over Divine Ability, another overbearing, powerful and incomparable means.

Its powerful, already beyond the limit recognized by mortals, is therefore named after the ‘Immortal Technique’.

Immortal Technique :Ice Age

Introducing 1: Ice Element strongest, divided into three levels: Initial Stage, Middle Stage, and Late Stage.

Introduce 2: Initial Stage Realm, with instant kill same rank, Ice Qi covering circle thousand zhang, Freeze thousand zhang, if there is no host automatically released, the freezing effect can be maintained for one month, and every time to display 100 million supreme coins.

Introducing 3: Middle Stage Realm, Freeze Martial Artist blood, soul, instant life; Late Stage Realm, free to Freeze a Planet, air, even space-time!

At the same time seeing this sentence, Zhao Fang’s eyes are bigger than the Golden Divine Ox’s bullseye: “Fuck, Freeze Space-Time? This damn is for Heaven Ah!”

Zhao Fang excited wants to keep System 狠狠, of course, provided that System must be a soft sister.

Just at this time DD

“ha ha , Golden Divine Ox, are you stupid enough to be human to kill? How do you match Big Ruins Forest’s Three Great Overlord? Today, your Fleshy Body is swallowed by this God lion. With these human mole cricket and ants, this God lion will be wiped out for you, you can go with peace of mind! ha ha ……”

Throughout the earth, the sound of overbearing cruel suddenly reverberated between this heaven and earth!

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