The 504th chapter tens of thousands of slaughter python!

Pēng pēng pēng !

The dull rumbled sound, constantly echoed from the Northern Deep Sea.

The sea is roaring, the countless waves are surging, and the momentum is horrible.

Xin loses.

It is the sea at the moment.

If it is the ground.

It is estimated that the powerful fluctuation that has been spread above is already broken through.

“ha ha ,human ,this King can still block!”

Devil Viper King laughed and madly attacked Zhao Fang.

Its fierce whip tail, but also a single blow to Zhao Fang shocked out of the number of hundred zhang (333m).

Zhao Fang’s tolerance seems to reach the limit, and the pale face is spits out of the blood.

“ha ha…you are dead!”

Devil Viper King eye reveals Scarlet rays of light, laughing, going straight back to Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang expressionless, cornerer of the mouth reveals a trace sarcasm, “I thought that you are one of Ten Great Demon King, what awesome skill, now it seems, but it is, even a tortoise shell, Can’t break.”

Zhao Fang’s ridicule, like a sharp knife, pokes into Devil Viper King’s heart.

Its complexion has suddenly changed.

“human ,you court death !”

“I can’t beat the old turtle, but come to me, this is the so-called Devil Viper King, but that’s it!”

“To shut up!”

“But it is normal to think about it. Bullying is hard, not only the fault of human, but also the commonality of all living beings. You are no exception!”

“Shut up, shut up!”

Devil Viper King in the eyes Scarlet color is even more angry, and its accumulated anger seems to climb to the Peak. Latest fastest update

“Do you know what the weak are like? Look at yourself, you will know!”

“You actually said that this King is weak? You are an ordinary Martial Void Realm human, what is the qualification!”

Devil Viper King 唳 之 , , fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human human What I said just now!”

“Yes? But unfortunately, you don’t have this qualification!”

I don’t know why, after hearing this, Devil Viper King suddenly gave birth to a trace.

“Slaughter Qi !”

With the voice of Zhao Fang falling.

Tens of thousands of Sword Qi, which contain a rich aura, appeared on the side of Devil Viper King and completely surrounded it.

“This is ?”

Devil Viper King looks at him.

With its Hundred Tribulations Realm cultivation base, you can naturally feel the out of the ordinary of Slaughter Qi.

Each of these has a Strength that threatens Martial God.

Alone, for it, it doesn’t matter at all, it can be broken by wave.

But tens of thousands of…

Even Devil Viper King can’t help but numb at the moment.

“damned, this human weird cultivation of this weird means. Also, he just immediately irritated me, is it just to not cause my attention, so secretly lay down these killing aura?”

Devil Viper King’s gaze, the original contempt for Zhao Fang, has greatly changed during the emergence of these killing aura.

“This child has a deep heart and a relationship with the old turtle. You must not let it go!”

Think of this section, it is in the eyes killing intent.

“Human, you really did not expect this Demon King. But do you think that with these means, can you really kill this Demon King?”

“Can you do it, try not to know.”

All of a sudden in this voice.

The tens of thousands of killing .aura suspended on the side of Devil Viper King, slammed, and silently killed Devil Viper King.


Devil Viper King grand Demon King, from not willingly being shackled, on the occasion of the shackles, the scales flew out and turned into a scale shield to protect the body.


A path of black hole wind blade is sprayed in the mouth, and I want to disperse Slaughter Qi.

But it still underestimated Slaughter Qi.

Immemorial Blood Spirit Dragon’s natural talent Divine Ability is so easy to resist.

All of a sudden in the presence.

Tens of thousands of Slaughter Qi,simultaneously burst.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

For example, a thunderous explosion echoed over the Northern Deep Sea.

Devil Viper King’s area is covered by the endless powerful Sword Qi, which is the spur of the Sword Qi, even tearing Void a crack of a few feet.

Áo Áo ~~

Within the coverage of Sword Qi, the screams of Devil Viper King were heard.

In the voice, there is a deep sorrowful poison, which seems to be similar to Zhao Fang irreconcilable until death.

“human , this King wants to live you!”

“It seems that you can do the same.”

Zhao Fang sneered, but his heart was a sigh.

Tens of thousands of Slaughter Qi, still too weak, actually did not hit killed Devil Viper King.

But think about it.

However, it can be understood that Devil Viper King is not inferior to Golden Tiger King powerful existence.

In particular, the scales generated by its body surface, although on Defense Power, are better than Tortoise Shell Shield.

But there is also an extremely powerful Defense Power.

The explosion of Sword Qi lasted for a while.

After Sword Qi fluctuation dissipated.

Devil Viper King’s huge body is also exposed in front of Zhao Fang.

Originally strong and powerful, full of dangerous aura snake body.

At the moment, it is bloody and fuzzy, and there is no good meat.

There is also large area large area of ​​blood, sprayed from Devil Viper King within the body, falling into the Northern Deep Sea.

The powerful aura of contain in blood attracts many sea beasts, regardless of life and death.

And Devil Viper King, in the tens of thousands of Slaughter Qi’s self-destruct, although lucky enough to save a small life.

But also aura is wilting, apparently subject to heavy injury.

“human !”

Devil Viper King stares at Zhao Fang, scarlet eyes swallow ice-cold light.

“Is there any strength to threaten me? Or let you killed!”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth sneer.

The palm of the hand, Blade Horn War Symbol appeared.

Looking at the Blade Horn War Symbol, Zhao Fang in the eyes, I was a little sad, and my heart sighed: “The means of life is still too little!”

If this is the case, let other Martial Void Realm Powerhouse hear it, and be sure to be ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Common Martial Void Realm, met Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse, there is no suspense in the end, it is definitely dead.

Zhao Fang not only did not die, but also the Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage’s python healthy injury, but still dissatisfied.


Devil Viper King looks at the Blade Horn War Symbol, which feels like the Extremely powerful force in the Spirit Talisman.

If you are the winner, this power, it is not in the eyes.

But nowadays, serious injuries are dying.

This force can be the last straw to overwhelm it.


Devil Viper King eye reveals is unwilling, but I also know.

After being calculated by Zhao Fang, he has already gone.

“Don’t want to escape, you can’t escape.”

Zhao Fang figure flashed, but it appeared in Devil Viper King behind.

“Blade Horn Tiger King, give it to me!”

Just as Zhao Fang was about to crush the Blade Horn War Symbol, he suddenly found out that a powerful heaven and a mighty person couldn’t move.


A faint sigh rang, “little friend, you are angry too much, it is better to give this Venerable a thin face, let it be a horse, how?”

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