Chapter 400 Ancient Demon Bei Luo!

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Everyone has a look.

But seeing that there is a huge and fuzzy silhouette in the blood, it is distorted from the flesh and blood.

At the time of its appearance, there was a smashing Heavenly Demon that smashed the sky and poured out from it.

“ha ha, my Ancient Demon Bei Luo, finally came out!”

In that voice, a trace of the desire and excitement of Outer World.

But more, it is a bloody rain.

It seems that this magic is out, the world is not normal.

After the appearance of Ancient Demon named ‘Bei Luo’, Blood Mist did not dissipate, but became more and more intense.

The original ‘Bei Luo”s fuzzy silhouette, under the reflection of Blood Mist, is even more blurred!

But it is at this time.

Zhao Fang Hidden Bei Luo opened his mouth wide and seemed to form a whirlpool in his mouth. On the occasion of the swallow, the Rolling Mist was swallowed by Bei Luo.


Bei Luo has a huge silhouette of three feet, which is also present in front of everyone.

“Who is this Demon summon?”

Bei Luo gaze at Mo Clan clansman.

Anyone who was seen by Mo Clan clansman was shocked by the heart.

“damn, even this this Demon did not answer, what do you want to use?”

Bei Luo coldly snorted, the thick arm fluttered freely, Mo Clan clansman had a big flight, and he swallowed it under the big mouth of Bei Luo.

As these Mo Clan clansman were swallowed, Bei Luo within the body, but the sound of the word ‘嘭嘭’.

That sound is exactly the same as the sound from the Martial Artist self-destruct.

But with the spread of this voice, Bei Luo was not hurt, but its magic body was more solid, and there is a tendency to continue to expand.

Bei Luo sneered at the moment, grabbed the remaining Mo Clan clansman directly, and in their panic and screams, stuffed into the entrance.

After swallowing these people, Bei Luo’s body swelled to five feet, and its aura reached the amazing Martial Saint peak level!

Zhao Fang shines in the eye: “Amazing magic!”

He clearly remembers that as soon as this Bei Luo appeared, the cultivation base was only the level of 8-Star Martial Saint, but after swallow Mo Clan clansman, his cultivation base actually followed the skyrocketing and reached the Peak Martial Saint!

“If you let him swallow this way, can you break through Martial God?”

Zhao Fang looked at the old Shun.

Old Shun shook his head: “This Legend of Strength, the reason why Upgrade is so fast, is because of Mo Clan. They are Demon Slave, which is the food of Ancient Demon, so it will be so effective. Average person, there is no such Ability. Unless it is Imperial Clan Ancient Demon !”

In the words of Old Shun, let Zhao Fang think of Tu Sen.

After Tu Sen got out of trouble on the same day, he swallowed four billion absolutes of life, and the aura skyrocketed and terrifying to the extreme.

It is now echoing.

Tu Sen can accommodate so many creatures, fearing that Common Ancient Demon can compare.


The conversation between the two people quickly caught the attention of Ancient Demon Bei Luo. He turned slowly and his eyes fell on Zhao Fang and others. “I didn’t expect this abandoned land, there are people who know me so much about the Ancient Demon!”

In its turn of all of a sudden.

Zhao Fang and others are also clearly seeing the face of this demon.

The dark body of the ink, the muscles of the block, and the cold lines filled with the body, at first glance, give a kind of strong impact.

But for Zhao Fang who has seen Tu Sen’s true content, this magic did not make him too surprised.

The only thing that surprised him was the top of the devil, the two quest-like expositions.

“Niu horn? At this time Ancient Demon is still an ancient demon?” Zhao Fang complexion is weird.

“A lot of delicious food!”

Ancient Demon Bei Luo Seeing Zhao Fang and others, especially when I saw more than 300 Martial Saints standing by Zhao Fang behind, in the eyes was a cold light with a cold bloodthirsty blood. The words in the mouth made it even more People have a sense of heartbeat!

“You seem, you haven’t figured out the situation yet.” Zhao Fang shook his head with a laugh.

“én? human monkey, what do you say?” Ancient Demon Bei Luo coldly looks at Zhao Fang, “It seems that Demon Slave will bring this Demon summon out to deal with you.”

“Human monkey?” Zhao Fang’s eyes were cold when he heard the words of contempt and contempt. “With your variety of Demon hybrids, what is the qualification, say this?”

Ancient Demon Bei Luo slightly startled, but quickly reacted, the face was filled with chilly baleful qi, “Do you dare to insult this Demon?”

“The door is great.”

Zhao Fang sneered, but directed at Soaring Dragon Legion shouted: “Come, shout together: Demon cross!”

“Demon Hybrid!”

When the tens of thousands of thunderous sounds of Soaring Dragon Legion rang through the sky, Bei Luo was almost mad.

He is indeed a Demon cross.

This is also the case, in the Devil Race, he was ridiculed.

This is almost a Taboo area in the heart of Bei Luo.

Who touches, who will die!

Especially as he is constantly upgraded, powerful, and put people who have fallen over him, one after one killed.

No one will ever dare to mention this word in front of him.

However, Zhao Fang’s words, and the snoring of the peaceful and earth, reminded him of the sad, helpless and humiliating past, under the anger, pointing to Zhao Fang, shouted: “this Demon wants Kill you!”

Zhao Fang still sneered, “Zilong, he gave it to you!”


Zhao Yun micros hands clasped together politely, stepping out, at Ancient Demon reaching for Zhao Fang at the same time, in the eyes cold light, and Dragon Courage Spear flashing, slamming down.


Bei Luo stretched out to Zhao Fang’s arm and burst into it, turning it into a powerful Blood Mist.

“What!” Bei Luo expression was shocked. He felt the thick Death Crisis at the moment of Zhao Yun take action.

“Martial God!how can it be !damned’s Demon Slave!” His eyes were condensed, but with the slightest hesitation, he was about to retire.

But his strength today, but Peak Martial Saint, how fast has passed through Maartial God Great Perfection’s Zhao Yun?

Almost at the moment he fled.

Zhao Yun’s Dragon Courage Spear, with a deadly cold light, stabbed his magic in Bei Luo’s horrified eyes.

Bang bang bang !

Bei Luo within the body, there is a rumbled sound.

But unlike the previous swallow, after the rumbled sound, Bei Luo cultivation base, not a rapid upgrade, but fell sharply, and even the vitality of the body began to dissipate.

“Zilong, let me come.”

Zhao Fang glanced at the blood trough on top of Bei Luo’s head and grinned, but grabbed God Slayer Spear and gave Bei Luo the most deadly record in the buzzing baleful qi!


Bei Luo body suddenly burst.


There is Bei Luo’s voice that is full of grievances. “Human monkey, I remember you, next time, this Demon will definitely kiss you!”

The words fall, the wind rises, and the Blood Mist is scattered.

All around An empty, where is the silhouette of Bei Luo!


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