A bunch of Devil Race Powerhouse is terrified.

  But at the same time, it was fortunate.

  Well, at least now this Zhao Fang is trapped in Danger Zone!

  In Danger Zone, it can be said that Zhao Fang is dead!

  So, it’s even David Race to clear a huge threat!

  If Zhao Fang were to grow up, it would certainly be Devil Race’s disaster!

  “Your Majesty, this King wishes to guard Vanguard for His Majesty Zhao Fang!”

  Suddenly, by the Emperor, a Demon King Starto talk.

  The Demon King was very dissatisfied that they didn’t catch Zhao Fang for so long.

  Now, what’s this Zhao Fang got in Divine Spark?

  He doesn’t believe it, even if Zhao Fang is the ancient god, he wants God Slayer!


  Devil King looked at that demon King.

  “Do not be hostile, since Imperial Teacher presumes that this Zhao Fang possesses the ancient Divine Spark, and that it is not that easy to deal with!” And Imperial Teacher comes out here and says, “The Nine Ghost King, this war is not so good. This Zhao Fang, since he has complete Divine Spark, may have the means to control Divine Strength, even the Divine Ability of Ancient God, is afraid of dying without doubt!


  “Imperial Teacher This is what? Didn’t I think I’d die in Zhao Fang’s hands?”

  Nine Ghost King’s unsatisfactory look at Imperial Teacher.

  Imperial Teacher lightly smiled with a mirror of Magical Treasure.

  “If you want to be Vanguard, I’ll lend you this mirror for a while, if it’s not good, don’t love war!”

  “This is the Unseen? Imperial Teacher, do you have to lend this baby to me?”

  Nine ghosts, the face of the king is slight.

  Devil Race Imperial Teacher, not only possesses the dominance, but also the same time has a number of highly powerful Magical Treasure.

  And among them is the knowledge of this unseen.

  But everyone who knows Devil Race Imperial Teacher knows that this is the unseen, but Devil Race Imperial Teacher’s baby, not to borrow it from others, even if it’s to show you how hard it is.

  And the universe, the special function of which is well known, lies in the absolute resurrection!


  was said that the universe had come out of the former Oriental family of Tool Refiner, who was extremely good at space secret technique, and thus had a special secret technique in the universe!

  Once the Unseen is activated, it will be possible to send people away at a time when the target is struck by death!

  Of course, it’s not a big deal. It’s a lot more than a baby who can send people away!

  Most importantly, this universe can bring Master back if it’s already Death!

  And, in other places, resurrect!

  Which means that, as long as they have the unseen, they almost amount to no death!


  long as the unseen Immortal is concerned, Master will never worry about Death. After all, even if he chose his own self self-destruct, the soul Fleshy Body is completely destroyed, but it will be reborn with special Secret Art!

  So treasure, it’s not surprising that Devil Race Imperial Teacher would be so valued.

  At this point, the Nine Ghost King saw Imperial Teacher take out the unseen and shocked in his heart.

  And at the same time, I also believe Imperial Teacher said, “Imperial Teacher, there’s no way to deal with it!” Imperial Teacher, there’s no doubt that the King will definitely take that Zhao Fang, huh, there’s an astronomy in hand. The King is Body of Undying, and if that Zhao Fang really has a special means, the King will take it even if he fears self-destructuct, even if he does.

  ”Imperial Teacher Micronod, but turned around and said to the Devil Emperor,“ Your Majesty, since the Nine Ghost King is requested, let His Majesty the Nine Ghost King go, at the same time, and requested His Majesty to temporarily redeploy 18 Demon God to the Nine Ghost King, together with Zhao Fang.


  “What? Eighteen Demon God? Is Imperial Teacher too cautious?”

  “Eighteen Demon God’s guards are not human, but the Ancient period is the eighteen special puppet in my Devil Race. It is said that the eighteen Demon God’s guards, but the puppet, Strength, who demon God built himself, is hard to imagine!”

  “Don’t say 18 Demon God guards, even if one or two of them go, there’s a horror Strength Ah!” That’s not enough. Eighteen Demon God guards are said to be working together to build a special Divine Array! That was Killing Array, which was specifically prepared for the true ancient gods, and Demon God had killed at least a dozen Ancient gods on the basis of this eighteen Demon God.


  “Why would Imperial Teacher let His Majesty send 18 Demon God at the same time?”


  A bunch of Devil Race is not lost. After all, they were really shocked by Imperial Teacher’s decision!

  Eighteen Demon God’s Guard, and the Unseen!

  Imperial Teacher, this is simply using all the power!

  Zhao Fang Strength, they won’t doubt that millions of people have not killed their families for months, and now even the Emperor’s family is in trouble, and even Imperial Teacher already takes out what’s under the pressure box, which is questionable!

  But people just don’t think about it. Can’t you imagine a Zhao Fang, let him strengthen up with Strength?

  Not to say anything else, even if it was the Eighteen Magic, any one who feared to have the Strength of Zhao Fang?


  really good to be excited about a human Race.

  Isn’t that making human race laugh for the Immortal World?

  But for Imperial Teacher’s inference, no one dares to question the decision of the Devil King.

  And indeed, at this time, neither human Race nor other Race, no attention is being paid to Devil Race.

  After all, Devil Race is a big move. It’s hard to ignore!


  emperor is here, and that’s what can it be hidden!

  Zhao Fang didn’t know about Outer World, but he knew clearly that he was now in Danger Zone.

  In this Danger Zone, Zhao Fang impossible is counting on anyone who can help him, be able to survive, be on his own!

  After all, Danger Zone is situated in the abdomen of Devil Race, even if human race has a heart rescue, it’s not even a chance!

If you

  want to break down the Devil Race Army in surroundings, then human Race will need at least millions of troops!

  If it were true that millions of troops would appear in the edge of Danger Zone, only Devil Race would have been destroyed!

  So now Zhao Fang is on his own!

  In part of the day, Zhao Fang basically stopped a moment and never stopped breathing the Divine Strength of surroundings, and he also led those Berserk Divine Strength!

  Don’t be easy to lead Berserk Divine Strength.

  In fact, it’s Zhao Fang, and if it’s a replacement, it’s only afraid that when it comes to Berserk Divine Strength, it’s Berserk Divine Strength swallow!

  But even Zhao Fang, actually wants to do this, it’s not a simple thing, even a couple of times it almost met Crisis!

  And that’s the kind of life, Crisis! Guided Berserk Divine Strength, it is necessary to slow down the Berserk Divine Strength group to the designated position with its own Divine Strength, which could be described as a great consumption for Zhao Fang, especially for the heart of God.

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