After all, at ten thousand years ago, the Emperor already is the first person in the world!

  However, this battle is clear and there is no way to avoid it.

  So, what’s the point of considering other things?

  Give up?

  impossible gave up, the result of which was death!

  Or die!

  So Zhao Fang doesn’t have a way back!

  But in a different way, it’s an opportunity!

  Why did you say that?


  power of the Emperor and authority are beyond doubt.


  can be said that Devil Race is capable of being integrated, and the underlying reason is because of the existence of the Emperor.

  What would happen if Zhao Fang was able to take the emperor away from this Danger Zone?

  I’m afraid this is not only an opportunity for Zhao Fang, but also an opportunity for the whole human race!

  Take the Emperor?

  What a crazy idea.

  If it’s outside, maybe Zhao Fang wouldn’t have thought so, but this is Danger Zone!

  Besides, Zhao Fang already has no way out. Why can’t you think?

  What about the emperor, even how powerful is it?

  Does he still have the Overass gods?

  And Zhao Fang now, it’s a real ancient god!

  If you take advantage of the terrain here, and Divine Strength in this area, can you create a miracle, then no one can say!

  Since there is no way back, what else should be hesitant?

  Zhao Fang said he’d do it, and a little bit of it started in the abyss of Danger Zone.

  And who can think of Zhao Fang as bold as he could, the emperor came, and he didn’t want to escape, and he was prepared to do what he wanted to do to kill the emperor.

  This simply is an inconceivable thing to do with any normal person, who dares to be so crazy?

  Of course, Zhao Fang has that capital, not reckless. After all, Zhao Fang is the only ancient god in the world!

  Danger Zone, for Zhao Fang, is the best place to hunt!

  With Ancient Berserk Divine Strength, what kind of terrorist existence!

  But Zhao Fang did it!

  And when a path of Berserk Divine Strength was formed with Zhao Fang’s lead, the emperor came finally!


  The flag of the heavens and the day is hidden, and the Supreme authority of the Emperor is evident.

  The Magic Guard, composed of 100 000 Devil Race’s absolutely beautiful young girl girls, is composed of the demon Beast, chosen by millions of heads.

  The Royal Guard Camp, composed of Devil Race’s noble younger generation, or all over talent!

  Hu Hu Hu, the squad is running out!

  And at the end, countless Devil Race kneeled to the room, no one, no Devil Race dared to disobey the will of the Devil Emperor!


  emperor is here, countless Devil Race excited!

  And the Devil Race Powerhouse of Zhao Fang was a brave surprise!

  A giant silhouette showed up, a terrorist body of up to 30 metres, with great power!

  Emperor Devil Race, fix special magic Divine Body!

  Strength’s horror, I can’t imagine!


  “Imperial Teacher, you said that Zhao Fang might have had an ancient God Inheritance, how many shapes is it?”

  The emperor freshstart to talk to him, kneeling on his knees full of people, but he didn’t care.

  Devil Race Imperial Teacher, in the black tent, the whole man seems like a shadow. He’s not Devil Race’s man, but from the abyss that are dying!

  Of course, this abyss are also one of Devil Race, and Imperial Teacher’s tricky has always been accepted by the Emperor as a guest!

  And the best of them is the ancient Immortal Technique that passed from an Ankind cient period!

  It’s called a masterpiece!

  Devil Race Imperial Teacher, through Secret Art, can speculate something, and extremely accurate.

  Although it is not a prophet, it is assumed that it is highly accurate and naturally valued by the Emperor.

  The most important reason why this magic emperor came here is because Imperial Teacher assumed that Zhao Fang is likely to have the ancient Inheritance!

  The Devil Lineage, the magic Divine Body!

  And this devil Divine Body finally became a real Demon God!

  although, to date, no generation of magic emperors has been able to really refine the devil Divine Body into a real Demon God, born Divine Spark.

  But even so, it will make the emperor the Number One Powerhouse, which can be seen as a powerful crown!

  See also, the Lord of the ancient God!

  Maybe, for the sake of precision, this refines the magic emperor of Divine Body, already Kanbi Half-God!

  Of course, even Half-God, it’s not true.

  And Zhao Fang, it’s a true ancient god! Imperial Teacher lightly smiled, saying to the Devil Emperor, “Your Majesty, the minister has made three speculations, and the results of three speculations show that Zhao Fang is indeed an Inheritance of the former goddess, but he just got little Inheritance.

For a

  long time, it must not be accepted! ”“ Because after all the ancient gods involved, the minister is not able to infer a step’s precise reasoning, knowing which one of the ancient gods of Victor Inheritance is, but the minister thinks that whatever God’s Inheritance he gets, if His Majesty is able to take it.

  Divine Spark ,或许就能让陛下在成就真神的Grand Dao 上更进one step !”

  ”Yes, now my magic Divine Body already has been refined, but without Divine Spark, there can be no real Divine Strength, trying to be in one step, few possibilities!”

  “Well, this Zhao Fang is lucky to have the ancient gods Inheritance, and the ancient gods already died, even if they were legacy!”

  “A complete Divine Spark, perhaps, because it’s the only Divine Spark in the world, the Divine Spark, only the emperor possesses!”


  voice of the Emperor is not very low.

  And hear that, surroundings a lot of Devil Race Powerhouse is no complexion significantly changed.

  Then Zhao Fang, do as much as you can to win the ancient God Inheritance, even full Divine Spark!

  How can it be!

  No wonder this man is so hard to deal with, himself and others, obviously realm, far above him, but repeatedly fails!

  Have Divine Spark!

  Isn’t that the Zhao Fang already a real ancient god?

  Maybe if he didn’t grow up soon because he got the ancient God Inheritance, just don’t say that this trivial millions of people are now, even if they’re many more people, he can’t even do it!

  Ancient Immortal Cultivator, which is not strong?

  Ancient Era, Immortal Force, a lot of people come down here to have a very high realm.

  But even so, Ancient Immortal Cultivator died and even broke Inheritance in order to fight the ancient gods.

  The power of the ancient God, simply, is unbelievable!

  No wonder the emperor will come and if Zhao Fang grows up, then it can be said that simply has no Devil Race’s way of life!

  After all, a human Race with complete Divine Spark, alone, is enough to deter the whole Immortal World!

  No wonder that Zhao Fang realm looks at it is not very high, but biased, but always defeated the enemy that Strength powerful countless! Inheritance, complete Divine Spark!

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