Chapter 399 calls Demon Scripture!


Mo Dao and Mo Zong two people look at each other, in the eyes are cold and cold inkill diffuse, my glimpse, they suddenly burst, the whole person turned into two black light, attacked Zhao Fang.

They have already seen that Zhao Fang is the key figure in this blockade.

As long as this person is killed, the dilemma, naturally resolve!

of course.

The reason why they dare to do this is entirely based on the premise that Zhao Fang did not breakthrough to Martial Saint.

They don’t believe that the Mantial Ancestor junior, which is less than half a year, can be connected to the Martial Saint Realm, which is a two-stage, promote to Transcend the Mortal to become Saint.

To know.

Even if they stayed at Martial Emperor Peak for about a decade, they used Secret Art and promoted to Martial Saint.

This speed is already quite fast.

As for the half a year, even Martial Venerable, Martial Emperor, not to mention that they have never seen it, even in Clan’s ancient ancient book, has never been recorded!

“brat, accept death!”

Both people have cockroaches on their faces.

“It’s no wonder that I dared to kill me, and even both went through to Martial Saint, and you actually reached 2-Star Martial Saint.”

Zhao Fang in the eyes is a touch of surprise.


The words of Zhao Fang made the two people extremely shocked.

However, I did not expect that Zhao Fang actually saw their cultivation base at a glance.

This is obviously not in line with what you expected!


Zhao Fang’s expression is too calm, which makes the two people’s heart suddenly.

When hesitated, it was the life that stopped the figure and looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze.

“I’m guessing my cultivation base? Don’t guess, I tell you, um, it’s just a little higher than one of your strongest!”

“impossible!” Mo Dao doesn’t believe it.

I am already 2-Star Martial Saint, stronger than myself, isn’t it 3-Star Martial Saint?

But at the same time that his voice fell.


A majestic aura suddenly spread from Zhao Fang within the body.

Between all of a sudden, it rushed to Mo Dao Mo Zong two people.

“What! Three, 3-Star Martial Saint?!”

Two people in the eyes,ududly emerged infinite horror.

Looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze is even more like seeing an incredible existence, full of panic and shock!

“you you……”

The two people are incredible, but the silhouette is a quick retreat.

They mind a messy, “This, this ispossible! Six months ago, you, you are just Martial Ancestor, how can it be, in such a short Time, reach this one step! I do not believe, must be fake!”

The words of two people make Chu Cang 皓, Old Shun and others complexion slightly changed.

Even Mu Chunying, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, is a deep trace of a trace.

“Since it is fake, what do you two people run? Originally, I thought, waiting for you to come, Young Master sent you a sword, but did not expect that you are running very fast!”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly.

It is at this time.

Hundreds of people appeared in Zhao Fang behind, and looked indifferently toward Mo Dao.

Originally two people on the pale complexion, after feeling the aura of hundreds of people emits, the whole person, suddenly became horrified.

“More than 300 Martial Saint?!”

Just now.

The two people are still figuring out, sacrifice one person to kill Zhao Fang.

But the appearance of more than 300 Martial Saints was the annihilation of the last a trace of the two people.


Every Martial Saint inside, emits out aura that is stronger than them.

Two people in the eyes, at the same time, and desperate!

“Even if you die! Let them pay a heavy price!”

But two people, Demon Dao, who is very ruthless, or else, will not swallow Spirit beast blood essence, swallow Martial Artist blood essence.

“Today, it’s my Mo Clan disaster, you quickly go, leaving the last seed for my Mo Clan!”

The two people rushed underneath, and the clansman whose expression was frightened.

Same as Time.

Two people are clasped with each other, expression is solemn, mouthful of magical spells, an unspeakable aura, pervasive from two people within the body.

“I’ll go, is this awkward to stir up the base? Also damn in front of so many people, you two, are there any shame Ah!”

Zhao Fang is angry.

“… 汹汹 汹汹 汹汹 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

At this point, the two people have eyes at the same time, shouted: “call the magic!”

At the moment of the export of this discourse, a path of a spider-like crack appeared on the body of the two people.

Two people complexion Hey, dying to withstand the pain caused by the demon.

“What is this, isn’t it like 7-Star Sword Array?”

Zhao Zhengfeng takes a deep breath, he feels that the rich Demon Qi, which has spread from the two people, has suppressed his with the body True Force, and has a feeling of running poorly.

“Call Demon Scripture!”

Old Shun blinked, slowly said.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Old Shun was slightly addicted, saying: “Mo Clan, a descendant of Ancient Devil Race, is exactly the Demon Slave of Ancient Devil Race, the Clan Protecting secret technique of Inheritance in the family. For ‘Demon Scripture’, after the blood sacrifice Fleshy Body blood essence, you can summon True Demon several times stronger than your own Strength!”

“True Demon?” Zhao Fang startled.

“You have seen it.” Old Shun meant something.

“Tu Sen?” Zhao Fang looked cold.

Old Shun ordered nod.

The two people have a brainless conversation, and let others have a strange feeling.

But I also heard it.

True Demon from summon, very powerful!

“Do you want to stop?” Zhao Yun asked softly.

“It’s fine, I have to look at it, two Martial Saints, can summon a strong True Demon.”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

At the time of his speech.

The cracks on the Mo Zong Mo Dao two people body are getting more and more, and the wounds are more and more sloppy, like a strip of centipede, covering every corner of their body.

Even Mo Clan clansman sees this scene, but also panic-stricken.

When the crack cracked, reaching the limit, the sound of ‘嘭’, two people body at the same time burst, turned into a group of rich flesh and blood.

But the flesh and blood did not dissipate, but suspended from the air, and the decomposition of the constant decomposition, and finally, the two groups of different flesh and blood, actually merge into one.

What is even more bizarre is that after the fusion of flesh and blood, it began to distort and faintly transforms into human form.

This scene, I was shocked by Mo Clan’s not young girl clansman.

Even Nan Gongling, when he saw this scene, was also a charming face, no blood.


Zhao Fang took Zhao Fang in his arms and said warmly.


The flesh and blood are more distorted, and even the reddish Blood Mist is pervasive.

Under the attention of everyone, among the reddish Blood Mist, there is a huge silhouette of hidden lines.

At the moment when the silhouette appeared, a voice full of destruction and destruction came out from it, “ha ha, my Ancient Demon Bei Luo, finally came out!”

When the sound appeared, even Zhao Fang was a complexion big change!

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