After all, Zhao Fang, in the course of his guidance, is not allowed to be relentless!

  Then Berserk Divine Strength, a little bit of a disregard, maybe Zhao Fang swallow immediately!

  One of the most dangerous times, just Zhao Fang slight his own Divine Strength a little weaker, and Berserk Divine Strength came here instantly!

  If it wasn’t Zhao Fang for a moment to escape, he would be seriously injured if he was not dead!

  Of course, if it was seriously injured here, then there was no difference between death and death.

  After all, no one knows when Devil Race will find him, attack him!

  Devil Race, never let go of him.

  … Of Danger Zone’s support, Zhao Fang was there, and if he had the chance, he would have mobilized Berserk Divine Strength of surroundings, and Zhao Fang was meant to build a Great Array, but Zhao Fang was also clear that he didn’t mean that he built Great Array, so the enemy would have.

  walright into a trap.

  So he has to make a lot of preparations.

  So, in fact, in addition to that protagonist, Zhao Fang has placed a small group in many places, and more, just to bring Berserk Divine Strength to the right place, so that it can be used in fighting!

  On that day, Zhao Fang moved Berserk Divine Strength of surroundings as usual.

  He’s got a Berserk Divine Strength on his wing, and it’s another Berserk Divine Strength.

  These two groups, Berserk Divine Strength, are a small trap set by Zhao Fang. Because the two groups of Berserk Divine Strength’s location is close and so between them is an unstable situation of one kind extremely, and if they are enemies, Zhao Fang’s only need to inject a trace Divine Strength is capable of letting the two groups Berserk Divine Strength die instantly.

  Power can imagine!

  Like this, in Danger Zone, Zhao Fang has a lot in place, and after all, it’s the smallest for Zhao Fang!

  When Zhao Fang was finished, his eyes were shining, because he saw a huge Divine Strength!

  In this surroundings already filled with countless Berserk Divine Strength, there’s a stable Divine Strength, and Zhao Fang has some mistrust, but Zhao Fang’s gone now!

  Look carefully, Zhao Fang has determined that this group Divine Strength can absorb, so naturally not hesitate.

  Heart Thought, Divine Spark in small world was swimming fast.

  And at the same time, that group of Divine Strength became a thin silk general, and Chang was Zhao Fang absorb.

  Between Divine Spark’s rapid rotation, into Zhao Fang in the body’s Divine Strength, fast-placed on Planet.

  Zhao Fang has no time, and Ability has not been able to distinguish the attribute of these Divine Strength, and naturally there is no way to achieve complete control.

  But Zhao Fang doesn’t care, but the more he’s in the body’s Planet is, even if it’s not enough, it’s not enough.

  Whatever attribute is, different Divine Strength Corps, big distribution on different Planet.

  So, naturally, we can avoid the Divine Strength conflict!

  When you need to use it, let it go through Divine Spark!

  Of course, Zhao Fang at the same time is also letting Divine Spark Chang switch those Divine Strength!

  Turn those Divine Strength into his own power!

  At this point, the stars that were brought together by Divine Strength have become brighter and more significant.

  This is Zhao Fang’s source, and this is Zhao Fang’s capital!

  Divine Strength, into Zhao Fang in the body, is divided into two types, and one kind of already has been converted into part of his own strength, and Divine Strength, which can be mobilized at any time!

  The other part, however, has not yet been converted and has been dispersed by Zhao Fang on various Planet.

  When you need it, you move directly together!

  But even so, there is nothing to prevent Zhao Fang Strength from escalating terror!

  This Danger Zone, for Zhao Fang, is no different than heaven’s general existence!

  Here, Zhao Fang upgraded Strength speed, definitely countless times the Outer World.

  chang’s absorb, making that Divine Strength smaller and smaller.

  At this point, however, Zhao Fang came back, almost half of a hesitation, and left the place immediately!


  A big noise!

  There’s no sign that the attack suddenly came!

  Zhao Fang looked at the past and saw a man in black armor standing there!

  But look carefully, Zhao Fang found out that he had no life aura!


  But how can puppet unleash the power of this kind of terror!

  Where Zhao Fang just stood, a giant pit that reached a depth of several hundred meters already appeared!

  This puppet, definitely not simple!

  However, Zhao Fang is not waiting for thought.

  Suddenly, the system’s early warning was ringing again, and Zhao Fang didn’t even have half the time to hesitate, but only one of the Divine Strength’s instincts!


  It’s also a big noise, but it’s next to Zhao Fang, a black puppet, and moved towards the back!

  These puppet are what’s going on, why, they’re not even aware of it!

  They look like they’ve been there all the time!

  But Zhao Fang is well aware that once he was leading those Berserk Divine Strength, this area had been explored with clarity and no one at all!

  “Strength is tough, and I didn’t think that you could hide like sneak attack, but, uh, how many times do you think you could hide?”

  Suddenly, a voice rings.

  That sounds like it’s right next to Zhao Fang, and it’s like it’s out of Zhao Fang million li!

  Sound Transmission Technique?

  Zhao Fang eyebrows slightly frowned.

  He knew that he was being stared, and that he didn’t want to and knew that another Devil Race Powerhouse came.

  Just don’t know what kind of Devil Race Powerhouse is!

  Is it the Emperor?

  Zhao Fang Gang God, he knows that the weird puppet attack like before, is just afraid to show up soon!

  But Zhao Fang didn’t expect that this time, it was not a puppet, but eight puppet men attacked by the same time moved towards Zhao Fang with eight points!

  The Eighth!

  Almost sealed Zhao Fang, all the tracks that could be avoided!


  Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate to sacrifice a Divine Strength to form a defensive shield directly on his own!


  Big noise at the same time!

  And at the same time, eight black nails puppet already appeared!

  But this time, when these eight puppet hits, they disappear again!

  Zhao Fang could not find the eight puppet positions, regardless of the means used.

  Even using the system, the result is Unknown!

  Law of Space Power?

  No, it’s not just pure law of space power!

  If it’s just a pure law of space power, then at least Zhao Fang can find his place!

  But now, all attacks are no sign, and Zhao Fang can’t locate enemy positions at all!

  That proves that these puppet, definitely have special means!


  Soon, it’s another explosion! A puppet showed up, a probationary move towards Zhao Fang attacked once!

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