Chapter 5, 3, you have to fight, then you can fight!

“Fuck! What the hell is this! Isn’t it weaker than the golden tiger King’s aura? Is this big snake a Darknorth Tribe Demon King?”

Zhao Fang was shocked.

Immediately, on the occasion of the chilling killing intent of the python in the eyes.

Zhao Fang is not shocked.

“It’s that what’s going on? Young Master doesn’t seem to provoke him, how can it show such a killing intent?”

Zhao Fang is astonished, the aura of the emits on this Giant Viper is too dangerous.

Moreover, this snake is not good.

“I said, it’s going to be against the Dark Zone of the Darknorth Tribe. How can it be no danger.”

Zhao Fang smiled, but did not escape.

Instead, standing in the same place, coldly at at constantly approaching Giant Viper.

In the eyes of the python cruel, a trace of surprise was revealed.

The speed of the python was very fast. After a while, it rushed to the front of the Zhao Fang.

“human ?”

The python’s eyes flashed in surprise, but in the eyes cold light, did not subtract much, “human, why do you have Daoist Gui’s aura, what is your relationship with this old turtle?”

I heard this.

Zhao Fang suddenly understood that there was a problem with the joint.

“damn, I wanted to help me to the Darknorth Core Region by the big ship of Daoist Gui, but I didn’t expect…”

With Zhao Fang’s eyesight, it can be seen that the python is the aura that traces Daoist Gui. “It is also Daoist Gui, and also Daoist Gui.”

“Hey. No matter what you have to do with the old turtle, today, it is difficult to escape death!”

Waiting for Zhao Fang to answer, the python coldly snorted, it is necessary to take action.


“What other words do you have?” The python coldly looks at Zhao Fang, especially when Sense arrives, and Zhao Fang’s Daoist Gui aura of emits, his eyes are more icy and tyrannical.

“You want to kill me, I have to let me know, it is dead in the hands of who.”

“Viper King. Under the seat of Long Kun Sir, Ten Great Demon King is ranked sixth.”

While speaking.

The cold eyes of the python swept to Zhao Fang. “Human, you are unfortunate, the person who has a relationship with the old turtle, this King will not let go.”

“You have something to do with the old turtle. Your whole family has something to do with the old turtle.”

Zhao Fang immediately shouted.


Python eyes gloomy, “act recklessly!”

When I was sneer, it was a sudden attack. The snake tail turned into an unbreakable spear, and with imperceptible oppression, quickly approached Zhao Fang.

“Tortoise Shell Shield !”

Zhao Fang gaze, Void Hand points in front of the body, green light flashes, a Tortoise Shell Shield in front of the transformation.

In the blink of an eye, Tortoise Shell Shield turned into a three-foot height, blocking Zhao Fang’s entire person.


The snake tail is in contact with the Tortoise Shell Shield.

At the moment of powerful venting, the sound of rumbled was heard from the sea, and the wall of the hundred zhang (333m) appeared on the surface of the water. Latest fastest update

Tortoise Shell Shield blocked the blow, but it was also backed up by two steps.

Zhao Fang, expressionless, connected to the Tortoise Shell Shield, is also a few steps back, and the complexion is slightly pale.

“Tortoise Shell Shield?”

Seeing this shield, the killing intent of the python in the eyes is even stronger.

“Sure enough, you have an extraordinary relationship with the old turtle, he even gave this shield to you!”

蝰both eyes squirting, in the eyes killing intent rich, adding a bit of cruel color.

“You have to fight and fight, there are so many nonsense!”

Zhao Fang is cold, he is not a person who likes to pick things up.

However, since the trouble is to find the door, it is impossible to solve the trouble.


Zhao Fang was greeted by Golden Tiger King for several days, and she was ready to go.


He wants to vent!

“Just by your trivial Martial Void Realm human, what is the qualification, and this King is yelling?”

Devil Viper King eye reveals Fierce light, like being irritated, with a cold killing intent.

“A beast is nothing more.”

Zhao Fang only said a word of this simple, but it was almost maddening by Devil Viper King.

“brat, this King wants to swallow you up!”

With a scream, Devil Viper King emits cruel killing intent and heads straight to Zhao Fang.


It is tens of thousands of miles away from Zhao Fang.

There is a Great Array of Eyes of the North.

Endless sorrow, caught by Array, gathered here.

This place is like a ghost.

Among the sneaks, a young girl walks on foot, and the Vicious Beast killing that appears from time to time in the sneaky, and sometimes moves forward, as if it is experience, but also like cultivation.

“You, when will you come.”

Young girl After wiping a vicious Beast, turned and looked at behind, in the eyes full of anticipation.

Suddenly, she gazed and looked at the north of the Netherworld Land.


It is the vast Northern Deep Sea.

“The very powerful Fluctuation is not weaker than Sea Shark Demon King.”

The moment that the young girl perceives.

A light breeze swept past, and there was a black robes silhouette beside him.

Upon seeing the all of a sudden of the black robe silhouette, the young girl quickly bowed and said: “disciple Scarlet Pupil, I have seen the Master!”

Black man faintly smiled, looking at Scarlet Pupil, full of love.

For this discipline.

He is still very satisfied.

Not only is the Ancient Witch Clan bloodline, but also the natural talent in all aspects, it is also in the rank of Peak.

Just over a month, from the Martial Saint breakthrough Martial God Late Stage.


Some of them are due to the treasures of Heaven and Earth.

But it is undeniable that this female natural talent is extraordinary.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to have such a big leap forward.

This made the original interest only, and he took this woman as the door.

Today, Scarlet Pupil is full of expectations and even high hopes.

“I don’t know, after ten years, where can you grow to one step, if you can wake up Ancient Witch Clan’s Inheritance…”

The black robe old man glanced at Scarlet Pupil, his expression was calm, but his heart was hidden by a trace of heat.

But on the face, there is no fluctuation, and plainly said: “Are you aware of it?”

“Well, aura is not weaker than Sea Shark Demon King, there is a human?”

Later, he was somewhat uncertain.

“It’s a python.”

See young girl looking at himself, black robe old man light said with a laugh, “Devil Viper King, ranking sixth.”

“A lower ranking than Sea Shark Demon King.” Young girl speaks to herself.

“The ranking does not represent the true Strength. The cruel of the python is enough to top the Top 3. Of course, the sea shark is not weak.”

Paused , black robe old man said with a light smile :

“Little girl, do you want to know, python’s opponent is who?”

“I have nothing to do with me.”

Scarlet Pupil shook his head, but no longer talked to the land of the Netherworld Land abyss.

That emits is full of Black Mist’s Netherworld Land, like a ghostly open mouth, I don’t know how many creatures Vicious Beast swallows.

But Scarlet Pupil knows.

This is a black robe old man a treat transformation.

This treasure, extremely strange, can set the opponent according to the intruder Strength level.

For example, Scarlet Pupil at the moment, her cultivation base, is 8-Star Martial God.

The opponents that appear will not be higher than Martial God Great Perfection.

Scarlet Pupil is able to climb a step in a month.

It’s inseparable from the life and death that is not intermittent here.

“It has something to do with you, you will be interested.”

Just as Scarlet Pupil walked into Netherworld Land, the black robe old man suddenly laughed.

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